Insulin Resistance Support

Are there any groups/threads on here for those with insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome? Thinking it would be nice to have some others to discuss this with and possibly get some advice from one another. Thanks!


  • Timothy2000
    I am not sure if there are any groups but you can start one. I am diabetic myself although not resistant to insulin. I did notice that you were from Kansas. I am from Wichita it is nice to see somebody else from here on this site.
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I have PCOS it makes me insulin resistant or insulin stubborn as I call it.
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I have PCOS and insulin resistance as well.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm diabetic with wicked bad insulin resistance and PCOS
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have PCOS and insulin resistance as well.
    WOW and look how much you have lost! Please post the other members who are also insulin resistant some tips on how you are fighting this to lose this amount of weight! Good job, you are an inspiration to others!!!
  • Divinelady
    Wow! I am also Insulin Resistance and suffer from PCOS too. Great to know that there are others out there like myself. :) I honestly think we should start a group. :)
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    It is GREAT to hear from others with similar concerns! I am honestly surprised there are no groups/threads started already. I would love it if we could just continue talking and sharing ideas/suggestions/successes. I found out I had insulin resistance about 3 years ago, started making a change, took the meds, lost some weight, got pregnant, stopped working on myself at that point and now I am trying to get back on track. Yesterday I asked my doctor to check my blood sugar to see if I have gotten much worse, waiting to hear back so I am a little concerned. All I know is that having a support group on here with similar issues would be very helpful. Hope to hear from you all again.
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I am not sure if there are any groups but you can start one. I am diabetic myself although not resistant to insulin. I did notice that you were from Kansas. I am from Wichita it is nice to see somebody else from here on this site.

    I am also from Wichita!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Oh! I'd like to join too please!! :drinker:

    I'm insulin resistant (also with PCOS) and I follow a limited carb plan. I eat up to 80g of carbs a day, and never more than 25 per meal/snack. I tried cutting back to 25 carbs/day at the advice of my doctor, but I just wasn't sticking to it - so we reevaluated and created a new plan thats really working for me.

    I probably dont speak for just myself when I say that for those of us that are IR, its not about how fast the weight comes off - its just a success when it comes off at all! :bigsmile: I would love to hear everyone's tips and goals!
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Hannah, great to hear from you and of course you can be part of our group. I guess we have officially started a group!!! lol. I met with a nutrionalist like 3 years ago and I know I need to meet with one again so I can hear their suggestions. Maybe this time I will take it to heart. Sounds like you have been on the right track and have really listened to your doctor! Great job! Your insight will be greatly appreciated. Have you followed any specific diet? I remember asking my doctor what diet would be closest to what they were wanting me to do, he said South Beach. I have shown success using those cook books and Biggest Loser cook books. My problem is just sticking with it. Hopefully that's what we can all help each other with!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Sticking to it is definitely the hardest part. I tried calorie counting for the first 5 months on MFP and lost a total of 2 pounds, even though I was religious about logging and exercise. I gave up for about 3 months, then went to the doctor, who told me that I was insulin resistant, so I hopped on the low carb train, but fell off when we had to move across country (suddenly, due to job loss) in early Oct. So Rachel, we can totally do it this time. Having accountability buddies is one of the best ways to success.

    I don't follow a specific plan because I really don't need the structure. I LOVE to cook and experiment. I'm also a very picky eater, so generic meal plans have never worked for me. :ohwell: So my goal is under 1200 cals/day, 80g carbs/day. I also have the wonderful little bodybugg that has really helped me be accountable (it shows you your daily deficit in this mean little chart so you can't escape the fact that you overate or undermoved).

    I need to get that Biggest Loser cookbook! I'm still using the ollllllld Betty Crocker one, where taste was the #1 most important thing, not necessarily health. Please feel free to share any particularly nummy recipes with us. :bigsmile:
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I LOVE using recipes from the Biggest Loser cook books. I have honestly only had like 2 items that weren't great, but would still make them again, just not often. I will try to post one here and there to share some of my favorites. I'm sure I will know more of what I need to do when my doctor calls me back with my test results. I will also be asking for a meeting with him or a nutritionalist.
    Here is one of my most commonly used recipes since I always have lean ground beef in the freezer. My father-in-law gets it cheap. These are good just made as-is, or using them with a marinara sauce with wheat pasta or even with squash instead. I like variety.

    New Favorite Meatballs - Biggest Loser

    olive oil spray 2 egg whites
    1/2 cup quick-cooking oats 1/4 cup fat-free milk
    1/2 cup finely chopped fresh parsley (I use dried)
    1 tablespoon dried minced onion 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 pound 96% lean ground beef

    Preheat oven to 400. Lightly coat a large nonstick baking sheet with the olive oil spray.

    In a medium bowl, mix together the egg whites, oats, and milk until well combined. Add the parsley, onion, oregano, garlic powder, salt, and crushed red pepper flakes and mix until combined. Mix in the beef until well combined.

    Make 32 uniform meatballs, each about 1 1/4" diameter. Roll the balls with your hands and arrange, not touching, on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 7-10 minutes, or until no longer pink inside.

    Makes 4 (8-meatball) servings

    Per Serving: 194 calories, 26 g protein, 10 g carbohydrates, 5g fat (2g saturated), 60mg cholesterol, 2g fiber, 252 mg sodium
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    My husband was just going out the door when I saw this recipe - so now I asked him to pick up ground beef on his way home. I think we're going to try this tonight! :bigsmile: Thanks!!
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Good luck!!! Let me know what you think. I have tons more I can share, just one at a time though, lol. It takes a while to put it on here!! There is a meatloaf recipe that is similar to that and I put it in muffin tins so it is separated into portion sizes. I do that with a LOT of different meatloaf recipes. lol. Again, ground beef is something we use a lot of! :happy:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hey, does that Biggest Loser Cookbook have a recipe for mashed cauliflower? I made some tonight, and it's awesome, but I used a ton of butter. Would like to get a solid recipe.
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    The Biggest Loser books I have do not have one but the South Beach book does. I will post their recipe, but I honestly make it as easy as possible. I use one bag frozen cauliflower, steam it, drain, add a little bit of fat free milk, Parkay 0 calorie fat free butter spray, garlic, salt and pepper. Always turns out great!

    Surprise South Beach Mashed "Potatoes"
    4 cups cauliflower florets pinch of salt
    2 tablespoons trans-free butter spray pinch of ground black pepper
    1 ounce fat-free half-and-half

    Makes 4 servings

    per serving: 60 calories, 1 1/2g fat, 1/2g saturated fat, 3g protein, 11g carbohydrate, 3g dietary fiber, 5mg cholesterol, 105 mg sodium
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Alas, I tried the mashed cauliflower a couple weeks ago and it just didn't do it for me. I wanted to like it so bad because I really miss potatoes. :laugh:

    Thank you soooooo much for putting up the recipes though Rachel - I know it probably takes a while to type all that out. I will try to keep my new recipe neediness down to a minimum. :tongue:

    Everybody doing well today? I woke up in a panic because I heard my 2 year old screaming in his crib. He never does that, so I ran in, expecting him to have fallen out onto the floor (something I'm still waiting for) and lo and behold, he'd given himself a huge busted lip that was already turning purple. I think he flipped one of his strap on toys over the side and it hit him in the face on the way down. Of course, 2 year olds seem to have the pain memory of a goldfish, so he was fine 60 seconds later. :bigsmile:

    I'm hoping to finish unpacking the bedroom today. After that its just the attic and my son's room and I'm DONE. So excited. Hope you all have an awesome day! :drinker:
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    Tonight I tried this recipe I found on a south beach website and thought I would share it with everyone. It was delicious!!! I added a few things for my taste.

    Oven-Roasted Shrimp with Pico

    1 lb tomatoes, diced
    1/2 onion, diced
    2 limes, juiced
    1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
    1 bunch cilantro, chopped
    1 tsp. ground cumin
    2 lbs. large raw shrimp, peeled and deveined
    2 tbl. olive oil
    1 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. black pepper

    In a medium bowl mix tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, lime juice, cilantro, and cumin.
    Preheat oven to 450.
    Spread Pico in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish.
    Toss shrimp with oil, salt and pepper. Evenly spread on top of pico.
    Bake 5 minutes, stir, cook 5 more minutes, or until shrimp turns pink.

    I really liked this and put it in my permanent recipe box. Obviously it is very, very low in carbs. Hope you are able to try it and enjoy it as much as I did!! Let me know what you think.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I posted an awesome Mojito Lime Chicken Wrap recipe in the Nutrition forum. It's only 290 calories & 25 carbs per wrap. Someone even suggested replacing the wrap with lettuce, cutting the calories even further. The wraps I got are only 90 cals each, though.

    I wear an insulin pump, and lowered my basal insulin rate a few days ago. I was worried my numbers would jump up, but I tested my sugar tonight after workout & hot shower, and it was 155-- perfect for right after dinner!
    If my sugar stays steady like this, I am going to try lowering my basal a little more.
  • Rachel6901
    Rachel6901 Posts: 105 Member
    I wanted to share this website with everyone. It contains different South Beach recipes and I have already tried a few excellent ones.