Gym pet peeves



  • There are three lanes to swim in at the Y I am a member of. Today two of the lanes were being used, and shared. In the third lane was two girls with their hair pulled up, and using the kick boards. Not only did they manage to not get their hair wet but they also chatted the entire time, while a man waited for someone to finish to get his workout in.

    Finally after 8 laps or so they left to get changed. I swam a 1800 yards. When I got to the locker room to change, those same girls were blow drying and curling their hair and putting on make up as if they were going out on the town.

    Don't use this time to socialize with your friend. Do your workout and get on with it.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    This is the reason I love having a home gym! The only pet peeve I have when I am working out is my puppy wants to lick me in the face when I am doing sit ups:tongue:

    Here's my favorite "pet' peeve:

    When I'm doing stretching & yoga poses at home, my cat wants to sit on me! :love: :laugh: :bigsmile:

    She lays on my stomach when I'm on my back & gets on my back when I'm on my stomach! MEOW!!!!

    My golden retriever interprets any exercise done on the floor (stretching, push ups, ab work, you name it) as "it's time to fight and wrestle" and starts barking, jumping around, etc.

    My dogs do that, too. It's hard to do a push up while there's a dog nipping at your hands.

    My cat grabs my feet when I'm doing my ballet exercises. I keep hoping the extra weight on it will help develop more strength! LOL!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    the "workout barbies" that follow thier not even so fit boyfriend, or with thier like minded friends around and barely lift any wt and giggle/wiggle/barely exercise as they trot around in skimpy clothing to get attention!!!!

    LOL! I liked the term "gym bunnies" personally. That doesn't bother me so much as when they sit on machines and DON'T use them, keeping the rest of us from using them in our workout routines. THAT is a pet peeve. Or people who have done a set, then sit on a machine for ten or fifteen minutes yakking on a phone, again stopping others from using them. Grrr!
  • I work out really hard when I'm at the gym. I hate it when I am in the middle of a 6 mile speed work out on the treadmill and people come up and try to carry on a normal conversation with me. It doesn't bother me when I'm at a reasonable speed, but when u are doing 10 and 11 mph intravels you cant talk very well! lol

    I also hate people who hover and dudes that stare.

    Oh, and people who are not in as good of shape as you that say "Slow down before you break it" Its like they make fun of me for working out super hard.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    +1 on the conversation thing.

    "Hey, honey, I'm trying to blast my pecs right now. It's painful, it's difficult, it's wonderful - but it takes a bit of concentration, can we decide which brand of kitty litter is best at another time?"
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm lucky with my gym I go to now, it's never busy. The gym I used to go to in LA, man it was packed all the time and it would piss me off when people would be on the treadmill or elliptical for an hour, even though there were signs all over saying there are 30 minute limits as a courtesy to others.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    People who stink!!!! like BO.
    I love this post! Sorry I got a lil carried away I hate ignorant people..

    My biggest problem is that all my workout wear is 1-2 years old. Being out of work, I have been making do. However, the "technical" fabrics I prefer have a tendency to accumulate odor over time, regardless of how thoroughly they are washed. It seems like everything is going at once--the shoes are worn out and all the shirts are starting to smell.

    Looks like I am going to have to give up my new all-clad frying pan and get new workout clothes for christmas. :cry:

    An awesome deodorizer for laundry is baking soda. Just make sure you put it in the water first and let it get mixed in before you add your clothes. About 1/4 cup for a small load, or 1/2 cup for a large load, and it's cheap!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    People who stink!!!! like BO.
    I love this post! Sorry I got a lil carried away I hate ignorant people..

    My biggest problem is that all my workout wear is 1-2 years old. Being out of work, I have been making do. However, the "technical" fabrics I prefer have a tendency to accumulate odor over time, regardless of how thoroughly they are washed. It seems like everything is going at once--the shoes are worn out and all the shirts are starting to smell.

    Looks like I am going to have to give up my new all-clad frying pan and get new workout clothes for christmas. :cry:

    An awesome deodorizer for laundry is baking soda. Just make sure you put it in the water first and let it get mixed in before you add your clothes. About 1/4 cup for a small load, or 1/2 cup for a large load, and it's cheap!

    Another good deodorizer is vinegar, I use it on my towels every week and they come out so fresh!!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    the "workout barbies" that follow thier not even so fit boyfriend, or with thier like minded friends around and barely lift any wt and giggle/wiggle/barely exercise as they trot around in skimpy clothing to get attention!!!!

    OMG I know what you mean. This girl in my spin class was wearing a sports bra and went by the window where the heavy weights were (obviously where the guys would be) and was stretching. Ok its right by the door way so that is not a logical place to stand and stretch and another girl at the same class wears a skirt thing (like for tennis); I mean really? I just sit there and look at her 30 mins in and think "I bet your thighs are killing you from rubbing together" lol. This girl too walks around strutting a sports bra. I mean I am one of those girls that has to feel good while I work out but thats with a wife beater and yoga pants not a whole outfit and hair done!!!! Guys do it too so its not just the girls.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    yep im all of these things your right.. lol no. I just think its a lot of complaining when u should be at the gym just to workout not oay attention to other people. But your right this is a post to vent. :) and im venting thanks

    Wow I could just hear your valley girl tone "lol no... thanks". It is not paying attention to people its being distracted with people's rudeness. THANKS
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    For those that feel intimidated in the weight motto is that I will never look like I belong in the weight room until I use it regularly, so all the more reason to ignore any strange looks and work it out! If I feel like those in the room look more fit than I do, I just use them as inspiration. :-)
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    For those that feel intimidated in the weight motto is that I will never look like I belong in the weight room until I use it regularly, so all the more reason to ignore any strange looks and work it out! If I feel like those in the room look more fit than I do, I just use them as inspiration. :-)

    Thumbs up :drinker:
  • That is so funny. The other day in my spin class even the instructer was saying something about these two girls that wear probably a size -0 walking back and forth. We had no clue what they were doing but we saw them walk by several times. I can't wait until they have a couple of kids. Then they will be in that spin class with me.
  • That is so funny. The other day in my spin class even the instructer was saying something about these two girls that wear probably a size -0 walking back and forth. We had no clue what they were doing but we saw them walk by several times. I can't wait until they have a couple of kids. Then they will be in that spin class with me.

  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Everyone pretty much covered it, but I have a few.

    #1 - Couples "doing the deed with their clothes on" in the spa!!! Seriously people, I REALLY don't need to see that.

    Since all of my workouts are in the pool, most of my peeves are pool related.

    #2 - People in water aerobic classes with no sense of "being". By this I mean, they will flail, jump, splash, and everything else while moving all over the pool and running into everyone else. It is so easy to align one's self with a marker on the wall or something and STAY in one spot!

    #3 - People using pool equipment like kickboards, dumb bells, and noodles and NOT putting them away. There is nothing I enjoy more than getting out of the pool and having to walk a "gauntlet" of pool equipment on a wet pool deck!

    #4 - People not respecting the lane lines. If you "surf" the lane line it will break! I was privy to lane lines breaking in college and it is not pretty when a tight wire snaps and your hand/leg is in the way of it!

    #5 - People trying to "walk" in my lane. I am a competitive swimmer and my workouts are based on US Masters Swimming and my old college workouts. I have two speeds - Fast and Faster. I fully understand not everyone is a swimmer and a lot of folks like to walk and/or aquasize in the pool. I am all for that, but there are 4 lanes in the pool. It's just like the freeway folks. The slow lane is next to the onramp (steps into the pool) and the fast lane is WAY OVER THERE (that is where I am).

    #6 - Cologne/Perfume.

    #7 - Using the rinse off shower (the one there to rinse off before/after swimming) as your personal shower complete with shampoo, loofah, conditioner, etc. That is what locker rooms are for!

    #8 - Wearing jeans, T-shirts, etc. in the pool. There are signs EVERYWHERE stating that "PROPER POOL ATTIRE MUST BE WORN IN POOL/SPA". And everyone wonders why the pool is cloudy/dirty all of the time.

    #9 - Super cool "bro-brah" types doing there "Ultimate Fighting" moves/stunts in the sauna/steam room. Yes, we know. YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR EVERYONE. But really, I just saw you do your routine out on the floor of the gym. I really don't need to see it again. AND BY THE WAY, TAKE YOUR PLATE WEIGHTS WITH YOU! YEAH, THE GIANT ONES YOU BROUGHT INTO THE SAUNA TO DO YOUR AB CRUNCHES WITH. Nothing like lifting heavy plate weights off of an already slimy, wet floor so you don't accidentally kick it with you toe.

    #10 - Well, I picked on the guys, so to be fair I gotta say something to the ladies. Girls, THERE IS NO NEED TO BE WEARING MORE MAKEUP THAN A CLOWN AT THE GYM! Yeah, we all want to look pretty. I can understand some glossy Chapstick or something, but foundation, eyeliner, sparkly eyeshadow, etc. WHY?? All of that stuff is gonna sweat off anyways and clog your pores! Plus, isn't the "glow" from freshly worked out skin more appealing??
  • Everyone pretty much covered it, but I have a few.

    #1 - Couples "doing the deed with their clothes on" in the spa!!! Seriously people, I REALLY don't need to see that.

    Since all of my workouts are in the pool, most of my peeves are pool related.

    #2 - People in water aerobic classes with no sense of "being". By this I mean, they will flail, jump, splash, and everything else while moving all over the pool and running into everyone else. It is so easy to align one's self with a marker on the wall or something and STAY in one spot!

    #3 - People using pool equipment like kickboards, dumb bells, and noodles and NOT putting them away. There is nothing I enjoy more than getting out of the pool and having to walk a "gauntlet" of pool equipment on a wet pool deck!

    #4 - People not respecting the lane lines. If you "surf" the lane line it will break! I was privy to lane lines breaking in college and it is not pretty when a tight wire snaps and your hand/leg is in the way of it!

    #5 - People trying to "walk" in my lane. I am a competitive swimmer and my workouts are based on US Masters Swimming and my old college workouts. I have two speeds - Fast and Faster. I fully understand not everyone is a swimmer and a lot of folks like to walk and/or aquasize in the pool. I am all for that, but there are 4 lanes in the pool. It's just like the freeway folks. The slow lane is next to the onramp (steps into the pool) and the fast lane is WAY OVER THERE (that is where I am).

    #6 - Cologne/Perfume.

    #7 - Using the rinse off shower (the one there to rinse off before/after swimming) as your personal shower complete with shampoo, loofah, conditioner, etc. That is what locker rooms are for!

    #8 - Wearing jeans, T-shirts, etc. in the pool. There are signs EVERYWHERE stating that "PROPER POOL ATTIRE MUST BE WORN IN POOL/SPA". And everyone wonders why the pool is cloudy/dirty all of the time.

    #9 - Super cool "bro-brah" types doing there "Ultimate Fighting" moves/stunts in the sauna/steam room. Yes, we know. YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR EVERYONE. But really, I just saw you do your routine out on the floor of the gym. I really don't need to see it again. AND BY THE WAY, TAKE YOUR PLATE WEIGHTS WITH YOU! YEAH, THE GIANT ONES YOU BROUGHT INTO THE SAUNA TO DO YOUR AB CRUNCHES WITH. Nothing like lifting heavy plate weights off of an already slimy, wet floor so you don't accidentally kick it with you toe.

    #10 - Well, I picked on the guys, so to be fair I gotta say something to the ladies. Girls, THERE IS NO NEED TO BE WEARING MORE MAKEUP THAN A CLOWN AT THE GYM! Yeah, we all want to look pretty. I can understand some glossy Chapstick or something, but foundation, eyeliner, sparkly eyeshadow, etc. WHY?? All of that stuff is gonna sweat off anyways and clog your pores! Plus, isn't the "glow" from freshly worked out skin more appealing??

    I like number ten. I know if I forget to take my makeup off before working out I end up looking like a sweaty racoon. Maybe they don't workout hard enough to sweat.
  • banfathi99
    banfathi99 Posts: 23 Member

    My biggest problem is that all my workout wear is 1-2 years old. Being out of work, I have been making do. However, the "technical" fabrics I prefer have a tendency to accumulate odor over time, regardless of how thoroughly they are washed. It seems like everything is going at once--the shoes are worn out and all the shirts are starting to smell.

    Looks like I am going to have to give up my new all-clad frying pan and get new workout clothes for christmas. :cry:

    I have been told (but haven't tried yet) that if you put your technical fabrics in the freezer it can cut down on the amount they smell.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What are "technical fabrics"? I'm curious...
  • banfathi99
    banfathi99 Posts: 23 Member
    technical fabrics are polyester/synthetic fabrics designed to keep you dry. thet dry quickly and are able to wisk moisture away from the skin. They tend to be more comfortable while working out.
  • SkyraBee
    SkyraBee Posts: 39 Member
    Mostly women (though I've seen one man of memorability) that wear inappropriate attire to work ou int. By inappropriate I mean: NOTHING LEFT TO THE IMAGINATION--I figure you're at the gym for a reason ( I know I am) --cover it up already!

    And for God's sake--do not hit on me. I'm sweating like a fat kid waiting on cake--NOT SEXY!
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    Everyone pretty much covered it, but I have a few.

    #1 - Couples "doing the deed with their clothes on" in the spa!!! Seriously people, I REALLY don't need to see that.

    Since all of my workouts are in the pool, most of my peeves are pool related.

    #2 - People in water aerobic classes with no sense of "being". By this I mean, they will flail, jump, splash, and everything else while moving all over the pool and running into everyone else. It is so easy to align one's self with a marker on the wall or something and STAY in one spot!

    #3 - People using pool equipment like kickboards, dumb bells, and noodles and NOT putting them away. There is nothing I enjoy more than getting out of the pool and having to walk a "gauntlet" of pool equipment on a wet pool deck!

    #4 - People not respecting the lane lines. If you "surf" the lane line it will break! I was privy to lane lines breaking in college and it is not pretty when a tight wire snaps and your hand/leg is in the way of it!

    #5 - People trying to "walk" in my lane. I am a competitive swimmer and my workouts are based on US Masters Swimming and my old college workouts. I have two speeds - Fast and Faster. I fully understand not everyone is a swimmer and a lot of folks like to walk and/or aquasize in the pool. I am all for that, but there are 4 lanes in the pool. It's just like the freeway folks. The slow lane is next to the onramp (steps into the pool) and the fast lane is WAY OVER THERE (that is where I am).

    #6 - Cologne/Perfume.

    #7 - Using the rinse off shower (the one there to rinse off before/after swimming) as your personal shower complete with shampoo, loofah, conditioner, etc. That is what locker rooms are for!

    #8 - Wearing jeans, T-shirts, etc. in the pool. There are signs EVERYWHERE stating that "PROPER POOL ATTIRE MUST BE WORN IN POOL/SPA". And everyone wonders why the pool is cloudy/dirty all of the time.

    #9 - Super cool "bro-brah" types doing there "Ultimate Fighting" moves/stunts in the sauna/steam room. Yes, we know. YOU ARE TOO COOL FOR EVERYONE. But really, I just saw you do your routine out on the floor of the gym. I really don't need to see it again. AND BY THE WAY, TAKE YOUR PLATE WEIGHTS WITH YOU! YEAH, THE GIANT ONES YOU BROUGHT INTO THE SAUNA TO DO YOUR AB CRUNCHES WITH. Nothing like lifting heavy plate weights off of an already slimy, wet floor so you don't accidentally kick it with you toe.

    #10 - Well, I picked on the guys, so to be fair I gotta say something to the ladies. Girls, THERE IS NO NEED TO BE WEARING MORE MAKEUP THAN A CLOWN AT THE GYM! Yeah, we all want to look pretty. I can understand some glossy Chapstick or something, but foundation, eyeliner, sparkly eyeshadow, etc. WHY?? All of that stuff is gonna sweat off anyways and clog your pores! Plus, isn't the "glow" from freshly worked out skin more appealing??

    I'm not a swimmer, but I can TOTALLY relate to number one. Most of my gym pet peeves occur in the sauna as it is and this one disgusts me. The other day this couple was ALL over each other in the sauna (high schoolers I'm assuming) then when I walked out of the sauna they were pretty much doing it in the spa (sorry for the kiddie language). YOU'RE IN PUBLIC, YOU'RE PRETTY MUCH STILL A CHILD, AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT!
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    Women who feel it is necessary to stand naked in front of the mirror next to me and get ready.

    Women who get into the hot tub naked.... There is a sign that says BATHING SUIT REQUIRED

    Getting hit on by men at the gym. I'm working out not looking for a date

    People who sing out loud to their IPOD.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    There was a gal at the gym yesterday wearing THE most ridiculous workout outfit. I'm talking silver, glittery pants and top - showing major skin as well, almost. It was like she was doing a modeling commercial or something. I'll bet she didn't even break a sweat. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I was on my way out when she was "getting started" so couldn't tell what she actually ended up doing. But I know a few folk were blinded by the clothing...
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    I have one that recently just happened and annoyed the hell outta me... This guy next to me on the treadmill was sweating so he used his towel to wipe the sweat from his armpits and then his face, without even turning the towel around or using a different side.... EWWWWW!!! It made me :sick:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I have one that recently just happened and annoyed the hell outta me... This guy next to me on the treadmill was sweating so he used his towel to wipe the sweat from his armpits and then his face, without even turning the towel around or using a different side.... EWWWWW!!! It made me :sick:

    That is just NASTY! :sick:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Women who feel it is necessary to stand naked in front of the mirror next to me and get ready.

    Women who get into the hot tub naked.... There is a sign that says BATHING SUIT REQUIRED

    See, now that wouldn't bother me.......:devil:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    haven't been at a gym for a long time, but mine was "the LOOK" - you know, not the one where they're "checking you out," but this one : What's SHE gonna be able to do?! and the blatant stare, and the possible smirk, with maybe a poke to the friends' ribs to look too. I hated that - what I loved, was after they were done being complete JR. High Jerks, my little fitness friend walks in and starts working out next to me- the best part was when some of them would actually see I COULD do stuff, and sometimes better, or longer than they could! Could just hear their little heads thinking "go fat girl go!" LOL
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Women who feel it is necessary to stand naked in front of the mirror next to me and get ready.

    Women who get into the hot tub naked.... There is a sign that says BATHING SUIT REQUIRED

    See, now that wouldn't bother me.......:devil:
    :laugh: :laugh: LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    This happened last night, when some one brings in a huge frosting covered(1/4 inch thick) cake and ice cream to celebrate the end of boot camp!!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    When your on the treadmill running and someone wants to hold a conversation with you. If that isn't bad enough, but it is about something that is work related that could actually wait until work!
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