Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    yesterday was my daughter's first day at a new school and my son's first day of at home schooling. he goes to a cyber middle school and they physically attend on tuesdays and half a day friday. so it was kind of chaos. i think i ended up logging like half the day. i can't even really remember what i ate :laugh: but i'm hoping today goes better.
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    I'm super excited that as of yesterday I've lost 5% of my body weight! My Tuesday goal is to keep the momentum going. I typically get stuck around 15 pounds and I really need to push through that this time. Thanks for all your encouraging posts - I love hearing about everyone's victories of all sorts!

    ~Michelle :happy:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Hello all - I don't really have any update on my goals. I am going to try to eat a serving of salmon every week. I'm ok with my eating and with my activity. And the water. So that's it.

    Congrats to everyone celebrating successes. For those who are struggling, I am so sorry for that but you can do this. We can do this. But I know, all too well, that somedays it takes almost more strength than a body can muster. Sorry if this offends someone but I am a fan of little short sayings that I can repeat in my head when I need a boost--

    It never gets easier----YOU JUST GET BETTER.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Here's to a better you this week and next week................

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    I didn't realize this until this morning but I forgot to do monday check in even though I read all the posts. So I'll do a quick one.
    Monday check in... This weekend was not too good my uncle and aunt came in to help finish our kitchen cabinets and like always my uncle made underhanded comments to me about my weight so i was very glad to get out of there about 2:30 on saturday to go see my boyfriend. Sadly while I was at my boyfriends all we did was sit around and play halo almost the whole time. I didn't eat too badly but after my uncle kept making his comments it just made me want to give up and I almost did but I had a realization sunday night. I didn't and don't want to give up. I didn't want to do what everyone expected of me and that I wasn't doing this for anyone but myself. So even though monday didn't go too great I am starting fresh and will make better decisions on food and I will exrcise. No excuses, no surrendering to cravings and temptations (unless good), no retreating from this weight loss. No excuses, no surrender, no retreat! My new motto, lol. (sorry for the length)

    Tuesday goals (I will write these down and put them up to remind me daily):
    1)Drink my water no matter how much I don't want to.
    2)Use portion control.
    3)Exercise 5-6 days a week.
    4)Stay positive.
    5)Watch sodium/sugar/fat intake.

    Have a great day!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goal:::: You know the last couple of months my goal has been the same "get back on track" Well I'm still off a little so I'm going to try to do some simpler goals.
    1. No more snacking on things I know I shouldn't.
    2. NO MORE CANDY BARS (I never even used to eat candy bars that much yet lately I have been craving them horribly especially white chocolate.....weird)
    3. Little to no soda (again for so long I was good with drinking tea and water and lately have been downing the soda and regular not diet: mainly this past weekend was horrible when I went to help my friend after her surgery)

    Ok so there are the 3 goals for me this week, well and longer but that's what I'm starting with this week.

    Ok so off subject does anyone watch TLC? If so has anyone watched the new series BIG TINY???? Well I have and the family on the series only lives about 15min from me. So it's kind of cool to see like our local college and stores and stuff on TV. It's a good show though makes you realize all the things regular people take for granted. Check it out if you get a chance!

    I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday!

  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Yay, found the thread!
    My Tuesday goal: adhere to my personal food plan guidelines.
    I was sticking to the guideline that MFP provided, and GAINED weight!
    So I will stick to the guidelines that in the past helped me lose weight.
    They are: 1500 cal a day. 25 fat grams. Not worrying about protein or carb intake.
    In the past, that has worked for me, and I trust it will work again.
    Another goal: to walk more than once a week. Just not enough.
    I plugged in my little ipod, and should have enough power to give me a good half hour amble with entertainment.
    Third goal: stop eating by 9 pm (sometimes 8 pm is unrealistic).
    I believe strongly in doing what I CAN do, not what I think I SHOULD do.
    And in being gentle with myself ... so if I can't do all three perfectly, I won't beat myself up.
    So ... here I be ... another step on this journey.
    Have a great day!
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    My goal today is to just stay focused. I have a lot going on and a meeting after work that will probably go until 9pm.

    I'll try to read up on the posts during my lunch hour today. Have a good one!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well, I dropped Gunner off at the salon and spent the morning de-furring my home. Still waiting for some laundry to finish (throw rugs and his doggie bed), but for the most part, I'm done.

    @tina--I think it's smart to start back with some simple goals. You were going so full force that I can see how it would be overwhelming to try to switch right back to that routine.

    @vinsonh--sorry that your uncle is unkind to you--that's really terrible! Good for you for not letting him undermine your decision to stay the course! Love your new motto, too! :flowerforyou:

    @lin--I :heart: salmon, but haven't had any in quite a while. Thanks for the reminder! I'll have to look for some the next time I go to the gorcery.

    @michelle--great job! Losing 5% is a great accomplishment--I know you will keep going beyond your usual 15 lbs!! :drinker: I was the same way--I would lose 15-20 lbs and then give up, but MFP and especially this group helped me to keep going so that I've now lost a total of 54 lbs.

    @toots--I hope today is less chaotic for you!

    @doug--sounds like a terrific game plan--I know you can do it!

    @robin--swimming is so good for strengthening and toning--I bet you will start to see some result very soon! Love the vacuuming goal! :laugh:

    @celtic--perhaps "fiend" is more fitting :tongue:

    @jess--good luck with the start of school! I start back tomorrow too (as teacher not student, though).

    @heather--glad your bf is so excited to do this with you--my husband is not overweight, but he could certainly stand to make some healthier food choices. :ohwell:

    Just got the call from the salon that Gunner is ready, so I'll check back with you all later.

    Tuesday Goals:
    1. Go to the gym--it may be my last day until this weekend b/c I start back to work tomorrow.
    2. Mow my lawn--my "shift" officially ends tomorrow and then the hubby takes over with lawn duty.
    3. Put together some healthy snacks for school tomorrow--we will be in meetings all day.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning friends, I sure look forward to reading the posts after having walked Belle and having my breakfast. It helps get my mindset for the day. I listed my goals for the week yesterday so won't repeat and I already missed walking to the mailbox yesterday. The arthritis in my feet and my fibro made just walking Belle hard and today the pain is worse. At least I am getting Belle her walks even though they are much slower. I have stopped taking my Ambien to see if I could do without it as I am trying to reduce my reliance on meds, but going to have to re-think that as I'm not getting the sleep I need and now in constant pain. I figured at least I tried.

    Robin hope you have broken in your new washer by now, what a wonderful friend. I understand about the vacuuming, I have to buy a new one tomorrow as my old one was too heavy for me to push:grumble: Haven't vacuumed in a 1 1/2 months:huh: The lady I had paid to come vacuum for me still hasn't showed up.

    Loved the Taco Bell poem:love: That used to be one of my favorites and is about a mile from my apartment, haven't been there in about 3 months, ahh the good times me and the$5 buck boxes and I used to have. Of course then I would feel bloated, lethargic and blah.

    To all of you have a great Tuesday and may your day be filled with blessings:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Bump - I'm back!!! Actually off to the gym first thing, wanted to save my place - will stop back later today.

    Missed ya'll!!! :bigsmile:
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Again really busy at work and at home, one roommate moving out, two moving in, craziness!

    Tuesday Goals: I am not doing well on the walking on my lunch. I have been doing well on the eating right even when we go out. Last night my bf and I went to Outback because after all the craziness at work we didn't get home until really late and I did NOT want to cook. We only got water to drink, told the waiter not to bring the bread, and both of us got salads and another veggie instead of potatoes with our meal. I also only ate half of my 10oz New York Strip and was definitely full. It was awesome!
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    @helena - Don't let that person drop your spirits. Those type of people aren't worthy of your time and will one day come to regret their actions. Also, I hope the PT helps your husbands leg so he can avoid the surgery.

    @doomcakes - nutella is my weak spot. I can't have it in the house or i dig into it with a spoon.

    @andrea - funny, I just read another post about people becoming mean when thye get thin, and how most people are generally like that underneath but that by being heavy they are afraid to act on it. We love you here though, we all know we're going through the same struggle and that when we do lose it, it will still be a struggle to keep it off.

    @Inoso - have you though about replacing the ice cream with frozen yogurt? Some places around me like Golden spoon will sell it in quarts and you can get all sorts of yummy flavors like peanut butter cup and red velvet. Only about 200 calories for an 8oz serving too!

    @Janak - I feel you on this one. My scale was stuck for about a week, it just finally decided to move and dropped me a pound and a bit. Kind of frusterating when you know you're doing good and not seeing anything. Heres to your scale dropping for you too!

    @MyM0wM0w - grats on your NSV! That must have made you feel amazing!

    @bella - im sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she is better soon! (and that you get a good sleep in the near future!)

    @annie - good job on your run!

    @Tara - grats on staying close on vacations. Thats the only thing that worries me about vacations is that I love eating out at new places.

    Tuesday Goals: My goal is to go to the gym every other day and run on the eliptical for a 1/2 hour. I felt seriously great doing this for the first time every 2 days ago, and am excited to do it again! I also want to keep at my goal for 8 glasses of water a day. I'm up to about 6-7 from 4-5 so not too much more to go!

    Mini NSV - one of my co-workers looked at me and was like "hey are you losing weight again? Looks good!" :D
  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Ok I am finally all caught up on everyone's posts. To echo what Robin was saying, soo many NSV and SV's, congratulations to everyone! For those of you struggling with health issues I hope that you get better soon, I am sending positive thoughts your way. One thing about health I would like to mention is you can never be too informed. I realize that some people have a tendency to self-diagnose but the fact of the matter is that no one knows your body like you do, so if doctors are telling you something and warning bells are going off in your head, look it up, get more information, and ASK QUESTIONS.

    Grrr.... and I had a bunch of personal stuff written out, copied it, and went to paste it.... and it is gone (stupid work computer). Have an awesome day everyone and drink plenty of water!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    Please tell me if I ever sound like I'm bragging. It is really not my intention. That said, I ran 35 minutes tonight!! It was a little slower pace and I had to walk for about a minute after the first mile (more mental than physical), but by golly I did it! :glasses:

    That's awesome! Can't wait until I can say the same thing!
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    @MyMOwMOw – nothing like fitting comfortably in a chair! Good for you!!!!
    @vinsonh42 – no excuses, no surrender, no retreat – I love it!
    @monarchris – hope your pain subsides so you can walk comfortably <3
  • andreabeatty
    Happy Tuesday! I finally got the nerve to get on the scale after nine days straight of constant exposure to my husband and no one else (except Kenny Chesney, and really, he loves me for who I am). SOme damage but nothing too terrible, I havent been checking the scale in about 3-4 weeks and I gained three pounds. I'll say three but it might be less, I've already had some water and fruit today. S'okay. It's my bill to pay, I bought a lot of good relaxed times and no worries with those 3 pounds.

    Tonight is my informational seminar with the bariatric specialist. I'm very nervous to go.Not that I think they will get me in the room and tie me down and force surgery upon me. It's just a lot to take in tonight. I was referred there back in May and I'm only going now. SO the tension had been building. And I'm going alone, don't know if thats good or bad. My sister said she'd come, but she's got to find someone to watch her 4 kids and then make it east in rush hour to go with me. So I think I may tell her not to bother, and I will muddle through on my own. I just like to have someone there because I think invariably you'll miss something important being said.
  • Taratruex
    Taratruex Posts: 215 Member
    Tuesday Goals- my Tuesday goal is to just keep moving the scale down and to keep on exercising. Today I have some wonderful news to share! I made it into ONEderland!!! I'm so happy! No more 200's!! This has actually helped me realize how close I am to being a healthier me!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member


    Is there room for a new person in this thread? I don't still have 100 to lose, but I started at 127.8 to go - Getting close, but it's starting to sloooooooooow down.
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Tuesday goals - leave earlier on workout days so I'm not skipping important exercise time. I was 20 minutes late for the gym this morning, and had to leave before I finished. On the other hand, I'm going, and that feels great. Plus the gun show is worth every minute of it, call a vet cuz these pythons are sick! :D

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesdays goals - One day at a time right now. My stress factor is about maxed and I just want to get through each day without hurting anyone or eating my weight in junk food. My goal is to go to bed each evening under my calories. I blew Monday since I had popcorn and canteloup at the movies but today is a new day and so far so good.

    I did bail on work yesterday and that made all the difference (yesterday) unfortunately it made it that much harder to get myself motivated to come into the office today.

    To all those struggling, hang in there. This too shall pass! At least that's what I keep telling myself.

    Woot for all the NSVs and the SVs and good job on all the exercise guys!