NyimaR Member


  • I disagree with the person saying you're eating too much carb. Your carb is fine but you need to add a heap of protein to it. Pulses (beans, chickpeas or lentils), tofu, meat substitute (if you can get hold of quorn that's realy good), wholegrain carbs, some dairy, a small amount of nuts.
  • I weigh daily, because if I don't then i get out of the habit of weighing at all. And that is why I'm back on here a year later having undone almost all of the good work I did. I fluctuate by a pound or two on a daily basis.
  • Wow! Well done. If you haven't yet discovered compeed blister plasters give them a try. I have tried other varieties and they haven't been as good. You can always cut the plasters with scissors to fit the spot you need to cover.
  • Thanks for the advice, I'll give New Rules a go!
  • I normally give up chocolate (among other things) and then end up bingeing on Easter eggs. This year I'm going to keep eating the chocolate (in moderation) in the hopes that I can be more restrained come Easter. I will be giving up diet coke, cakes, biscuits and crisps.
  • According to the BMR calculator (see the Apps section of this site) your BMR is 1440 calories. This is what your body would need to just survive (in a coma). This is therefore a minimum that you should aim for to keep your body operating properly. You might experience that your weight loss slows down from on a 1200 calorie…
  • How tall are you?
  • Dammit, I must have just been imagining lifting those weights earlier if I have no muscles in my arms. Seriously though, yes women have smaller muscles than men in general and so burn fewer calories. But that's the same regardless of what the workout is! There's only one known cure to this problem - strength training.
  • You'll need to NET at least your BMR. So if you were to do 500 cals of exercise, you'd need to eat at least 1950cals.
  • I swear by Cadbury's brunch bars. They've got the fillingness of the cereal but taste like I'm eating a proper chocolate bar because of the layer of dairy milk on the bottom. They're 150 calories each so I'm able to fit in one every day and that stops me craving more chocolate. Alternatively M&S have a great range called…
  • 560-600 seems more reasonable for a 60 min class. Have you got your new HRM set up properly?
  • There is a pause button for a reason, take a short breather between circuits if you need to, then give the next one a go. Make sure you have plenty of water with you and get some protein afterwards. I found adding a glute stretch at the end made a big difference to my aches. It does get easier but you have to work for it!
  • I think you have to treat weight loss as a series of stepping stones anyway. Make 160 an initial target, and then see how you feel when you've maintained at that weight for a while. There's no need to rule out the possibility of dropping further once you're more used to being smaller and you might get more support form…
  • your muscles are probably storing more water.
  • Feel free to look at my diary too. I'm close to target so am only losing 0.5lb per week at the moment so my calorie intake is larger than it has been earlier in my weight loss journey. My main aim is always to get enough protein in.
  • BMR is the minimum your body needs to live off. TDEE is what you actually use in a day. OP is right to be eating BMR + exercise cals as this still gives a deficit from TDEE.
  • Used to have that problem before I went on the pill. Now my periods are much lighter and I only get cramps when I'm not moving around for long periods.
  • If you have just started lifting then that may be causing your muscles to retain water. Equally where you are in your monthly cycle will also have an effect on water retention. Don't give up just yet - keep going for another couple of weeks, if there's still no change then maybe try dropping your calories a little.
  • I tend to take a number of snacks (fruit, cereal bar, yoghurt) to get me through the day plus something high in protein for a main lunch. This week I've been having chicken and bacon wraps - a whole chicken breast wrapped in a rasher of bacon (excess fat trimmed off) and grilled, with about 50g green beans in a wholemeal…
  • I love Linda McCartney Sausages and Burgers though they can be pricey, they have less fatty gristly feeling than beef burgers.
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-12569011
  • As long as you are eating fewer calories than you use you should lose weight. If you have had mfp calculate target calories for you then eat at that number of calories plus however many you burn doing exercise and you will lose weight. You do not have to do any exercise to lose but a) it makes you healthier b) it makes you…
  • Listen to something else. Put on some music you love and just focus on that while you get on with whatever else needs doing. Makes everything easier, I find.
  • It's generally accepted that the exercise calories on here aren't perfect. I usually aim to eat back about half to three quarters of my exercise calories and that seems to work pretty well.
  • Try to find something you enjoy. The more you enjoy your workout the more you'll go back to it!
  • Did day 13 today. Loving it but looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. I've put on about a pound since starting but have lost cms and my legs are looking much more defined. My endurance and recovery times have also improved rapidly.
  • I read this and wondered for a second how I could warn your cleaner. Then it twigged. Post exercise brain-fug.
  • Sounds like you've just lost the two weeks together plus a bit of extra water weight. Could well be exercise caused you to store a bit of extra water and now you've lost it again. I wouldn't worry unless if happens over a few weeks in a row.
  • I usually try to eat back about half, which keeps me on track with my weight loss goals pretty well.