Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    3) Make a birthday cake using fondant. I've never used it before, but I've been begged/pestered/threatened into doing it and darn it, I'm gonna try. I'll let you know how all that nonsense works out.

    First Welcome!

    Good luck with the fondant! I make marshmallow fondant and it tastes WAY better than regular fondant but you have to have a stand mixer to make it! You can buy regular fondant but if you can make it make the marshmallow one. If you want the recipe I can get it for you, just let me know!
  • joerobbins2001
    Hey everyone!

    Dropped off the radar for a few days, back to school, brother moving to town blah blah blah.... Have stayed pretty stable the last week or two and posted a loss a few days back so that's good. All in all trying to stay focused and on track. So, here's to drinking more water and logging what you eat!!!!


  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Don't know if any of you will remember me, I posted quite a bit at the beginning of the year. I had a bit of a breakdown towards the end of the semester and ended up changing majors and moving back home for the summer, meaning not much weight loss happened. I somehow managed to not gain anything back over the course of the summer eating home food and going out to eat like four times a week, though, which gives me hope for the end when I'll move into maintaining.

    However, I'm back in my own place again and I've started up on here counting. I want to move back into a 2/week loss goal, but I'm going to have to ease into it this time. I'm so looking forward to finally seeing a drop after four months of nothing. I also restarted the 30 day shred a couple days ago, wish me luck guys.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi all.
    I am going to the Endodontist today for hopefully some good news. I missed going to the Farmers Market Sunday, but MrsMorgori went with her sister and got some great fruits and veggies.
    I did lose 1.4 lbs. which is good, I was starting to worry that I was stalling out on the losing.
    I am excited that my new motherboard, CPU, OS, RAM, and SSD arrived from Newegg. This weekend I get to turn my old dual-core into a Core i7. happy-dance.gifExcited_man_2.gif

    After the Endodontist today I should have time to catch up on reading this thread. Hope everyone is getting healthier!
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    Wednesday wish - new enrollments for the school. People keep saying they're coming, but I have only one actual enrollment in hand. I'm getting nervous about money which leads to stress which leads to... well you know.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hi ALL!!!

    36yr old female looking to shed 100lbs.............Any tips or advice??


    Kim, you've come to the right place. We have lots of friends here that have lost lots of weight, have good handles on their nutrition and everyone is supportive and motivating. My tips would be to log EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth daily, that has been the biggest wake up call to me and has guided me in better food choices, use this group everyday because of the motivation it will give you and move your body any way you can to burn calories. I am limited in my physical activity due to health problems, but have gradually increased my activity and am making progress. Oh and I forgot drink lots of water, at least 8 to 10 cups a day. Here's to your success:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish::: My wish today has to do with my daughter....not weight loss related..... but my daughter last night I noticed she had a rash on her stomach and a little on her back and on the back of her legs. Was hoping it would be gone this morning...nope still there. So kept her home from school. My wish is that it goes away. Not sure what it is but it doesn't seem to be bothering her. It looks more of like a reaction to something but not sure what. Didn't do anything different yesterday. So my Mom has her today and she says it seems to be fading.

    Well I broke some of my goals already from yesterday. I had not even an 8oz glass of coke zero, my tea wasn't done and I was getting ready to eat dinner and I had already had 13cups of water wanted a little flavor. Then I drank tea after that. But my husband bought ice cream and instead of eating the stuff I buy for me I had some of his....I never eat his ice cream if I do I may take the smallest bite to taste. So something just isn't clicking in my head and I'm not sure why. TOM is in town so that could have something to do with it. Just not sure. I'll get it figured out :) I know I will. Working on it everyday.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Falcon - So sorry to hear you had a bout of food poisoning :cry: even with the results of looser clothing, that is one hard way to get a victory. Planning to eat at home sounds smart & healing your digestive tract & being gentle to yourself is good.

    regojess - sounds like you have a full plate with both school and a job - but taking 3 weeks to get used to a new schedule sounds normal, not like procrastinating to me. Hawaii is a beautiful place but classes without AC would be tough - just think of that sweat as the pounds coming off though! And remember to drink your water on days like that. Good for you for bagging your lunch!

    janak - wow - you are really good at managing your time - congrats! As far as converting to muscle, you might want to check your measurements and see - its always a welcome surprise to see the inches come down.

    Kimma34 - my best advice to you is to commit yourself to a lifestyle change for the rest of your life. Add veggies and fruit to your daily meals. Drink 8-8 oz glasses of water a day. Add exercise to your daily routine. Really log all your food on a daily basis. And I encourage you to use this forum on a daily basis - the friendship is very useful motivation. Welcome :flowerforyou:

    beachgirl - hope all goes well at your daughter's Drs. appt. And hope you have a great day as well.

    Dobarber - good work on meeting your goals - even your work on decreasing your sodium. Maybe its time to go in and check your values and change your activity level. Your calorie expectations might have changed since you started on here. just something to consider......

    kinnurse - Welcome back! Glad you found us! Love hearing about all your grandkids. Sorry to hear you don't get to see your son very often at all. That must be tough for his family; what kind of work does he do?

    Toots - you'll find your mojo again! Right now, you have SO much on your plate - need I tell you? Say, how is your book coming? I know you're on a deadline with it......

    Turtletape - welcome back - and I know you will do great on the 30 day shred. Just pace yourself :flowerforyou:

    Morgori - have so much fun at the Endodontist - I do hope he can save the tooth! And congrats on upgrading your computer!

    Tekavincent - only one enrollment for your school? What kind of school might I ask? That makes me curious:smokin:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone! Wednesday wish is to get a Fitbit. Trying to get my son to buy me one when I reach 50lb loss. He had promised to buy me a 32" TV if I lost 100lbs. Who needs another TV, I want a Fitbit which is much cheaper and will motivate me to move more!!!

    Still in too much pain for the mailbox walk, but getting Belle's walks in and very thankful when they are done. Trying to get my Dr.'s office to get my new prescription to Right Source so I can get my medicine and start getting some sleep.

    To all the newbies welcome, keep logging your food and visiting here for success. This is a safe place you can share what is going on with you without judgement.

    Will do personals another day as I am so tired. Love you all and wishing you blessings.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Just got back from having coffee and a catch-up session with a friend I haven't seen for oh-so-long. She was in a very good mood today as it is her birthday and she has lots of celebrations coming up for the remainder of the week with various family members and friends. She also will be going shopping for a new gold ring that her husband promised her for her b'day gift and she is having her kitchen remodeled starting tomorrow. All in all she was quite happy and excited.

    I've come home exhausted and dragging. I'm happy for her but it really highlighted the contrasts in our lives.

    My Wednesday wish is for wealth, health, and happiness. If someone could deliver those today that would be just lovely.

    Cheers. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • andreabeatty
    @Muchado Once you get used to fondant it's not so bad. I use it all the time (I personally don't like it but I'm not the one with the $$$). If you're going to start with store bought try Wilton, it's very easy to use. The homemade marshmallow fondant is much tastier but I think needs a little more confidence to use. CakeCentral is a great site with lots of good tutorials.

    Had the seminar for surgery last night. I left a little more confused than I went in. I am going to sound like a total arrogant B*&%&^$( right now. It was a big seminar, probably about 40 people, and the questions asked were, well, stupid. I went with my sister who is a nurse. We both have straight science backgrounds, her in Bio, me in CHem, so we think we know some important body-type stuff, and we were trying to ask relevant questions to get information. The questions being asked included-

    "Can you still eat Ice cream?"

    "SInce I don't qualify under my insurance do you recommend gaining about 30 pounds so it will pay?"

    "I still want to go out drinking, and I throw up a few times a month Will that matter?"

    I kid you not.

    Anyway I got information about the actual procedures and I made a follow up appointment. I did have an opportunity to speak witht he doctor and his wife, who is the psychologist for the program, and I liked what I heard. She said that the beginning steps are psychiatric eval, meetings with a nutritionist, and you have to lose weight before they will perform surgery. And that if you are doing well with the program prior to surgery, they will divert you to a different one that just keeps you with the nutritionist and all without surgery. SO I think that I will start and probably take that path. Because right now I have conflicting medical problems. We are seeing a fertility specialist for one last try at a family, and witht he surgery they recommend you wait 2 years to become pregnant. AS I am 40 and my husband is 48 we really don't want to wait another 2 years. We've been trying for 8 already.

    AM I rambling? I totally am rambling. Only 2 more weeks until I get my routine back. Im excited to be going back to work and to getting my schedule back in place.

    Love you guys XOXOOX
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Wish Wednesday: I wish I had an office to myself. I hate sharing one with people... I like to work in solitude so I can focus.
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Wednesday Wish - I am so tired of being anxious and depressed all the time. I have a great life and family but I'm always feeling miserable. I've been on meds for a long time and I recognize that the fact that I have a stable mood and I'm not feeling suicidal are great things, but sometimes I just wish I could relax and be truly happy.

  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    @Muchado Once you get used to fondant it's not so bad. I use it all the time (I personally don't like it but I'm not the one with the $$$). If you're going to start with store bought try Wilton, it's very easy to use. The homemade marshmallow fondant is much tastier but I think needs a little more confidence to use. CakeCentral is a great site with lots of good tutorials.

    Had the seminar for surgery last night. I left a little more confused than I went in. I am going to sound like a total arrogant B*&%&^$( right now. It was a big seminar, probably about 40 people, and the questions asked were, well, stupid. I went with my sister who is a nurse. We both have straight science backgrounds, her in Bio, me in CHem, so we think we know some important body-type stuff, and we were trying to ask relevant questions to get information. The questions being asked included-

    "Can you still eat Ice cream?"

    "SInce I don't qualify under my insurance do you recommend gaining about 30 pounds so it will pay?"

    "I still want to go out drinking, and I throw up a few times a month Will that matter?"

    I kid you not.

    Anyway I got information about the actual procedures and I made a follow up appointment. I did have an opportunity to speak witht he doctor and his wife, who is the psychologist for the program, and I liked what I heard. She said that the beginning steps are psychiatric eval, meetings with a nutritionist, and you have to lose weight before they will perform surgery. And that if you are doing well with the program prior to surgery, they will divert you to a different one that just keeps you with the nutritionist and all without surgery. SO I think that I will start and probably take that path. Because right now I have conflicting medical problems. We are seeing a fertility specialist for one last try at a family, and witht he surgery they recommend you wait 2 years to become pregnant. AS I am 40 and my husband is 48 we really don't want to wait another 2 years. We've been trying for 8 already.

    AM I rambling? I totally am rambling. Only 2 more weeks until I get my routine back. Im excited to be going back to work and to getting my schedule back in place.

    Love you guys XOXOOX

    Really Interested in what all they have you do....I've been thinking about trying that path myself....I've had mixed reactions to it, have a SIL that did it about 5 years ago, and has kept all of her weight off, then had a cousin do it, and she gained all of her weight back after the 1st year....Don't think she was ready to do it yet, and was pushed into by her mom...
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I've got a business lunch and dinner today. My wish is that I make good choices at both functions. I don't know where we're going so no looking up the websites first. I'll try to find a fish dish or some type of salad (dressing on the side of course). I can do this!!!!
  • KellyLyn4
    KellyLyn4 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello all! Its been a while....kiddos are back in school and as promised I am posting again. It was a long HOT greuling summer but I am happy to say that my ticker actually reflects my actual weight loss...I had my up and down weeks...wish I could report more of a loss, but for now I will just accept andappreciate I didn't do worse. I have been logging (good and bad) most days, just not active on boards. Been buckled down for a few weeks now and ready to fly.

    My Wednesday wish is simple, several large fires are currently burning in my county and I wish that they could get those under control. It isn't a threat to my home (except yesterday when some wacko tried his hand at arson and lit 5 fires in our town but those were all put out in a few hours...didn't catch him though). Last report this morning was 24,000 acres burned and 50% containment of one called the Ponderosa fire. It is roughly 20 miles from me. The smoke has the whole area encompassed and I can see and smell it. The sun takes on a bright red orange color when it rises and sets because it sits behind the wall of smoke. Its really awful.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Wednesday Wish - I am so tired of being anxious and depressed all the time. I have a great life and family but I'm always feeling miserable. I've been on meds for a long time and I recognize that the fact that I have a stable mood and I'm not feeling suicidal are great things, but sometimes I just wish I could relax and be truly happy.


    Michelle - I'm no psychiatrist - but I'm a long-term patient. I have dealt with anxiety and depression from age 20 til now, age 61. I recommend you keep working on your medications, adjusting them or changing them. Its not you. Its brain chemistry, I truly believe. I have had to take anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants all these years, but my doc has, over the years, tinkered with the drugs and dosages to reflect the changes in my body and life. Lately I have been lucky enough to try a new drug that has let me cut back on my anti-anxiety med a lot. It is an ADD drug he is trying on me and it has a good effect on me. So keep trying and working at it.
    Along with that, try to think about some of the things in your life that are responsibilities and change your thinking about them from responsibilities to pleasant tasks you enjoy. I know this will be hard. I started to think about exercise as my play time and it made a big difference in my mind and my attitude toward exercise.
    I hope just knowing there are other people out here with your problem helps. BIG HUGS! :flowerforyou:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    ok deep breath...

    Hi guys!

    I know I don't post here anymore, I've just been way too busy with work, commuting, josey, new province...all that...

    so just maintaining my contact with my friends list and commenting on their wins and victories is a lot of work....

    but I did promise that if I ever posted pics of myself in that damn bikini I would let you know...

    so i did.... and i'm letting you know...

    my fingers still itch to delete my post there...but it's up and its there for the world to see...for better or for worse.

    I certainly hope that all of you are continuing your victories, digging deep and hard for the ugly win's in this battle with ourselves, our self esteem and our weight...and most of all

    drink your water.

  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Wednesday wish - I wish that the people who post political garbage on facebook (&MFP), or forward political e-mails to me, would take one minute of their lives and google all that political spin doctor crapola. If they did, I'd prolly only get 3 e-mails per week. Carl Rove and his ilk should be spammed to death. Line em all up, both Bush(s), Obama, Romney, Kerry, Rove, all of them, and we'll print every spin doctor lie they've ever told, then we'll bury them in their own filth, one lie at a time. Just for fun we'll make every jerk that can't google that crap before they send it to me clean up the mess. Sorry for the rant. By the way, republican or democrat it doesn't matter, I'm a bi-partisan hater.

    @Andrea - fondant question. Should it be cold when you're working with it? When I tried using it, all it did was fall apart and tear. It was a hot humid day, the interweb said to let it get warm. Whatever I did I did it very wrong. Different subject, I've done tons of research on wls, I believe that you CAN eat ice cream, sure go ahead and gain weight - can't hurt, THAT meeting is down the hall - this one is about wls. :) All joking aside, they spin the statistics in those information sessions so badly it should be criminal. Close to home, my better half had the roux n y, and then developed a serious alcohol dependency. 3 years sober now but it was hell getting here. I have come to the conclusion that the surgeries would negatively impact my quality of life. Scary side-effects.

  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    @Robin. Brand new private Christian school in small East Texas city. Depressed area. We've got quite a few commitments, just not actual enrollment papers. I'm a hardline in that I will not call someone a student until they've been enrolled.

    @ Bigaug - I know how you feel. Even though I'm personally politically aware, I don't believe that personal FB or MFP is really the right arena for it. I think a lot of stuff gets posted based on emotions vs. actual facts. I spend my time doing my own research and refuse to forward emails, etc. I don't have a problem with a politician having a FB page, but I think that someone should be a member of their page before they are inundated with their stuff.