Gym pet peeves



  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I love it when the tough body builder types are warming up on the stationary bike....reading Us and People:laugh:
    I'm a Cosmo boy m'self.

    ((Seriously, I love cosmo. I've already learned 851 ways to please my man. And since I'm my own man, I'm a happy guy :bigsmile: )).

    Who doesn't like Cosmo? This guy is a mean looking dude who works out a lot with the weights. I think the rag mags are his guilty pleasure:laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Mean looking? You're not talking about me are you? :-P
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Psssshhhtt .. You don't look mean. You are probably just a teddy bear.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I hate the girl in my gym who will turn the fan off because she doesn't want it pointing on her.

    HELLO?!?! :noway: RUDE!!

    There are other people in the room who need and enjoy the cooling air while sweating it up on the ellipticals!! Leave it on and point it some other direction. Or get on a machine thats further away from it. Or ASK the other people around you if they want it on! Then she climbs on her elliptical, probably with no resistance and goes 1000 mph without moving her shoulders/arms/upperbody. You are already a size 0!

    And of course the gym bunnies who are there to get attention who "work out" but don't get sweaty at all even though they don't even have their hair in a ponytail.

    I find this a little offensive. How do you know that she wasn't a size 22 a year ago and that she worked really hard to lose all the weight? I resent people that tell me not to worry about what I eat because of my size. They say..."oh you can have a large slice of cake or an extra're skin and bones". I take care of my body so that I don't gain weight. I've never weighed over 120 pounds (and that was when I was pregnant) I currently weigh 90, I was 85 prior to having my daughter. Also, the less you weigh the less you sweat to cool down (I don't sweat unless I've been working out for a good 30 minutes).

    Gym bunnies are my pet peeve, too. I think you are taking her statement wrong. There's this girl at my gym, she gets on a treadmill for maybe 5 minutes at about 2.5 mph. Then she spends the rest of the time wondering around talking to all the guys. She's not there to work out, she's there looking for a boyfriend.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I hate the girl in my gym who will turn the fan off because she doesn't want it pointing on her.

    HELLO?!?! :noway: RUDE!!

    There are other people in the room who need and enjoy the cooling air while sweating it up on the ellipticals!! Leave it on and point it some other direction. Or get on a machine thats further away from it. Or ASK the other people around you if they want it on! Then she climbs on her elliptical, probably with no resistance and goes 1000 mph without moving her shoulders/arms/upperbody. You are already a size 0!

    And of course the gym bunnies who are there to get attention who "work out" but don't get sweaty at all even though they don't even have their hair in a ponytail.

    I find this a little offensive. How do you know that she wasn't a size 22 a year ago and that she worked really hard to lose all the weight? I resent people that tell me not to worry about what I eat because of my size. They say..."oh you can have a large slice of cake or an extra're skin and bones". I take care of my body so that I don't gain weight. I've never weighed over 120 pounds (and that was when I was pregnant) I currently weigh 90, I was 85 prior to having my daughter. Also, the less you weigh the less you sweat to cool down (I don't sweat unless I've been working out for a good 30 minutes).

    Gym bunnies are my pet peeve, too. I think you are taking her statement wrong. There's this girl at my gym, she gets on a treadmill for maybe 5 minutes at about 2.5 mph. Then she spends the rest of the time wondering around talking to all the guys. She's not there to work out, she's there looking for a boyfriend.
    Better there than a bar to pick up a guy.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Psssshhhtt .. You don't look mean. You are probably just a teddy bear.
    Actually, I fear teddy bears. My wife has hundreds of them, and they're always watching me. Watching,,, and judging,,, and finding me wanting.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Psssshhhtt .. You don't look mean. You are probably just a teddy bear.
    Actually, I fear teddy bears. My wife has hundreds of them, and they're always watching me. Watching,,, and judging,,, and finding me wanting.

    Pull off their little button eyes. Your wife may be ticked but at least they won't be watching you
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wow Vicky,,, just wow. That's about the most horrible thing I've ever heard. I'll be praying for you. <<Hehehehe,,, &%^ new look, where are my smileys?>>
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I hate the girl in my gym who will turn the fan off because she doesn't want it pointing on her.

    HELLO?!?! :noway: RUDE!!

    There are other people in the room who need and enjoy the cooling air while sweating it up on the ellipticals!! Leave it on and point it some other direction. Or get on a machine thats further away from it. Or ASK the other people around you if they want it on! Then she climbs on her elliptical, probably with no resistance and goes 1000 mph without moving her shoulders/arms/upperbody. You are already a size 0!

    And of course the gym bunnies who are there to get attention who "work out" but don't get sweaty at all even though they don't even have their hair in a ponytail.

    I find this a little offensive. How do you know that she wasn't a size 22 a year ago and that she worked really hard to lose all the weight? I resent people that tell me not to worry about what I eat because of my size. They say..."oh you can have a large slice of cake or an extra're skin and bones". I take care of my body so that I don't gain weight. I've never weighed over 120 pounds (and that was when I was pregnant) I currently weigh 90, I was 85 prior to having my daughter. Also, the less you weigh the less you sweat to cool down (I don't sweat unless I've been working out for a good 30 minutes).

    Gym bunnies are my pet peeve, too. I think you are taking her statement wrong. There's this girl at my gym, she gets on a treadmill for maybe 5 minutes at about 2.5 mph. Then she spends the rest of the time wondering around talking to all the guys. She's not there to work out, she's there looking for a boyfriend.
    Better there than a bar to pick up a guy.

    Maybe... I should just be happy that she's there paying the gym fees. My gym is super cheap ($10 per month w/ NO contract) and I want them to have all the customers they can so they can keep it that way. It just seems like a waste. She could use the workout. That was catty!! :blushing: But just because someone's a gym bunny doesn't mean that they are "skinny". They just aren't there to work out. It is just really frustrating for those of us who have to work our butts off for everything we do to watch these girls run around doing nothing besides trying to get the attention of the body builders.

    I do feel for you for people not taking your seriously and telling you that you don't need to watch your diet or exercise. Those people either don't need to or just don't care to work to be healthy. I would never classify you as a gym bunny. Sounds like are there to workout, not to find a date. :flowerforyou:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Maybe... I should just be happy that she's there paying the gym fees. My gym is super cheap ($10 per month w/ NO contract) and I want them to have all the customers they can so they can keep it that way. It just seems like a waste. She could use the workout. That was catty!! :blushing: But just because someone's a gym bunny doesn't mean that they are "skinny". They just aren't there to work out. It is just really frustrating for those of us who have to work our butts off for everything we do to watch these girls run around doing nothing besides trying to get the attention of the body builders.

    I do feel for you for people not taking your seriously and telling you that you don't need to watch your diet or exercise. Those people either don't need to or just don't care to work to be healthy. I would never classify you as a gym bunny. Sounds like are there to workout, not to find a date. :flowerforyou:

    No prob. It wasn't really the gym bunny comment that irritated me more than the fact that the lady stated that the girl that turns off the fan is 'already a size 0'. She may have worked hard to get that body and she wants to maintain it and not become overweight again.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I love it when the tough body builder types are warming up on the stationary bike....reading Us and People:laugh:
    I'm a Cosmo boy m'self.

    ((Seriously, I love cosmo. I've already learned 851 ways to please my man. And since I'm my own man, I'm a happy guy :bigsmile: )).

    I'm eatting lunch while reading this and almost spit my food out. :laugh: :laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Then I have played my role. :-)

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Wow Vicky,,, just wow. That's about the most horrible thing I've ever heard. I'll be praying for you. <<Hehehehe,,, &%^ new look, where are my smileys?>>

    I'm generally not that evil to stuffed toys but if they are going to be so rude as to stare....what else are you going to do? The only other option is little hoods for each of their heads and cover them up.....maybe plastic bags and tie them tightly around their little necks...........yeah...that's it
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    No prob. It wasn't really the gym bunny comment that irritated me more than the fact that the lady stated that the girl that turns off the fan is 'already a size 0'. She may have worked hard to get that body and she wants to maintain it and not become overweight again.

    It irritates me that you are taking this so personally. That girl is a size zero. She may have worked hard to lose weight or she could have some unhealthy obsession with exercise and some wacked out body image of herself and needs to seek professional help (yes, there is such a thing). It could go either way. So how about instead of attacking me because I said one simple little phrase, you leave the drama to TNT (cause TNT knows drama lol)
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    Just saw this for the first time ever yesterday...

    The saunas are co-ed. Most people wear their workout clothes or a swimsuit. Two girls walk in, one wearing a bra and panties, and the other wearing sweatpants and a bra (not a SPORTS bra, just a bra...that was too big...which means EVERYTHING was hanging out). They were extremely obnoxious and loud, taking up WAY too much space in an extremely crowded sauna. (PET PEEVE: DON'T LAY DOWN IN THE SAUNA WHEN PEOPLE ARE STANDING UP BECAUSE THERE IS NO ROOM TO SIT!!!!). This is the kicker of the whole experience, though. One girl is eating a lollipop the whole time we're in there. When she lays down, two cigarettes and a lighter roll out of her she goes outside to smoke then comes back to the sauna. REALLY? You're at the gym. Come on. I used to smoke and I would've never even THOUGHT of bringing cigarettes to the gym.
  • netty
    netty Posts: 11 Member
    I have a few gym pet peeves

    1. People staring at you like you shouldn't be in the gym because you are over weight :mad:
    2. Women staring at me like I'm crazy because I'm not spending 20 hours doing cardio and I'm actually weight training and doing cardio
    3. When people are using free weights and just let the weights fall to the floor...startles me every time
    4. People who use those plastic bag looking shirt to sweat and sweat is literally pouring all over the treadmill or elliptical :angry:
  • BamaRose0107
    This is the reason I love having a home gym! The only pet peeve I have when I am working out is my puppy wants to lick me in the face when I am doing sit ups:tongue:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    That's a cute pet peeve! :laugh:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I wouldn't call it a peeve but it was a bit embarrassing. I was just "fresh off the couch", needless to say I couldn't lift very much. This little old lady, 70 if she's a day and probably weighs 80 pounds with her purse, does the circuit right behind me. At every machine she shakes her head, goes tsk tsk and adds twice as much weight. :noway: This has taught me to be kind to new people. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Hopefully it has also taught you to be kind to old people, 'cause that granny might bodyslam you! Hehehehe,,,, :laugh: