shawnnshinta Member


  • are you kidding me? What kind of question is that? 99% of women want big guys! The question should be..doe's any women out there like small guys. I never ever heard a women say she prefers a short guy over a tall guy. The first thing a women says when you ask them what they like in a man...a tall man! The taller and bigger…
  • it is essential to eat after a workout! you have just depleted your body of the energy it had in store already, and now you want to not give it some energy for restoration of that energy? If you don't give your body the energy it just depleted from the storehouse, your workout was essentially in vain! But mix up your after…
  • My son said it best one day to like what you like and I like what I like! A truth that is hard to argue with. However, speaking of truth...the truth is that us men are not so finicky at all. The main thing is that if a women is attracted to us, then we are attracted to them. Realisticaly we can say we like the…
  • Welcome! live, learn, and love!
  • Hello, and welcome! What I see here on this forum should help inspire you alot. Post your successes and read others, and your inspiration will increase for sure. There are many challanges going on here, and if you participate in some of them, you will find yourself not only getting in shape more, but you will see that…
  • When you have a 1 1/2 hour of silence to your self, and you rather work-out than masturbating.
  • I like this get grumpy when you miss your exercise. happens to me. sorry!, can't seem to figure out the copy the quote thing.
  • ditto! don't feel lonely! I'm in the same boat. some say the first pounds you loose is water ( whatever that means), which you loose quickly. After that though as I was advised here on this forum, is that as long as your " goal pace" is consistant with the time alloted to loose that weight, then your still golden. Ex: you…
  • hello! My heel spur problem was controlled by one cortizone shot from the family doctor. Of course running should probally be eliminated from your exercise program, because this will only get worse and never better. Try some other exercises like biking or triking. There will be little or no stress on your feet. Ask your…
  • You can't cheat on just a meal! It won't work. That one meal you will find yourself adding up on your chart after all. Make it a full day, and don't add up any calories. Just log it as a "free day". I do have a "cheat day" which I call a " free day" , as in a day you don't have to work, as oppossed to day where your doing…
  • so...generic items typically would not have confirmations of calories, as brand name items sometimes do? Then would it be wise to try another similar food item which doe's have confirmations of calorie content, as opposed to the generic food items? I realize that often times there is no choice offered, so either we accept…
  • good advice! Looks like it's coming from some folks who know what their talking about. Good point about the'goal pace'. I lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks, so it looks like I have few more weeks to catch up with my 'goal pace' My 'goal' IS to get fit and healthy, and NOT just to loose weight. A happy medium sounds good. Wish I could…
  • all great suggestions! now I have a whole bunch of new munchies to add to my list.
  • don't waste your money!
  • yep! about 3700 calories today total. now back to reality!
  • if you intered all answers and the result was that you can consume up to 1500 calories per day, then you can eat that much and still loose the weight you desire. try not to eat only 900 cals per day, it's bad for you.
  • I give myself a free day every week anyways, so I'll just use Thanksgiving as my weekly free day. easy!
  • it makes sense really.. after spending many months of logging , you would easily be able to remember the calories that each of your favorite foods have in them. you can just add it up in your head. not that complicated. I'm not speaking from experience, but I assume that I would do the same after awhile.
  • I think on the day's you don't feel like exercising, you should put more effort into your food less! but don't wait too long to start again.
  • coffee with international delight creamer only has 45 calories, so I have no problem logging and tracking it accordingly. 1, 2, or even 3 a day is managable.
  • Sounds like 1200 calories is way too low for you ( un-realistic). If you normally take in 2500 calories per day, which for your weight probally is or was the case, then if you cut off 500 to 1000 calories per day, then you will loose 1 to 2 lbs per week. Set your goal closer to 1500 to 1800 calories per day instead of…
  • mabye if your moving a lot the water leaves in other ways ( besides urination). could be that I only move my hands, and you move your intire body, so I have to urinate more often, and you don't. just guessing!
  • Sorry to hear that. But just use this day as a free day, and use your free day as a monitoring day. no guilt!