Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tammy~I think there is a lot of illness in general going around, I know here that temps and weather have been fluctuating like crazy and allergens are at an all-time high. I hope your household is well soon. Good job with the bike!

    @Kaye~How did you do with the Papa Murphy pizza? I get their thin crust veggie on occasion, not bad calorie wise. I don't read into much on the "suggested" weight in 5 weeks when I save my tracker, its nice to think about seeing that weight in 5 weeks but it never happens.

    @Nicole~I am the queen of the slow cooker! I am so busy most of the time that I just don't want to think about spending 2 hours in the kitchen cooking/cleaning during the week, so I use it a lot - esp in the winter. I find a lot of recipes from and, I also have several healthy cookbooks with great recipes. Today I'm making salsa chicken from the spark site - one of the best! Hot yoga is actually a lot easier on the joints, they offer those hot yoga classes at my gym but the room is 98.6 degrees with 60% humidity. You will sweat, but its manageable unless you are overly sensitive to heat/humidity.

    @alupinsk~Awesome making that half-century mark! Congrats! From what I understand those Crossfit classes are really intense, think Insanity or P90X on steroids! :wink:

    Sunday Share~Since we have several newlings. I'm Kelley, I'll be 45 on Wednesday, an accountant in the healthcare industry and live in suburb of Dallas with my sweet Maine Coon Zoe. I've been on this weight loss journey for a while, lost 75# on WW and then joined MFP. Shortly after joining MFP I found this thread and haven't looked back, they are a great support system. I started working out with a trainer over a year ago, he has been great for keeping me interested and motivated - I love to exercise, but love to challenge myself more which he does constantly. I also love to travel, cruising mostly - next cruise is in 4 months and 12 days (not that I'm counting :laugh: ) to the Panama Canal.

    Lots on the agenda today, pretty typical for a Sunday. Have a great day!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @andrea:noway: --It's so exciting to see you back!!! I know you were struggling with whether or not to go the WLS route--I'm glad the decision worked out for you!! I have so many questions for you--How is your school year going & how are your students? Are you still at the same school with your sister as an admin?

    @nettie--gunner is a boxer/shepherd mix. He's a big boy (about 95 lbs.) with a very dominant personality--especially with other large male dogs. Since he's not always predictable with other dogs, the salon likes to have him muzzled which is fine with me. I would rather do that than risk he hurt another dog. I never muzzle him on walks--I'm just selective about who I let him meet and I watch carefully for any signals that he's in an unfriendly frame of mind. I just read an interesting article about how if dogs wag their tails to the right it means they are relaxed and if they wag to the left it means they are feeling negative emotions--this is not intentional communication on their part, just a neural response to which side of the brain is working. Even more interesting is that other dogs can pick up on the wagging and respond emotionally.

    Here's the link for anyone interested in reading the article:

    @alupinsk--I've never tried crossfit, but I looked into it. My research uncovered two camps--pro-crossfit folks say it's a great whole-body form of exercise, that it really challenges the individual, and they see quick results from the hard work. The opposite camp says it's a "cult" that just tries to take as much money as possible to make you do random exercises that don't take individual ability or goals into account. I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle and largely dependent upon the trainer and facility.. The one consistency I've found is that it's REALLY expensive which is the main reason I decided against it.

    @nicole--I've never tried the hot yoga and only did regular (room-temp :wink: ) yoga once. I didn't like it--it was a bit too "touchy feely" for me--I felt like we spent a lot of time just sitting or lying there doing breathing or meditation. Nothing wrong with that--just not my style.

    AFM--I need to get started on the grading so I will come back to do Sunday Share later.
  • Hi All,
    I'm new to this site. It looks like just what I need right now. Weight has been a struggle for a while, but the past few years it has been difficult just to maintain. I have been feeling pretty crappy for quite some time. I've been blaming it on menopause. I hate going to the DR but finally went. He found that I have Hypothyroid. Wow that certainly explains a lot of my issues. So I started the drugs for that this past week. I swear I feel like I am coming out of a very dark place. I'm actually beginning to feel a little better already. So, I'm ready to move forward and try to be healthier. I was so discouraged before because it didn't seem like anything I did made a difference and I have just been soooo exhausted. My motivation just went away. My poor dogs who I used to really enjoy walking have been trying their darnest to get me out for a walk with no success. So today I'm going to get out there and start walking again. I can't wait to really start feeling like my old self again. I'm going to drop these pounds. I've decided that I'm going to put $5 away for every pound I lose on a weekly basis and buy myself a nice new piece of clothing every time I have earned enough. It has been a while since I have wanted to do that! So this week my goal is to walk my dogs at least once a day on our long route through the hood which is about 2 miles. Also to track what I eat. Plus split the pile of wood that has been chainsawed in the backyard.
    How do I get one of those kool weight gauges to show up? Or does it show up automatically?
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    AFM--I got distracted by candy crush (working on level 240) :blushing: and now I'm going to bed. So I guess it's 31 papers tomorrow. :noway:

    Level 266 for me... I don't know whether I'm bragging... or a bit ashamed LOL :laugh:

    I am a Candy Crush person too. I am only at level 116 though and I am stuck. :grumble:

    Haha- I always get stuck on a level for a few days or even a few weeks... then suddenly I will play one time after 3 days away- and nail it.

    That's a GREAT NSV- not sitting down to watch TV. I always know I am getting into the groove of things when I can't sit still for long. It's hard for me though- since I sit at a desk all day for work, then come home and study for my online classes... sometimes I am forced to sit still LOL
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We got a chicken delite at Papa Murphy's. I ate 2 small pieces and ignored the higher calorie choices so that was a success. I made my sandwich at lunch on a sandwich thin. I'm really learning to enjoy them. I did indulge too much in chips and cookies, but today is a new day. Although, it isn't going to be great either as it is a DIL's birthday. I am making the dinner rolls and we are driving over there for dinner.
    Its so good to see old friends returning, and so many new friends joining us. By way of sharing, at 69 I am the old lady of the group. I live as far west in ID as you can get near the Snake River with my husband of 48 years. We have 7 children with spouses, and 14 grandchildren with #15 due in January. You'll find lots of references in my posts about family because my life pretty much revolves around them. I joined MFP in Sept, 2012, found this group a few weeks later, and have just kept trucking along. I really appreciate the support I get here. My method is simple. I track what I eat every day and walk about 2.5 or 3 miles a day. I've stuck pretty close to 1200 calories. I haven't eliminated anything from my diet, just learning to control portions. I'm not willing to cook a separate meal for myself, so I eat what the family eats, just less of it. I can't afford a gym membership or any of the fancy tools that others use, but I think that I have proven that they aren't necessary for success. I agree with so many that the mental attitude is key to success.
    Have a great Sunday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--great job managing the food choices! I also love sandwich thins--my favorite are Brownberry Multi-grain.

    @nicole & other CCS players--I've discovered the key to success when you get stuck is to stay away for a few days or even weeks. When you come back, the game knows you've been gone and to lure you back in it will give you an easy win. I even had one time that the parameters to win the level actually changed to something easier--the "orders" I had to collect were much easier combinations of candies.

    @dogs--Welcome! :flowerforyou: You'll find other members in this thread with health issues that contribute to weight issues, so you aren't alone! As for the dogs, my dog is a great motivator to get off my butt and exercise. My commitment to walking him daily eventually led to me running (sometimes with him and sometimes without him). I don't think my dog would "allow" me to ignore our daily walks. When I have to occasionally do so due to weather or schedule, he's a big bundle of pent up energy--it's easier to just walk him than to deal with his behavior when I don't. :laugh:

    AFM--just checking in as a little "break" from grading. My grand plan to do starbucks--gym--starbucks didn't pan out. I slept in a bit and decided to just grade at home this morning. Got through 6 essays in about an hour, and then gunner started bothering me for his walk. We went for an extra-long one since the weather is beautiful today after a rather cold, rainy week. By the time I got home and cleaned up his yard (blech), it was 1 pm. I realized that a gym visit was out of the question if I want to finish grading today (which I MUST since grades are due tomorrow). :ohwell: My hope now is to finish before it gets dark so gunner and I can take one more quick walk around the 'hood.

    1. 53/73 AP essays
    2. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE but... gym (lift and cardio) DONE
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (5k) NOT DONE

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I am having a pretty good day. I am on little sleep but still seem to be getting a nice amount done. I got the house picked up and then when I took the dogs out back the puppy kept trying to attack the rake so I grabbed it and started flinging leaves at him and ended up raking up the whole back yard while playing with the dogs. I am now having alunch of one of the marketside chopped salads they are pretty good and easy low cal lunch all ina bag. Well I gtg since my son is taking me to the movies have a great day guys.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Sunday! It's been one of those crazy weekends where I (as usual) overbooked myself and had little down time. I think something happens to my brain every year on November 1. I go into "gotta get EVERYTHING I've been putting off around the house done for the Holidays" mode. One of these years I'm going to either start earlier in the fall or let it all go. I did manage to log everything I ate and get in a long walk today with a friend and our dogs. It's was a nice break and the weather is superb.

    I also want to say Thanks to everyone who posts on this thread. I read it every day and it's comforting to know that others are struggling with the same things I do and that despite that struggle, they are succeeding. It makes me believe I can too.

    Wonderful week to all!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @nicole & other CCS players--I've discovered the key to success when you get stuck is to stay away for a few days or even weeks. When you come back, the game knows you've been gone and to lure you back in it will give you an easy win. I even had one time that the parameters to win the level actually changed to something easier--the "orders" I had to collect were much easier combinations of candies.

    Oh, this is good to know and I think I've noticed that too. I don't play as much as I used to but have been trying to work through the same level for a while now - level 140 I think. I just don't see how you can collect all those orders in so few moves! :laugh:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Andrea- great to see you. Happy to hear that your surgery was successful and you are making great strides getting healthier
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Taking another little "brain break." Only 14 left. Not sure I will get that 2nd walk in--I forgot it will be dark an hour ealrier. I guess we have to pay for that extra hour of sleep, huh?

    1. 59/73 AP essays
    2. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Only 6 left, but I've got to head home for dinner. My tummy is growling. I guess I will have to finish the last few at home.

    1. 67/73 AP essays
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Sunday share: I'm Nicole, single mother to a 15 (almost 16) year old son. I think this is the first time I haven't referred to myself as a widow on here. Weird. (Sorry, just typing it as I think it). I am an account manager in the software industry and LOVE my job. Who knew insurance software could be so fun?

    I have been overweight most of my life- anywhere from "oh Nicole, you are just a little chubby" to "oh my goodness, I don't mean to be rude, but do they have to charge you extra for your plane ticket?". I recently got online access to my medical records. In 2009, I weighed 255- that was after losing 30 pounds over a couple of years. At my highest, I hit 285 or somewhere North of there. Last month, I weighed in at just over 212... last week at the doctor, I was 227. I weighed at home this morning, and was 220, but I'm not going to log that, until I get confirmation from my doctor on Wednesday. My scale is kind of cheap and I am not sure how accurate it is anymore.

    I am considering a better quality scale... something that measures BMI or body fat percentage. I don't want to spend a fortune, but I do want something accurate (and maybe something I can sync to the apps I use).

    Kelley- Thanks for always being such a rock star with the information! I will check out those sites for recipes.

    Karen- I can't imagine you ever sit still for long (even grading papers or Candy Crush)... I wasn't surprised to hear that you didn't dig the Yoga. :wink: Where's that Gunner picture? Did he behave for the groomer? Thanks for the CCS tip... haha tricky little game!

    Regarding hot yoga- I was talking to my sister this morning (on our 1.9 mile walk) and she said she would do the hot yoga with me.. but then we got to talking and I realized that I really enjoyed my walk with her. She agreed to walk with me EVERY day unless it is storming outside. I am going to ask my boss about taking longer lunches on Monday and Wednesday, so I can go to the Yoga class I already know I enjoy. Let's see how that works.

    Regarding crock pot recipes - I have beef stroganoff in the crockpot now. I used fairly lean stew meat, mushroom soup starter, red and orange peppers, red onion, crimini mushrooms, and a tad of balsamic glaze, since I don't have or use Worcestershire anymore. I'll use light sour cream (of course) and mix in some brown rice. I haven't entered the recipe yet, but it should be okay with the low fat options, right? Wish me luck. Tomorrow, I toss a whole chicken into the crock pot to see what happens!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: Thought I would do a quick share since we've had some new folks come on board. I'm Susan and I just turned 45 a few weeks ago. I'm a single mom to an awesome 11-year old son, Cyrus. I've been on MFP since August 2012. I started to focus on my health in January and was doing OK, but made a major life change and moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas. I took a job with Caesars Entertainment. It wasn't quite what I thought it would be, but I'm so thankful another door opened and I'm with a great company Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. I'm the Director of Supply Chain and basically negotiate the contract pricing for all the food and non-food items for our 96 restaurants. I'm around food ALL the time so it's a bit of a challenge, but I'm working through those challenges. Last year was a bit of a roller coaster with the job change and I totally derailed during the holidays. I was down 65 lbs, but gained back 30. I'm only 11 lbs away from my lowest, which I'm hoping to get to by the end of the year. This will help push me through the holidays plus get me started off on the right path for 2014. Plus, Cyrus and I are going on a 7-day cruise for Spring Break in April so that's another goal for me too.

    @ Karen - You're doing great and almost done. Good job!!

    @ Andrea - It's good to see you again. Congrats on your loss! I know it wasn't a decision you took lightly. Another friend of mine had the sleeve done about 6 months ago. She's down 105 lbs or something like that. It was very, very hard for me initially especially as I hit a plateau and was scrapping for 1 lb losses. I know she did her research as well and really thought for a long time if this was the right decision for her. I believe she has a group on here for support of others who have done WLS. They might be able to give some additional support as well.

    @ LIves2travel - I can totally relate. I thought I had my weekend to myself and totally forgot I had to work a table at the UNLV football game yesterday. Needless to say, 4 hours were shot right in the middle of the day. Hope you got it all day, but keep yourself balanced. So important.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Andrea - how wonderful to hear from you and to hear how well you are doing! No need to explain your choices - we all go along different paths - I'm so happy yours is working so well for you - under 200 - wow! I'm so glad to know you're exercising to boot - and a size 14/16....will we be seeing you in Success Stories one of these days? I hope so ! Your lovely smile made my day.

    DogsMadeMe - welcome! What a discovery finding out you're hypothyroid - being on medication WILL make a big difference. I can understand why you were so discouraged before. You've got a great plan to reward yourself by setting aside $5 for every pound you lose. BUying clothes is a great motivator. Good for you!

    Naceto & Skinny - wha??? Candy Crush - I'm still play Spider Solitaire :laugh:

    Kaye - you've definitely proven you don't need any gizmo's to lose weight or any fancy foods either. Nice thing about what you're doing too, is that when you go to maintenance there will be no change in what your eating.

    Hi, I'm Robin, I'm the moderator, only because I started this thread three years ago when I started on MFP. I'm 62, divorced and live in Omaha, NE. No kids. I love managing this thread because I have an earth mother kind of personality, I'm pretty mellow and calm and believe in helping your fellow neighbor. I live in a big condo bldg. on the second floor with a little deck crowded with flower pots and trees.This forum gives me the chance to help virtual neighbors, and get tons of help in return. I've gotten way more help than I've given. I've been bolstered in spirit, helped back on the wagon, and bandaids applied to my knees. I'm currently retired but am looking for part-time secretarial work to bolster my income.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--thanks! I'm down to 3 essays remaining, but my brain is turning to mush so I figured I would pop in here and post my sunday share.

    @nicole--gunner isn't very photogenic, so I rarely take new pics of him, but I posted one of his "better" photos for those on the thread who've never seen him before. And yes, he did behave at the groomer--just like a kid, he's better for others than for "mom." As far as scales, I got an Escali body-fat scale through an awesome groupon deal and love it! I've seen the deal pop up every now and then--just checked and it's not available right now, but if you check occasionally, I'm sure it will come back again soon.

    @lives2travel--I'm the exact opposite as far as preparing for the holidays. I think it's b/c I know I'll be off for the week leading up to christmas, but I never do anything ahead of time. I occasionally will order online gifts before winter break, but otherwise I do all of my shopping, cleaning, and decorating in the few days leading up to the actual holiday.

    @tammy--it was such a beautiful day today, I wish I could have spent it raking. Instead, I was stuck inside grading. :ohwell: DH says he will do the raking tomorrow since he's off on mondays.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm karen--a HS English teacher from the Chicago area. I'm married with one fur-kid--my beautiful boy, gunner. :happy: I've also recently had a birthday--turned 44 at the end of september, and I'm still getting used to typing that into the cardio machines rather than 43.

    I've been on MFP for 2 and a half years, but have really just been maintaining this past year. I've been mulling it over, and I am going to lower my calorie allowance again beginning tomorrow. I'm hoping that now that my body is maintaining at 1750, a drop to 1550 will get the scale moving again. Wish me luck!

    If you've been following today's posts, you can see that I like to track my grading goals here in addition to my fitness goals. I'm a list maker, and it helps me to be able to "check off" what I've completed when I have a lot to do. If you find my constant updates tedious, feel free to skip them--I promise not to be offended (even if it IS exciting reading :laugh: ).

    Tonight I will finish my last 3 essays and then watch Amazing Race and Walking Dead--2 of my favorite shows!

    1. 70/73 AP essays
    2. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE but... gym (lift and cardio) DONE
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (5k) NOT DONE

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • andreabeatty
    Karen, Robin, Susan, Karenleona - thanks for the welcome. I would not have gotten here if I hadn't had this thread to work out my stuff.

    Yes, the decision to go the WLS route was a long and hard one, it was over a year from the initial recommendation to actually getting it, not a day of it taken lightly. But the surgery itself went very, very well, and I was at work within ten days. I was back for testing weeks, then had the summer to focus on myself. I actually feel like such a bad person for all the times I judged people who went for it. WHile I wont say that my reasons were 'right' where others were wrong, most of the people I know who had some sort of procedure done did it simply as a fix. Very few of them regulate their diet or exercise now and those that haven't have not been successful. I didn't do this to fail. But doing it on my own just wasn't working, I was with a nutritionist and a psychologist for six months and lost four pounds, on a 1400 cal/day diet. When I weighed it all out it seemed like the best option for me, and here I am six months later. Doing well. I still have a way to go, and I have a hard time seeing it in myself, but it's working because I am, too.

    As far as work, this is a great school year and I have a solid schedule of research. No chem, no forensics, five classes a day of research. It's so different! No lectures, tests, or essays. Lots of freshmen, though, and lots of time spent in INTEL and Siemens applications. I meet witht he seniors two days a week after school to do applications, and the other three days go to the weight room at work. With the students. It smells like a sock that's going through puberty. It's delightful. But my friend Charlie ( who I probably mentioned six dozen times in here) runs the weight room, and he teaches exercise physiology and teaches crossfit classes, so I'm there for an hour and a half MWF getting my workout with him. I have a lot of god things happening at work! One of which - my sister is now in the middle school full time!! No more family/work clashing drama. She may go for an AP position next year, and has been offered a director position in another district. I doubt she'll leave the district, but for right now she is no longer my direct supervisor. Lets hope it stays that way!

    I have a picture I'd post but I have no idea how to do it......
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: My name is Tracy. I'm 40 years old and live in Bismarck, ND. I've been married to Michael for 18 years and have two kids: Jacob (12) and Emma (7). While I found MFP in the summer of 2012, I didn't actually "do" it until January 2013. I had initial success and then summer got me off my game. I'm back to my lowest weight since joining MFP. At the end of September, I started lifting heavy and that has made some big changes. Still trying to figure out the right calorie count. I did lose 3.7 pounds in October, but don't think I've found the magic number yet...Like all other parents, just trying to balance my needs with the needs of my family.

    @Michelle...sorry to hear about your lack of food growing up. We grew up poor, but as farmers, we never lacked food.

    @Susan...yea!! 4 pounds is awesome and 25 since the beginning of August is great!!

    @Laurie...I started with the bar at 45 pounds for all the lifts (65 for the deadlift). We did that for a full week to work on form and then started adding 5 pounds. The OHP has proven the most difficult (apparently I'm not accustomed to lifting heavy things over my head -- HAHA). I got stuck at 65 for a week and then made it. Now I missed (big time :grumble: )at 70.

    @Nicole...I've never heard it, but I have asthma and have problems with extreme heat or extreme cold so I wouldn't even try it. My husband did a sweat lodge when he was in re-hab and loved it. He wishes there was one around here, but there isn't. are in a groove (way to go on 51 pounds) I have not done CrossFit. My cousin's wife does it and she absolutely LOVES it.

    @Andrea...welcome back and look how successful you've been. It looks like you made the right decision for you. Congrats!!

    @Kelley... I'm not counting either...103 days 18 hours and 29 minutes until my Disney cruise to the Bahamas :wink:

    @Karen...good job on the grading! I hope mixing up the calorie count will jump start your weight loss again.

    I saw quite a few with Candy Crush...I'm stuck on 197 and my kids hear me say "I hate this game" quite often. :cry: They then reasonably tell me if I hate it that much, I should just quit playing it. :huh:

    AFM...Today was a wonderful but long day. Got to bed about 1:30 (made calories yesterday with the party and drinks and everything!!) and had to be at church by 7:40 to sing at the early service (luckily, we only do that once a month). After the second service, we went to my mother's to celebrate my husband's 40th birthday. We had spaghetti, garlic bread and coleslaw. He also asked to have Monster Cookies instead of a cake, so I've been trying to avoid too many of those. I've actually stayed within my calorie goal for today - yay me!! :bigsmile:

    Monday…Water Aerobics (DONE)
    Tuesday…Weights (DONE)
    Wednesday…rest (I might actually go for a walk during Emma’s swimming lessons…we’ll see)( NOPE JUST RESTED)
    Thursday…Weights (DONE)
    Friday…Zumba (NOT DONE)
    Saturday…Weights (DONE)
    Sunday…rest (DONE)

    Saturday...Water Aerobics
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nicole- I started out walking for exercise then gradually added new things. Water Aerobics came next so I could rehab a sprained knee, which led to swimming. Eventually I moved into biking and finally running. I choose to do things that are fun for me because I also get bored very easily. Bike seats are not very comfortable however bike shorts do help and are actually more comfortable than I initially thought.

    Andrea- Welcome back and it is great to hear about your success.

    Crossfit- I have done some of the exercises with a trainer outside of a Crossfit gym and you can some of them on-line use Crossfit as a word search. It is tough but expensive.

    Karen- I also spent most of the afternoon grading papers and I also need to finish some more before my grades are due this week. There are unit tests calling my name tomorrow as well- there goes my planning periods. Hope you finish all your grading and get your grades done.

    Candy crush- level 123--I do need to take a break from that game. Also stuck on Panda Stack level 7- Don't get started on this game it is also addictive.

    I am Laurie, 43 and have been on this site since 2011. I teach 7/8th grade science in Maryland. I started this journey 3 years ago when I weighed about 270 lbs. I am slowly been getting it off. The first year the weight came off steadily but has since slowed down. I have been gaining and losing the same 10 pounds for about year. Now, I can safely say I am below the 200 mark again. I still have about 3 pounds to go before I reach my lowest weight recorded on here. Like Karen you will see me post grading goals, just so I will keep myself focused on what I need to accomplish. I also post my exercise goals which allows me to plan my workouts for the week.

    Grading goals-
    Unit test about 45/95
    Must scan them as well and enter grades

    Today, I did make the bike ride but it was cold and windy. It was about 50 degrees on the trail but the wind was whipping along most of it. Of course we rode directly into the wind so the pace was slower but it was a harder ride. It felt good to ride today and I hope to continue riding throughout the fall and into the winter.

    Have a great week.
  • SerendipityJami
    SerendipityJami Posts: 40 Member
    New to this .. so here goes..

    Sunday check in ... Im Jami and I just turned 30 and I feel like something inside me clicked mentally .. I promised myself I would loose the weight by 30 but I didn't . So im having a rough first week . I am a dental assistant and do photography on the side . I would love to get support and help support you all if that's ok .