Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Today was a good day. I did 75 minutes on the treadmill this AM. I brought some of my leftover Pork & Kraut for lunch, which was so good and tried some new Gluten Free Sugar Cookies, which were not too bad. Dinner was Grilled Chicken Taco's. Overall, food and exercise was really good for today. Life is good!!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    The last couple of times I posted on here my post didn't "stick" ?
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Monday Check-In - I am up 1.8 pounds but my pants are getting looser again, so I am just thinking it is probably a temporary gain and not to worry. Although as part of the September challenge I think I am going to get back on the Wii again. The weather is definitely changing and the outdoor sports are not going to be as doable as they have been. I hope to take a few more pounds off before the high school reunion on the 23rd. (don't want to be the chubbiest one there, totally vein goal, but there it is.)
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @raven--I laughed when you said your lab was angry b/c you took the GP for extra walks--that's why Gunner is an only child. :laugh: He was in a fight with me last night b/c I came home smelling of my sister's dog...

    @Skinny yeah he's a bit spoiled. Now he's mad at me 'cause he and Kenzie didn't get to go for a walk today (not for lack of wanting to). We took 'em out to play though so he's still a bit tuckered. He threw a tantrum though. I left the room and he got ahold of some paper towels in the trash can and ripped them up.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    My dog is jealous of my lap top computer. He is of the opinion that my lap belongs to HIM!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    My dog is jealous of my lap top computer. He is of the opinion that my lap belongs to HIM!

    My dog is the same way!! I keep it on the sofa table (behind the couch) so when he sees me reach for it, he knows "petting time" is over. He gives out this really "grumpy old man" sigh of frustration. He also will rest his chin right on the keyboard or on my forearm while I'm trying to type. :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @raven--I laughed when you said your lab was angry b/c you took the GP for extra walks--that's why Gunner is an only child. :laugh: He was in a fight with me last night b/c I came home smelling of my sister's dog...

    @Skinny yeah he's a bit spoiled. Now he's mad at me 'cause he and Kenzie didn't get to go for a walk today (not for lack of wanting to). We took 'em out to play though so he's still a bit tuckered. He threw a tantrum though. I left the room and he got ahold of some paper towels in the trash can and ripped them up.

    Gunner tried to throw a tantrum right after we got him. He kept digging in the yard while we were all sitting out there, so I put him in the house. We could see him prancing around in the kitchen--weren't sure what he was up to, but I had just read something about "shunning" to discourage unruly behavior, so we were trying not to let him see us watching him. After we could hear (and sneakily see) that he had calmed down, I went in the house and found that he had gotten my sneakers and tossed them around the kitchen. While still shunning him, I calmly picked them up and put them back by the front door and went about my business. After about a half hour we acknowledged him again. He's never touched anything of ours again. :laugh:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    My dog is jealous of my lap top computer. He is of the opinion that my lap belongs to HIM!

    My dog is the same way!! I keep it on the sofa table (behind the couch) so when he sees me reach for it, he knows "petting time" is over. He gives out this really "grumpy old man" sigh of frustration. He also will rest his chin right on the keyboard or on my forearm while I'm trying to type. :laugh:

    :laugh: Mine too!
    We shun our dog when he is bad. It is the ONLY thing that works. But shunning is very effective.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    My dog is jealous of my lap top computer. He is of the opinion that my lap belongs to HIM!

    My dog is the same way!! I keep it on the sofa table (behind the couch) so when he sees me reach for it, he knows "petting time" is over. He gives out this really "grumpy old man" sigh of frustration. He also will rest his chin right on the keyboard or on my forearm while I'm trying to type. :laugh:

    @Skinny LOL! Nero does that too! XD I know I shouldn't encourage it because he's demanding attention at that point but it's sooooo cute. He'll look up at me with those pretty brown eyes of his, tongue drooling all over my arm and ears totally forward with this forlorn look on his face. Most of the time I manage to avoid it by looking away but I always have trouble holding in the snicker lol.
    Gunner tried to throw a tantrum right after we got him. He kept digging in the yard while we were all sitting out there, so I put him in the house. We could see him prancing around in the kitchen--weren't sure what he was up to, but I had just read something about "shunning" to discourage unruly behavior, so we were trying not to let him see us watching him. After we could hear (and sneakily see) that he had calmed down, I went in the house and found that he had gotten my sneakers and tossed them around the kitchen. While still shunning him, I calmly picked them up and put them back by the front door and went about my business. After about a half hour we acknowledged him again. He's never touched anything of ours again. laugh

    @Skinny Kenzie has a thing for shoes too. She never tears them up or anything... she'll just pick it up, run around with it a bit and then lay down on it. The pillows are another story though. She loves to get ahold of pillows and will chew on them incessantly. We've tried the "bite" on her and she'll stop for a little while but next time she gets wired she's back at it. We've also tried shunning her for it too but it doesn't seem to affect her much, if any. I know we need to claim them whenever she does that but she only acknowledges it when I do it and then when I'm not in the room and someone else is watching her... she's right back at it.
    laugh Mine too!
    We shun our dog when he is bad. It is the ONLY thing that works. But shunning is very effective.

    @AngelikaLumiere I try that sometimes when Nero or Kenzie is bad. They seem to think that means it's play time though lol. They'll start in the living room on the carpet, get up to full speed and then slide into the room when they hit the hardwood floor lol. I usually "bite" them when they're bad. (Bite= equalling a sharp but not rough or harsh touch on either the haunches (nero) or the scruff (Kenzie)) It actually works pretty well for both of them and they'll calm down almost immediately.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    @Robin - Track the c alories burned from fly hunting!!

    Monday check in - I finally lost a few lbs and hopefully am back on a downward trend. If anyone is interested, here is a before (insert) and current picture.... Forum/?action=view&current=Beforeandafter.jpg

  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Coming in at an odd point in the convo, as I have no dog lore to share. Funny stories, though!

    @ Laurie and lmackbethl: Portland is a great city (I live in a suburb). Depending on time and transportataion, totally agree that the waterfalls and trails out I-84 are great. Also, check out the Saturday Market in town (runs all weekend most of the year, do some holiday shopping with no sales tax!), and I find the Japanese Garden to be one of the loveliest places in the city. We are a beverage culture -- wine, beer, and coffee are all huge, and there are lots of restaurants with wonderful seasonal, locally-sourced food. Be prepared to enjoy!

    @ Andrea: what a mess! Totally love the happy Monday thought. Too bad your new director lacks vision or respect. Clearly she didn't take the trouble to educate herself about what makes your school and program special. Hopefully, your superintendant and Board members set her straight. Hope your hubby is cured by the surgery.

    Speaking of health issues, Helen, CALL YOUR DOCTOR. What you are describing is not okay. Unless your next appointment is this week, pick up the phone.

    Robin, good to see you back, with sense of humor intact. Heal quickly!

    Monday check in: hovering around my lowest weight (dropped about 5 lbs quickly when I got back on the wagon). Did fine Saturday until dinner, then made a crappy choice and went way over. Weekly net numbers were fine, but still. Sunday and today, though, still doing okay. Much better success keeping carbs down than in August, so far, which feels good. Will still focus on food this week, but need to get moving more! Haven't decided how I want to attack that.

    Okay, all, it's late and I need to head to bed. Hugs to all!
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Monday check-in: no problems on the weekend but today blew my goal of walking 30 minutes and doing kettlebell routine due to my grandsons not being at the friend's house where they were suppose to be. They are both restricted to our property for the next 2 days for SCARING THE C**P OUT OF THEIR GRANDMOTHER! I WILL be back on track tomorrow morning!

    @nance - I do drink the Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). If I'm drinking 2Tbs in 8oz of water I add a packet of Stevia in the Raw. If I put it in my 33oz water bottles I just drink as is. I like the flavor and find it to be a refreshing drink. The slightly sour taste eliminates my sugar cravings.

    @Helenatrandom - If it were me I'd be making a doc appt to have that checked out ASAP

    @MyMow - Wowee Kazowee girlfriend totally inspiring!

    thanks to all of the rest of you who posted - kudos to those with successes and a helping hand shout out to those who need motivation and encouragement - we're in this together - you CAN do it!:heart::heart: :heart:

  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    My dog is jealous of my lap top computer. He is of the opinion that my lap belongs to HIM!
    For me, it is my cat Jasper who is jealous and then he usually decides if he can't get on my lap as I am using my laptop he sits on the laptop itself...

    Robin - glad to see you are back.
    Jana - Congrats on completing the 5K

    Belated Monday Check In - another pound lost this week, although I am not sure how, as I have been over my calories all week usually between 500 and 1000, but Sunday was really bad (over 5000:embarassed: ), so this leads me to....

    Tuesday Goals, to get to the gym every day and for my calories to be under or within 50 cals of my limit for 4 out of the next 7 days...I know this seems a bit odd as really it should be 7 out of 7, but this is something I have not managed to do while I have been logging, so I think it maybe easier to set a shorter goal for this week, then once I reach this goal, increase it be one day a week until I get to the 7 out of 7. So to start, here's off to the gym after making a healthy snack for after (as I have to go to the supermarket after, as post gym hunger + food shopping = disaster especially as they have a pie shop)
  • andreabeatty
    I don't love 5 am on tuesdays. I don't love 5 am any day but whatever. Good thing #1, I ate breakfast again!

    On Sunday I went grocery shopping with my sister. I actually didn't need anything. The goal was to shop with her and help her buy things to cook all week. This is in an attempt to help her (and myself) by trying to get her out of this 6 night a week takeout thing her family is into, and help my nephew who is 120 pounds at 8 years old. Sunday we made a London broil on the grill and lots of vegetables. Last night I worked with my nephew and we made individual pizzas using whole wheat dough. Is it the absolute most healthy option? No. But it was WAY better than him eating half a Domino's pizza. My thoughts were, he will appreciate it having participated, it kept him from sitting around eating junk while we did all the work and clean up, and it's built in portion control. that was the pizza he got, that was his meal. We did have salad with it, and we had gotten fruit if he wanted a snack after dinner. Tonight I am going there to show her how to make baked chicken. She doesn't cook at all. I told her we need to make extra chicken because tomorrow night this can be a chicken fajita for him, or a salad. I think she's starting to get it. And my nephew doesn't say much but he's very quick to hug and hold on these days. Even at 8 I think he recognizes that we have some of the same struggles. Tonight I'd like to take him for a walk to the playground.

    Actually between her, her husband, 4 kids and my mom, and usually me, they spend so much money on restaurants and takeout I should just cook and they can hire me a trainer!
  • andreabeatty
    Oh! Almost forgot. Having 3 dogs myself I get all the dog posts!! Lately I am addicted to Anyone with a dog will appreciate it it you haven't seen it yet.
  • lmackbethl
    Tuesday goal - well my goal for this week (and next) is the same as one of my September goals -- to complete my 6-day, 63-mile backpacking trip without injuring myself. Of course, this is a bit easier said than done when you're still nearly 200 pounds overweight. This leads me to my second goal, which is to push aside any aches and/or discomforts and enjoy every minute and every mile that I get to spend on the trail with my 73-year old father (who is in way better shape than I am). We are so blessed to have this time together!! I'm flying out to Oregon tomorrow, and after a day spent with family, we will hit the trail on Friday! One foot in front of the other....
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Tuesday Goal: You know honestly my goal is to stop reading so many threads.

    ***Rant warning!!!****

    I have read many different opinions and thoughts about whether or not people should eat back all, half, or none of their exercise calories back. I've also seen many posts about people concerned about how many calories their friends net throughout the day. Granted I understand their concern. I've been there on both sides of the fence.

    When I first joined MFP- My very first day- I had a total BEFORE exercise of 400 calories in a day. That was because I ate one meal a day. Why did I eat one meal a day? I ate when I was hungry. Was I TRYING to starve myself? No! Not in the least- I literally just wasn't hungry and I didn't think much of it.

    After that first day, I immediately tried to up my calories. I read up on "starvation mode" and what it could do to my body and I tried to remedy the situation. Apparently, though, I'm still doing things wrong- apparently there are those that believe people like me have an eating disorder.

    I would like to say now that I have read the views of both sides of the coin here. I understand that MFP's calorie goal automatically starts you off on a deficit. I really do. On average before exercise I have a net gain of anywhere from 1000-1200 calories a day. Low? Maybe- could I up it? Probably but my body is still getting used to the sudden change from such a low calorie intake to something considerably higher. It's NOT something that should be done overnight... but I did it because I learned QUICKLY what could be happening to my body. I didn't WANT to starve myself- I was just stupid to my body's needs.

    Now after exercise, depending on how much I do during the day I average a NET gain of anywhere from 500-900 calories after my exercise (Again I realize this COULD be upped but since I've upped it considerably I feel this next step should be taken a little more slowly so I don't make myself ill).

    The thing is, however, that according to my doctor (a medical professional) the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than I take in. (Again I refer back to the fact that I understand there's automatically a deficit due to how MFP's goals are set up and the fact that I don't want to make myself sick.)

    However, I do resent that it was implied someone like me has an eating disorder. I don't obsess over my calories- what I obsess over is when I get lacks in my choices and eat food I know is horribly unhealthy to me! IE- tonight I had pizza because my dad requested I make some. I could have moderated how much I ate but since we're currently running low on healthy choices, I ate more to ensure that I didn't starve myself. Do I regret it? Yes! I feel bloated because of the crap on the pizza. Should I have eaten less? If I had healthier options- yeah probably. Eating more was the lesser of two evils though- I chose the bloated feeling over the hunger pangs.

    Some people are too judgmental of others and it really bothers me. I know there are those out there that do intentionally starve themselves to lose weight. It's not the right way to do it. Some people can't help it- but I have taken the steps necessary to try and AVOID it since I learned what I was doing.

    ****End rant***

    Sorry for the insanely long rant but the implication in another thread really bothered me. I know I don't have a high net gain and I know that I still have room for improvement. I'm trying to improve. It's just going to take a bit of time.


    @Andreabeatty THAT SITE IS TOO CUTE! I love the "I play with things that aren't mine and use my 'cuteness' to not get in trouble." one
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Is anyone interested in a Halloween challenge? Tomorrow it will be 50 days until Halloween. I need some motivation to boost either my steps or my miles, especially since the weather is cooling off and making walking/riding more do-able. Since I usually get in 10,000 steps on gym days, but not other days, I thought I'd challenge myself to about 400,000 steps in 7 weeks or a little less than 60,000 steps a week. Each participant could choose their own goal depending on their level of fitness, and then post a weekly total on Tuesdays. Anyone game??? I wear a fitbit, so going with steps is easy for me, but for those with a pedometer, a premeasured route, or who use equipment like a treadmill, bike or elliptical can record mileage shown on the equipment.

    Ideas, suggestions? It's more fun when we can push each other along. :smile:


    Great idea! I'm in! My trainer wants me to try running again and I'm doing the Turkey Trot on Thankgiving morning with a friend from work - I haven't decided if I'm walking or running the 5k yet - but this will be great motivation for either.
  • AuntieVaVa
    Good Tuesday Morning!

    Many thanks to all for your support, encouragement, and advice! I am happy to report that keeping my sodium intake to a total of 1200 mg and drinking 12 glasses of water yesterday did help to flush those fluids out of my body (from the evil pizza and breadsticks that assaulted me when I walked into Target on Sunday). I was so glad to see 4.4 of the 5 pounds gained over the weekend were gone when I got on the scale this morning (of course that also meant 3 trips to the bathroom during the night, but it's worth it)!

    Special thanks to
    @kah68 - you were right on the money about the sodium from the food and upping the water intake - smart girl! - and for letting me know that it's okay for me to NOT want gastric bypass surgery
    @naceto - instructive on not just the weight loss but increasing activity and eating good foods that are good for me. What is eating "clean"?
    @lizmil79 - it feels less lonely to realize I'm not the only one who has doubted that a chair would hold me - I often will say "Oh, I've been sitting all day, I'm need to stand for a while," when in reality I've eyed the available seating and decided (a) the chair will break if i sit in it, or (b) I won't fit between the arms of that chair, or (c) that that couch is so low I know I won't be able to get up out of it without assistance. Does the confidence to sit in any chair return with weight loss?
    @skinnyjeanzbo (you have me wondering how much weight you lose by donating a pint of blood? :))
    @MyMOwMOw - FABULOUS photo - the before and now pictures look like something you would see on Oprah! It is very inspiring - thanks for posting it. and thanks for the reminder that I can't let myself get so hungry that I make those bad choices!

    You Robins Thread guys rock!

    Tuesday Goal - it's just a tiny one, but important to me personally - to keep my sodium under 2000 mg and to drink at least 8 glasses of water again today. Dr.'s appt tomorrow at 4:15 pm.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    My dog is jealous of my lap top computer. He is of the opinion that my lap belongs to HIM!

    My dog is the same way!! I keep it on the sofa table (behind the couch) so when he sees me reach for it, he knows "petting time" is over. He gives out this really "grumpy old man" sigh of frustration. He also will rest his chin right on the keyboard or on my forearm while I'm trying to type. :laugh:

    The cat that I lost in March was the same way - as soon as I pulled the laptop out she decided she wanted to sit right on the keyboard. It was annoying and the reason I called her "bugaboo." I miss that sometimes.