Gym pet peeves



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    When I used to go to a gym (now I have my own space in my home too), there was a lady that would do her personal grooming in the steam room :noway: :sick: Seriously, like - everything.... shaved in the steam room. I damn near puked.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    When I used to go to a gym (now I have my own space in my home too), there was a lady that would do her personal grooming in the steam room :noway: :sick: Seriously, like - everything.... shaved in the steam room. I damn near puked.

    I once saw a woman sitting bare *kitten* naked on the floor in a shower (the curtain was wide open) shaving too... :noway:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    This stuff crack's me up, and a little sick too. I've been out of gym's for a long time and thankfully so. It seems a bit intense.....

    A word or two about intense gym peeve's.....I think everyone needs to do some gym time with the college football team. There's something about making a cocktail with roid rage, ego boost, and some nasty rock-roll. I played a little college ball, and let me say, it was interesting (being PC). As if pushing a bar over your throat with far more weight than yourself isn't challenge enough. Add a 280 lb physco deciding to throw cookies (2.5 lbs) at your feet for fun. That's my pet peeve.

    I guess it could be worse, he could have been ranky, naked, on the phone while shaving...and then started throwing cookies laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The more I read this thread, the more I'm glad we set up our own little gym at home.

    Thank you Craigslist...

    I don't think it's as bad as it sounds. For every jerk, there are 10 inspiring stories every day--from everyday folks just doing their things, to seniors working to maintain quality of life, to overweight people who have to courage to get out in public and take control of their lives.

    None of my "peeves" are meant to be taken all that seriously.

    OK--maybe one or two. :wink:

    Ya' know, I couldn't relax and work out knowing that there are all of these jillions of ways to piss people off :smile: I've worked hard to get in decent shape, am I now a "musclehead"? Will my mere presence upset anyone? Does letting my skin breathe make me a prima donna showoff? Does lifting heavy enough that I might grunt a little make me an *kitten*? Do the little girls hate me for liting more than 10 pounds? Do the big guys hate me for lifting less than 300? Do I stink? Did I turn a fan on? Did I turn one off? :angry: :explode: :grumble: :blushing:

    Who needs that kind of pressure? I just do my thing at home, and I sweat and I stink and I grunt and groan and pose a little and have a hell of a good time and my dogs never judge me.

    Mine doesn't judge me either--he just obsesses over my workout, just like everything else. Don't know about yours, but mine must like the taste of sweat, because he licks me as soon as I am finished. I know some people may find that kind of yucky, but I figure I'm going in the shower anyhow, and normally I am too tired to fight him off. The funny thing is that he knows my workouts. He'll lay quietly on the floor and then as I near the end of the workout, he gets up and positions himself by the machine. I have no idea how he can tell. Usually I do 30 or 45 min of cardio, so he perks up at about 28 min--if I don't stop at 30, he lays back down and gets up 15 min later. He does this before I slow down or stop--it's like he's got his own little timer.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    No matter how many nasty looks you shoot over, they don't get it.

    Oh, they get it. I'm sure they totally get it. They're probably totally aware that you're giving them nasty looks, and they just don't give a ****. In fact, they've probably said to each other outside the gym "Have you noticed that one person giving us those dirty looks when we're talking?" And then they probably laughed and said whatever, we don't care.

    I used to date a guy who was annoyed when people talked during a movie in the theatre - he would give them looks and they'd keep talking. One time he turned around and said "Hey bozos - this dirty look is your cue to shut up!" I thought we were going to have a fight on our hands, but they got quiet, thank goodness.

    People are rude.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I hate the girl in my gym who will turn the fan off because she doesn't want it pointing on her.

    HELLO?!?! :noway: RUDE!!

    There are other people in the room who need and enjoy the cooling air while sweating it up on the ellipticals!! Leave it on and point it some other direction. Or get on a machine thats further away from it. Or ASK the other people around you if they want it on! Then she climbs on her elliptical, probably with no resistance and goes 1000 mph without moving her shoulders/arms/upperbody. You are already a size 0!

    And of course the gym bunnies who are there to get attention who "work out" but don't get sweaty at all even though they don't even have their hair in a ponytail.

    Do you only have one fan in the entire gym? And why is she allowed to turn it off? Does she work there?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    The more I read this thread, the more I'm glad we set up our own little gym at home.

    Thank you Craigslist...

    I don't think it's as bad as it sounds. For every jerk, there are 10 inspiring stories every day--from everyday folks just doing their things, to seniors working to maintain quality of life, to overweight people who have to courage to get out in public and take control of their lives.

    None of my "peeves" are meant to be taken all that seriously.

    OK--maybe one or two. :wink:

    Ya' know, I couldn't relax and work out knowing that there are all of these jillions of ways to piss people off :smile: I've worked hard to get in decent shape, am I now a "musclehead"? Will my mere presence upset anyone? Does letting my skin breathe make me a prima donna showoff? Does lifting heavy enough that I might grunt a little make me an *kitten*? Do the little girls hate me for liting more than 10 pounds? Do the big guys hate me for lifting less than 300? Do I stink? Did I turn a fan on? Did I turn one off? :angry: :explode: :grumble: :blushing:

    Who needs that kind of pressure? I just do my thing at home, and I sweat and I stink and I grunt and groan and pose a little and have a hell of a good time and my dogs never judge me.

    Mine doesn't judge me either--he just obsesses over my workout, just like everything else. Don't know about yours, but mine must like the taste of sweat, because he licks me as soon as I am finished. I know some people may find that kind of yucky, but I figure I'm going in the shower anyhow, and normally I am too tired to fight him off. The funny thing is that he knows my workouts. He'll lay quietly on the floor and then as I near the end of the workout, he gets up and positions himself by the machine. I have no idea how he can tell. Usually I do 30 or 45 min of cardio, so he perks up at about 28 min--if I don't stop at 30, he lays back down and gets up 15 min later. He does this before I slow down or stop--it's like he's got his own little timer.

    Haha! My mom's dog would do that to me ALL the time! She'd lay on the floor watching until I was done..haha.... and then come lick my legs! its so funny to watch! No one would believe me that she did it until they witnessed it!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    This is probably only a problem in college gyms, but the couples who use the weight machines to make out. Sure, getting physical with your sweetie can be a nice work out in and of itself, but really, does it have to be in the gym?

    eeeeww...really????? :noway: :sick:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    The more I read this thread, the more I'm glad we set up our own little gym at home.

    Thank you Craigslist...

    I don't think it's as bad as it sounds. For every jerk, there are 10 inspiring stories every day--from everyday folks just doing their things, to seniors working to maintain quality of life, to overweight people who have to courage to get out in public and take control of their lives.

    None of my "peeves" are meant to be taken all that seriously.

    OK--maybe one or two. :wink:

    Ya' know, I couldn't relax and work out knowing that there are all of these jillions of ways to piss people off :smile: I've worked hard to get in decent shape, am I now a "musclehead"? Will my mere presence upset anyone? Does letting my skin breathe make me a prima donna showoff? Does lifting heavy enough that I might grunt a little make me an *kitten*? Do the little girls hate me for liting more than 10 pounds? Do the big guys hate me for lifting less than 300? Do I stink? Did I turn a fan on? Did I turn one off? :angry: :explode: :grumble: :blushing:

    Who needs that kind of pressure? I just do my thing at home, and I sweat and I stink and I grunt and groan and pose a little and have a hell of a good time and my dogs never judge me.

    Mine doesn't judge me either--he just obsesses over my workout, just like everything else. Don't know about yours, but mine must like the taste of sweat, because he licks me as soon as I am finished. I know some people may find that kind of yucky, but I figure I'm going in the shower anyhow, and normally I am too tired to fight him off. The funny thing is that he knows my workouts. He'll lay quietly on the floor and then as I near the end of the workout, he gets up and positions himself by the machine. I have no idea how he can tell. Usually I do 30 or 45 min of cardio, so he perks up at about 28 min--if I don't stop at 30, he lays back down and gets up 15 min later. He does this before I slow down or stop--it's like he's got his own little timer.

    Awww that is so cute :smooched:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I get the not wiping stuff down, general d-baggery, idleness on a popular peices of equipment.

    However, I'm a little miffed at the people wearing jeans. That doesn't effect anyone but them. Why should you care?

    I already just seems like it would be uncomfortable and restrictive. It seems that someone would be more comfortable wearing sweats or shorts is all. Then it was explained that it wasn't any less comfortable. I take it back, no need to be miffed.

    Is it a Pet Peeve or "I wouldn't do it that way"? There's plenty of "I wouldn't do it that way" for me in a gym. It doesn't become a Pet Peeve unless it directly affects me.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    Spinning instructors.

    I still don't get this one?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I get the not wiping stuff down, general d-baggery, idleness on a popular peices of equipment.

    However, I'm a little miffed at the people wearing jeans. That doesn't effect anyone but them. Why should you care?

    I already just seems like it would be uncomfortable and restrictive. It seems that someone would be more comfortable wearing sweats or shorts is all. Then it was explained that it wasn't any less comfortable. I take it back, no need to be miffed.

    Is it a Pet Peeve or "I wouldn't do it that way"? There's plenty of "I wouldn't do it that way" for me in a gym. It doesn't become a Pet Peeve unless it directly affects me.

    I wouldn't do it that way. Better?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    The more I read this thread, the more I'm glad we set up our own little gym at home.

    Thank you Craigslist...

    No doubt, I'm guilty of some of the things mentioned in this thread, like yelling when lifting heavy., is another good one.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I get the not wiping stuff down, general d-baggery, idleness on a popular peices of equipment.

    However, I'm a little miffed at the people wearing jeans. That doesn't effect anyone but them. Why should you care?

    I already just seems like it would be uncomfortable and restrictive. It seems that someone would be more comfortable wearing sweats or shorts is all. Then it was explained that it wasn't any less comfortable. I take it back, no need to be miffed.

    Is it a Pet Peeve or "I wouldn't do it that way"? There's plenty of "I wouldn't do it that way" for me in a gym. It doesn't become a Pet Peeve unless it directly affects me.

    Oh Geesh, it is not that serious.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Last night at the gym, the girl next to me on the treadmill had a bunch of papers on it, homework I guess, and she was talking on her cell phone. I was in the middle of running when her papers fell and one fell on my treadmill and I stepped on it. I jumped off onto the side rails to make sure I wasn't still stepping on it, and I heard her say on the phone, "Oh I dropped my papers and the girl next to me almost tripped". Here's a thought, walk or run on the treadmill, don't try to do homework and talk on the phone.

    Last week I saw a guy on the treadmill with an Ipod, the TV on and he was reading a newspaper. Talk about multitasking. I totally understand the Ipod, and separately, I understand watching TV because I like to get one of the bikes that has a TV, but come on. Don't people understand that you can't focus on what your body is doing very well when you're doing four different things?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Seriously! I've never understood how people could read and workout at the same time. I tried it once and re-read the same sentence about a gazillion times :laugh:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I love it when the tough body builder types are warming up on the stationary bike....reading Us and People:laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Seriously! I've never understood how people could read and workout at the same time. I tried it once and re-read the same sentence about a gazillion times :laugh:

    I read magazines most of the time...I get bored otherwise. :laugh:
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Seriously! I've never understood how people could read and workout at the same time. I tried it once and re-read the same sentence about a gazillion times :laugh:

    I read magazines most of the time...I get bored otherwise. :laugh:

    me too. The only one I can't read on is the treadmill (or on the high hill climbs on the elliptical). I love reading magazines on the machines because it makes the time go fast and it's not important if I remember what I read or not. I usually read the captions and look at the pictures.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I love it when the tough body builder types are warming up on the stationary bike....reading Us and People:laugh:
    I'm a Cosmo boy m'self.

    ((Seriously, I love cosmo. I've already learned 851 ways to please my man. And since I'm my own man, I'm a happy guy :bigsmile: )).