Gym pet peeves



  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I agree with the not wiping the machines down, especially the ones you sit on and get "butt sweat" on. One day I saw a lady get up, go sanitize HER hands but not wipe down the machine. So I wiped it down before and after I used it, hoping she would get the hint but no.

    Also, general deuchbag-ness. One day the guy next to me on the treadmill had it on like the highest incline and when he was done he just left it inclined. It's not like you can really FORGET to put it down.

    I must admit I don't wipe down the machine, but that's because at my gym, everybody wipes down before we use them (or so it seems). I always assume it's not wiped down - safest that way!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    My main pet peeve is the loud music they play in the gym. I ask them to turn it down so I can hear my own music a bit better but today, they didn't.. And ipod or not, it was so loud I finally gave up the rest of my workout so that I could protect my ears against THEIR music!
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I don't understand the jeans pet peeves. I like to workout in my jeans I'm much more comfortable that way.

    I'm also a double walker on the track. My bestfriend and I go together it helps us push more if we are together.

    I'm also one of the girls who lifts light weights. I'm not afraid of bulk, I'm just really weak. I lift 3 pounds on my left and 10 on my right. I can't lift any more than that yet.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I don't understand the jeans pet peeves. I like to workout in my jeans I'm much more comfortable that way.

    I'm also a double walker on the track. My bestfriend and I go together it helps us push more if we are together.

    I'm also one of the girls who lifts light weights. I'm not afraid of bulk, I'm just really weak. I lift 3 pounds on my left and 10 on my right. I can't lift any more than that yet.

    Jeans just seem like they'd be extra hot and uncomfortable.

    I also do some really light weights too. Not because I can't lift heavier, but a trainer told me that using lighter weights for some exercises will help with my arthritis.
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    I don't understand the jeans pet peeves. I like to workout in my jeans I'm much more comfortable that way.

    I'm also a double walker on the track. My bestfriend and I go together it helps us push more if we are together.

    I'm also one of the girls who lifts light weights. I'm not afraid of bulk, I'm just really weak. I lift 3 pounds on my left and 10 on my right. I can't lift any more than that yet.

    how do you work out wearing jeans? how do you get a good range of movement in them. hmm.
    about the weights. i think you should try to focus on getting your left hand to get closer to your right hand. the difference is too large that its worrying. im sure you can do it :bigsmile:

    pet peeves. interesting.

    1. people who hang out in the locker room, taking up space and make people wait to get to get to the lockers they are blocking.

    2. people who think they need a 5 min cooldown period after each set at the machines.

    3. people who pick up heavy bar bells, realise its too heavy, leave it on the floor and go get another one from the rack. and then not puttin either of them back.

    4. people who hog the bikes to cycle real slow while reading their books for ages.

    5. PT's who just stare and laugh at people who have horrendous form when lifting weights.

    6. 13 year olds hogging machines trying to "bulk up" for their gf's... they need a "you need to be this tall to use this machine"
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I like my jeans a little big so I still get a range of motion. There is no way I'd ever feel comfortable in yoga pants or anything like that so I figure jeans will work for me.

    I have Cerebral Palsey, so I haven't ever used my left arm before so I'm starting out really low. The extra concentration makes it hard to lift heavier weights.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Women who wave around 5lb dumbbells because they are "toning".

    Spinning instructors.

    People on ab curl or back extension machines.

    I'm curious as to why those things bother you.

    I'm also curious. Are the ab curl and back ext. machines useless in your opinion?
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I'm guilty of not wiping down the elliptical :ohwell: . Only because I don't touch anything put the "quick workout" and "resistance" buttons. :laugh:

    Gym Pet Peeves:

    Men that only work on their upperbody... when I look at their legs, it looks like I can wrap my fingers around the calves. :laugh:

    When someone in step class comes in late and instead of being courteous and asking to squeeze in, they just throw the step dangerously close and force you to adjust. :grumble:

    When someone has BO during Zumba class. :noway:

    I agree with the Peeve with PT not taking the time to show a member proper form.

    When in a group lifting class and someone is clearly using bad form, and although they can see everyone else doing it differently and the instructor corrects them, they continue to do it incorrectly. :ohwell:

    When someone wears inappropriate attire... ballet shoes, blouses, jeans, flip-flops or it's too revealing.

    That's it for now. :flowerforyou:
  • Timothy2000
    Bullies, I have not been to the gym enough to have developed any real pet peeves. I have been going to the Y for about a week, this was several years ago. Well I walked into the weight room and already pretty intimidated I walk over to a bench. There was nobody even in the room at that time, so I began with my workout. This big headed muscle head with no neck walks in and flex's his arms in front of me which were bigger than my head and he was like you need to move I am about to use this and you have no business on it. Well that pretty much turned me away from going to the gym.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I get the not wiping stuff down, general d-baggery, idleness on a popular peices of equipment.

    However, I'm a little miffed at the people wearing jeans. That doesn't effect anyone but them. Why should you care?

    Also, I understand BO can be annoying, and I don't think I've ever been rank going into a gym. But you must understand you are heading into a place where people sweat, right? Crop Dusting is a different story. But back when I did go to a gym, I would go first thing in the morning w/o a shower. I mean why take a shower BEFORE working out?

    I was usually more concerned about what I was doing to worry about someone else's form or work out objectives.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    . But back when I did go to a gym, I would go first thing in the morning w/o a shower. I mean why take a shower BEFORE working out?

    I am the same way, I see no reason to take a shower before I work out...., but I do put on deoderant(sp?)

    My pet peeve is guys who grunt when they lift....I know it's like a exertion thing or something, but it is really annoying when they do it so loud I can hear it over my Ipod!
  • quinnybear
    it bugs me when people sit on a machine/weight and talk on their cell phone while i'm obviously waiting to use that machine. i'm OK with waiting for someone else who is actually using the machine, but when they're just blabbing away on the phone, its like 'get off and let someone who is actually here to work out use it!"

    for example: i went to my gym on a sunday afternoon so it was practically empty. i went up to the weight room to do my normal routine. there were 2 guys sitting on a weight bench on one side of the room, both talking on their cell phones. i go to use the shoulder press on the opposite side of the room they were at and they came over and yelled at me for using their machine! ummm... first of all you were no where near it and secondly you've been on your phone for the entire 20 minutes i've been up here so how the heck is this YOUR machine?!?!?
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The guy who uses my elliptical machine in the morning.... doesn't he know it is mine?

    Trainers who hog a piece of equipment while they sit and gossip with their clients. Move yer butt.... they are paying to train their bodies not their jaws!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Does anyone on here love the smell of BLEACH??? Tonite a young very overweight woman, who works in the center (whom does NOT help a soul, is not certified nor does she even know what the machines are for) starts going around wiping down the machine (this was the busy time of evening) with bleach!!! I could see doing this AFTER hours but I damn near coughed up a lung, that crap is toxic and we are bustin it and have to breathe that stuff ! I was *issed and the manager WILL here of it tomorrow!!! Clean when NO one is there please!!!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I get the not wiping stuff down, general d-baggery, idleness on a popular peices of equipment.

    However, I'm a little miffed at the people wearing jeans. That doesn't effect anyone but them. Why should you care?

    I already just seems like it would be uncomfortable and restrictive. It seems that someone would be more comfortable wearing sweats or shorts is all. Then it was explained that it wasn't any less comfortable. I take it back, no need to be miffed.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oops, double post. :smile:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The germphobe that hoses the recumbant bike down with the cleaner stuff for a couple of minutes and then walks away for 5 minutes for the smell to dissipate ( leaving me there right near it, inhaling the fumes. Then she gets two large peices of paper towel so her cup will not touch the machine cup holder and after all that performance she does 10 minutes on 0 resistance and gets up and walks it off for 5 minutes. :noway:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I hate the girl in my gym who will turn the fan off because she doesn't want it pointing on her.

    HELLO?!?! :noway: RUDE!!

    There are other people in the room who need and enjoy the cooling air while sweating it up on the ellipticals!! Leave it on and point it some other direction. Or get on a machine thats further away from it. Or ASK the other people around you if they want it on! Then she climbs on her elliptical, probably with no resistance and goes 1000 mph without moving her shoulders/arms/upperbody. You are already a size 0!

    And of course the gym bunnies who are there to get attention who "work out" but don't get sweaty at all even though they don't even have their hair in a ponytail.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    People who eat double cheeseburgers in the sauna....real deal
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    The more I read this thread, the more I'm glad we set up our own little gym at home.

    Thank you Craigslist...