Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sams247
    sams247 Posts: 58 Member
    I am back guys, been a while, but I start heavier than I was before :( I have been homebound since an accident and have eaten myself silly, added to that no exercise at all..... so I start over and really, desperately want to make it this time.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @kelley--thanks for sharing about how you gained weight as a shield. I've heard many people on MFP talk about that and it's so interesting (yet foreign) to me. I have been overweight my whole life and have the opposite feeling--I feel like the fat makes me more vulnerable. I guess it's due to being the "chubby" kid who might get teased on any given day for being overweight. Even though it's much less common to get "teased" or ridiculed as an adult, I feel like people still judge me based on my weight. I want to get rid of the rest of the excess fat so I'm not vulnerable to that negativity.

    Thanks for sharing. Carrying around excess weight is difficult at any age, but imagine its even more difficult as a child. Kids are just mean! You're right, as adults we don't really get "teased," but I sure have had dealt with a lot of rejection and people talking behind my back. It really wreaks havoc on self esteem, something I've been lacking until recently. I feel invisible most of the time. I think its one of the reasons I am working so hard now - I just decided enough was enough. I don't want to be invisible or feel lonely anymore - decided its time to put myself out there but need to get the rest of this weight off in order to feel better about that. I think we all reach a point where we don't want to be vulnerable anymore.

    Sorry that your niece came down with an illness and your visit with her had to be canceled - hope you are productive with your grading today. I see a nap in my future - something I never get to do. :happy:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @MyM0wM0w & Skinnyjeanz - Way to go with the boots :) That is a terrific NSV and I am so happy for you!

    @jtconst - Excellent on the smaller size of jeans! YAY (and I love Lane Bryant). I am really excited for you and your goal of Snoqualmie Falls!!! I have NEVER walked down, for fear of not being able to get back up. I am the one that waits at the top with a book. You can do it!!!

    @regojess - excellent loss!!

    @Alison - Great job on the loss! I felt the same way about MFP adjusting my calories, but learned to embrace it as another victory. It can be really hard to wrap your arms around changes like that - I wish you luck! :) Bell ringing sounds like fun!! I never even considered doing something like that - wow. Very cool. Thanks for the idea of bringing a friend... That would probably work great for normal people... I am a little "off"... my son and sister offer to go with me, but I have a really hard time focusing with other people that I know around me. Example - on my outing with my son, where we walked a 3 mile loop in the park... I had to tell him not to talk to me on the hills. I felt like a total bully but it was the only way I could "self talk" my way up those hills. :brokenheart: My son was super sweet about it - he usually is. Maybe if I bring someone but tell them to leave me alone? Is that too weird, you think?

    @Garetie- Re your bike ride: It is only going to be the first handful of times at most that you will not be comfortable on a bike.. I bet once you get going, there will be no stopping you! You can do it!!!

    @Kelley - I am so happy for you acknowledging your "walls" and working to take them down. I hope that I can be brave enough to continue to do the same. Your posts about this really hit home with me. Thank you for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    I'll do my check in later... on my way out to breakfast with a friend... Why does socializing always revolve around food? :wink:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I am back guys, been a while, but I start heavier than I was before :( I have been homebound since an accident and have eaten myself silly, added to that no exercise at all..... so I start over and really, desperately want to make it this time.

    You already won by getting back here. Having been here before you know it works!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good Afternoon all! I must not of been wearing my oxygen when I posted yesterday because I thought it was Monday. I guess that's what happens when you don't work, the days just get mixed up. Didn't have my evening walk last night or my morning walk today due to the high humidity and heat, makes my asthma and COPD worse. I think I'm going to clean my apartment today and get exercise that way. It does count doesn't it? Have had good time with family this weekend but extremely tired. Weighed today and was up 1 lb which I know is due to water weight and all the salt I consumed over the last 2 days. Today is back to low sodium. I was going to do personals but my youngest son took off with my pen again. He must have a kazillion of them at his house now.

    Welcome to newbies and those coming back to the best group on MFP.

    Morgori - praying for you and your family's health.

    Congrats to all who have had NSVs and SVs.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday Check In - Well, I finally lost another lb last week after an almost 3 week plateau. Had a few happy NSVs. Today I did day one of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and after almost vomiting completed it without stopping (she's one mean sadistic ^&(#^).

    I LOVED skinnyjeans idea of the schedule so now you have took at mine.

    Monday - Yoga AM / 30 day shred PM (Pool closed for Holiday)
    Tuesday - Yoga AM / 30 day shred PM
    Wednesday - Swimming (50 minutes) PM
    Thursday - Yoga AM / 30 day shred PM
    Friday - Swimming (55 minutes) PM
    Saturday - Yoga AM / 30 day shred PM
    Sunday - Nothing (unless I get bored and go to pool)
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    ok, I've come to the realization that although shiritaki noodles have no calories, neither do rubber bands - which eating them reminds me of.
    I must be doing something wrong.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all I am off to a labor deal bbq at my parents. I made an awsome pasta salad with lots of veggies ravioli and the skinnytast cilantro tomatillo dressing which is amazing by the way. I think my best tool on my life change journey this time is the fact I finally learned how to cook. My weekend was pertty good once I got over my pity party on saturday and I lost 2 pounds so that was a nice start to the day. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful labor day.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    ok, I've come to the realization that although shiritaki noodles have no calories, neither do rubber bands - which eating them reminds me of.
    I must be doing something wrong.
    I tried them very early on in my journey and yeah.....not going there again. The texture creeped me out and no matter how i rinsed and dried them i felt like i could 'taste' the fishy smell.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi all I am off to a labor deal bbq at my parents. I made an awsome pasta salad with lots of veggies ravioli and the skinnytast cilantro tomatillo dressing which is amazing by the way. I think my best tool on my life change journey this time is the fact I finally learned how to cook. My weekend was pertty good once I got over my pity party on saturday and I lost 2 pounds so that was a nice start to the day. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful labor day.

    Great job of learning how to cook great wholesome food and losing 2 lbs!
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Monday Check in - Didn't gain as much as I expected after this indulgant weekend so I'm happy on that front. Tomorrow I believe I have an interview for a higher position at work (I applied and the manager said we will sit down tomorrow so I assume its for an interview) so I am working on a 30-60-90 and hoping I knock his socks off.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Been busy doing laundry including bed linens, sweeping floors, unloading and loading dishwasher and resting a bit before I vacuum. Belle hates it when I vacuum, she also hates the broom when I sweep barking at both of them. I couldn't figure out how come I was getting so breathless as I was going at a slow pace when the alarm went off on my concentrator. Investigated and found I had been walking around so much I had kinked my hose! lol I'm hoping to get the floors mopped too. After 2 days spent with rambunctious grandkids, it is nice to enjoy the quiet. Just had to brag about what I'm getting done today as haven't been able to do it in a while. Take care everyone.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    ok, I've come to the realization that although shiritaki noodles have no calories, neither do rubber bands - which eating them reminds me of.
    I must be doing something wrong.
    I tried them very early on in my journey and yeah.....not going there again. The texture creeped me out and no matter how i rinsed and dried them i felt like i could 'taste' the fishy smell.

    I'm early in my experimentation with them, but here are some tips Lin gave me:
    Rinse for at least 5 minutes. I rinse mine and even kind of pick them up in the colander to make sure they really get washed thoroughly. I haven't noticed any fishy taste or smell.

    Dry fry them in a skillet for several minutes to remove excess moisture before you add any sauce, veggies, etc. I found this REALLY helped to get the sauce to "stick."

    Another thing I noticed is that the noodles are really, really long and seem impervious to even the sharpest of steak knives. This seemed to lend to the "rubber-band-like" quality. So yesterday when I made them, I used kitchen shears to cut them up as I put them into the pan to dry fry them. I liked them much better in manageable pieces.

    That all being said, I like them best in asian dishes b/c they are much closer in texture to rice noodles than pasta. I will keep you posted if I find any new tricks.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Monday Check in:
    Doing ok so far. Ran a couple of errands and am currently at starbucks. I finished the Columber responses :bigsmile: and will get through at least a few of the cw stories. How many will depend on how good they are--if they're really painful, I may have to stop at 5, but if they are respectable, I will shoot for at least 10.

    Grading goals for the weekend:
    1. x/58 creative writing stories
    2. 48/48 "Columber" responses--DONE!!!
    3. prep for Advanced Grammar class--DONE!!!

    Need to hit the grocery store and walk Gunner before my DH makes dinner, so I better get to it. Will check back with you all tonight.
  • Andibenni
    Andibenni Posts: 408 Member
    Hi All. Been a while since I've ben on here. Lots of things happening at work and home which made me lose track however after a break away with the family I'm back in the right frame of mind and happy to note that at weigh-in this morning I've actually lost a whole 1lb. :happy: Looking forward to my birthday at the end of this week and my wedding anniversary on Sunday which will mean a meal out sometime over the weekend but hopefully a spinning class on Saturday will take care of that.

    Hope you've all enjoyed Labour Day. Take care.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Just got back from the movie "The Expendibles -2". It was loads of fun, laughs, incredulous smash-ups. The time just flew by. It was a fun treat for Labor Day. No popcorn or pop either, I haven't had either in over a year of movie-going, so its no temptation anymore..
    TMI ALERT - - - - -
    I'm anxious to get on the scale but :huh: I haven't had a BM in 4 days - and weird thing is, as a prep for surgery, they've been having me take a laxative for the last 3 days and I am to continue up to the night before surgery. I hope something happens! :blushing: I've been eating buckets of veggies too. I wish BigAug was here, because I'm going to need somebody to shout "thar she blows!" when the medicine finally does work! :laugh: :laugh:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i've had the same best friend for about twenty years and her mother, who i have also known for twenty years, has been ill. she was in a coma for two weeks and it wasn't going well at all. then suddenly she was doing much better. she went home from the hospital and everything. this morning she died. i'm just shocked. it's very surreal. I mean, i'm not looking for sympathy or anything. it's just utterly bizarre. i can't even process it. she was only 60. it's really strange.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I just came across this chart. I hope it pastes in well. Its a comparison of protein grams per food portion.

    Food Serving Size Grams of Protein
    Hamburger 6 ounces 48
    Chicken 6 ounces 43
    Fish 6 ounces 42
    Egg One large 6
    Cottage cheese ½ cup 14
    Cheddar Cheese 1 ounce 6
    Tofu ½ cup 10
    Lentils ½ cup 9
    Peanut Butter 2T 8
    Broccoli ½ cup 2
    Rice or pasta ½ cup 2
    Almonds 1 ounce 6

    I got this from the website
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Checking in - I am doing pretty good. I feel strong and mostly healthy. I walked over 5 miles in total this weekend, and am getting ready to walk at least one more - That is an amazing thing for me. I did have a few beers last night, and a small sampling of the various bar dips and junk, but was not too far over on calories, so I will forgive myself for the lapse.

    I hope you all had an amazing day, and wish you a wonderful week :drinker:
  • Smirkeh
    Smirkeh Posts: 3 Member
    Monday Share: Hello my name is Dallas, and well think its obvious this my first post here in this thread. When I saw this sitting there in the Motivation and Support thread I had to jump on it knowing that my goal on its own is well over 100LBS.... I just joined MFP a few weeks ago and I'm finally able to put it into so sort of use. I've been skimming through the pages here and I've been inspired by all the support from everyone that seems to participate here. My main goal for myself is to become healthier for my son so I do know that I can hang around to see him grow up. Right now it's the matter of getting up off my rump and moving around more than I already do. So I figured I would pop in here and say hello, and hope that I can stick to actually becoming a regular poster here in this thread. :flowerforyou: