

  • www.bettycrocker.com is has a lot of gluten free recipes. Today is my first day going full gluten free.
  • Welcome this is a great site to belong to. I have been here for awhile trying myself to get back on track, been away for awhile.
    in Hi All Comment by Timothy2000 May 2010
  • what is the name of the product
  • Bullies, I have not been to the gym enough to have developed any real pet peeves. I have been going to the Y for about a week, this was several years ago. Well I walked into the weight room and already pretty intimidated I walk over to a bench. There was nobody even in the room at that time, so I began with my workout.…
  • I have lost 17 in the past month and a half, I think most of it was water weight though
  • Well said and I do remember those days running with boots on in full camo in the blistering sun of the desert at the hottest time of the day and for some reason I miss it. Although I did not have to worry about getting shot at, the worst I had to worry about is a freaking scorpion or sand spider.
  • I always workout before eating breakfast.
  • I also do change my mind a lot I have been in school for the past four years because I can not make my mind up what I would like to do, Makes me feel like a failure when I see people 6 or 7 years younger than me already finished with school.
  • I was just recently diagnosed with add, I am now on Adderall and Wellbutrin. The only thing with me is I was not hyper active. I was always very quiet and shy but still could not focus I was always day dreaming. which even to this day I do. I have a very hard time with organization, I am very forgetful. I tend to leave…
  • congrats on quitting I am in day six of not smoking, I was in a car tonight with my brother and cousin and they were smoking and the smell just made me sick.
  • I am not sure if there are any groups but you can start one. I am diabetic myself although not resistant to insulin. I did notice that you were from Kansas. I am from Wichita it is nice to see somebody else from here on this site.
  • Look for whole grains, anything sugar free, fruits, lots of veggies, lean meats, beans, drink lots of water and follow portion sizes and you should be good to go.
  • You should be at least eating 1200 anything under is not healthy, 1800 is to maintain so minus 500 that is 1300 to lose a pound a week, there are other factors that go into it as well. I do not know the whole science behind it, and I doubt anyone fully knows. What I do know is that from exercise and eating right I have…
  • Every time I measure out 2 0z of pasta when I cook it it ends up being a lot, Same with rice
  • I just bought one from wally world. we should go run together sometime
  • I felt the same way today. I had to work this morning and woke up late this morning so I did not have time for breakfast. So I stopped for breakfast, Well I did not have time to take a lunch as we got so busy. So guess what. Now the bad thing is I made last night my cheat night. Pretty much the only thing I can do is get…
  • I too find it very hard to eat all my calories for the day, Little things add up to such as strawberry preserves, salad dressing, dijon mustard, honey. I eat three regulars meals with two snacks that is it. If I am not hungry I am not going to try and force myself to eat a lore more calories than I need to as long as I at…
  • Welcome, for some of us our motivation does not happen till we hear the bad news from the doc for me it was being diagnosed with diabetes. I did a total turn around with it. Good luck to you
  • Most of my coworkers are like that, they can eat whatever they want do whatever they want, smoke, drink, party it up. sometimes it pisses me off, but I do think about what there life will be like in the future compared to mine. You just have to hang in there. Oh by the way you are absolutely gorgeous, do not ever let…
  • When I am putting my dijon mustard on my sandwich or salad dressing on my salad I do not log those calories. I mean there only five calories for a tablespoon. I also do that with my sugar free syrup for my oatmeal.
  • You can try soy milk or almond milk, I have never tried almond milk, but I love soy milk.
  • Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • I plan on doing the same thing, still need to get rid of all my ashtrays and lighters, where did you get your smoking ticker at.
  • I called my nurse first thing and she said that on average it could be from 6 to 8 pounds of water weight.
  • Thats how I was when I took that drag and it was a light at that. I am on day four and feeling great. I have no really had any urge to smoke I still need to find the motivation to clean though. The only bad thing with eating right and cooking everything is I find it hard to keep up on dishes.
  • I was worried I did not want to start eating everything in site lol,
  • No Problem I have been searching for a long time for a good route planner, This will help me keep from getting bored running the same routes over and over again.
  • If something sounds too good to be true then it probably is.
  • Mine was pringles luckily it was a small can and not a big one, but still that small can had nearly 400 calories in it.