

  • Karen, Robin, Susan, Karenleona - thanks for the welcome. I would not have gotten here if I hadn't had this thread to work out my stuff. Yes, the decision to go the WLS route was a long and hard one, it was over a year from the initial recommendation to actually getting it, not a day of it taken lightly. But the surgery…
  • HI all - been a while since I've stopped in here, I think maybe 6-8 months. While I've still been using MFP the whole time I didn't feel okay coming in the forum. Not that anyone in here ever said or did anything to make me feel unwelcome or discouraged, on the contrary everyone in here is great. But on May 31 I had a…
  • @Morgori - That is one of the most awesome pumpkins I've ever seen. My husband can do all that crazy vegetable carving as a part of his job but it's all the same stuff over and over. I've never seen an Elmo! I love him!! @Karen - I agree with you that we do need our union behind us right now. They block out time and money…
  • @jtconst - I completely understand th body image thing because I feel exactly as you do. @Karen - another 5K? Congratulations!! I need to keep another window open if I want to respond to more people than that. Okay, so here's what's been up and why I missed you all. My husband had his surgery as I said, and on Wednesday of…
  • Just checking in - been crazy the past few weeks. My husband had his surgery (all went great) but we lost his brother a week later and we are only just getting a personal life back that doesn't include daily trips to a doctor or hospital or family visits. I'll have to catch up later, just needed to find you all =)
  • Oh! Almost forgot. Having 3 dogs myself I get all the dog posts!! Lately I am addicted to Anyone with a dog will appreciate it it you haven't seen it yet.
  • I don't love 5 am on tuesdays. I don't love 5 am any day but whatever. Good thing #1, I ate breakfast again! On Sunday I went grocery shopping with my sister. I actually didn't need anything. The goal was to shop with her and help her buy things to cook all week. This is in an attempt to help her (and myself) by trying to…
  • Back to work today. I take comfort in the fact that the new boss told me that she knows absolutely no chemistry. Probably means she cant detect poison. Something to cheer me on a Monday. I feel like I started today right, I always check the computer int he morning. Check email, write a facebook status, and check in here.…
  • @Karen, RObin, Toots, Monarchris, Susan, Naceto - thanks so much for the thoughts and words. It's a really stressful time but one thing I know from these pages is that we have all have waves of luck both up and down. And since I believe that life harmonizes, I can be strong and get through this and have something good…
  • Hi all - I should be on here like every second because I have my schedule back and for three months all I've been saying is "I can't function without a schedule! No not meeeeeee" Life is taking a wacky turn and I have been neglecting you all and myself. I need to commit to you all here and this group in an effort to…
  • @ toots, thats some of what we discussed last night. My sister has 4 kids, and until this coming year the three school age were all in different schools. With them all in one school now, she can get on a good schedule and get the family into a routine. I told her she really has to cook - they get takeout or eat out almost…
  • Morning, all. Happy Sunday =) THis has potential to be a long Sunday Share, just a warning. I come from a family that has a history of weight issues. Both sides are all Italian and we love our food. My dad's side are all men, NYC cops and firemen who are all big and loud and happy, my mom's side is all women who care too…
  • @Nichols - How is the width on Ryka shoes? I usually only go for New Balance, because I have feet like flippers and they are usually the only comfortable shoe for me.
  • @Aug - Fondant works best at room temperature. The one you'd make from scratch can be finicky, so if weather or storage is questionable I usually stick with premade. Wilon is readily available and works well. There are other good ones out there but they are very pricey and sometimes hard to find. I have the luxury of…
  • @Muchado Once you get used to fondant it's not so bad. I use it all the time (I personally don't like it but I'm not the one with the $$$). If you're going to start with store bought try Wilton, it's very easy to use. The homemade marshmallow fondant is much tastier but I think needs a little more confidence to use.…
  • Happy Tuesday! I finally got the nerve to get on the scale after nine days straight of constant exposure to my husband and no one else (except Kenny Chesney, and really, he loves me for who I am). SOme damage but nothing too terrible, I havent been checking the scale in about 3-4 weeks and I gained three pounds. I'll say…
  • "It is a life journey for me with no end and slip ups cannot be used to beat myself up because real life happens." Rebecca, that may be the best quote ever. I wrote it down and I have it in front of me! My weeks vacation with the husband just ended, and Lord knows I was not the best decision maker. I was great with no…
  • Found you - Thank You Robin!! What the heck is a phalarope anyway?
  • It being 12:17 Im really stretching the Saturday Success part. Im sitting in a hotel room in Jersey having just gone to an AMAZING concert that went from 4:30 till 11 pm. Lots of dancing and fun. We did tailgate, starting at about 11 am. I ate breakfast before we left - See, Robin, I ATE BREAKFAST GO ME! SOme eggs and…
  • @Monarchris - I have a sister who's a lot like this. It lasts until she needs something. It's so hard to go through tima and again, though. I know how hard it is. @Robin - I KNOW I need to be beaten with a noodle. The no eating till the afternoon thing has GOT to stop. I am a horrible person without a schedule, and no…
  • Oh My Helen you are too much. I just got invited to run a 5K Survival Race in September. I usually only run for ice cream trucks and outlet sales. Any input?
  • @Vicki - breadcrumbs, you crack me up..... @akelts - Not a single school around here would be lacking for applicants. SOmeone cut from my department went for an interview and they did the writing sample in shifts, she said there were 65 people in her group. There are no available teaching jobs at all, and more getting cut…
  • I found the new thread =) I thought I lost you all!! I've been insanely busy and only logging, no time for posting, but yesterday started my actual vacation (meaning I am no longer at the summer job and have the month of August to myself and Kenny Chesney) so I should be back soon. Update on me - I fear the scale as I…
  • Off to the Bodies Exhibit on a field trip today. If that can't keep me on the straight and narrow, I don't know what will.
  • HS Science Research on Long Island - no pressure! And I keep hearing about the mysterious quadratic equation song and I have to admit I do not know it. And Im too embarrassed to tell my math dept friends of my ignorance!