lldem Member


  • Congratulations on your success and may it continue. I'm glad I took the time to read this post and I'm surprised I can reply bc my eyes are blurry with tears! Thnaks for the motivation!
  • Congratulations and WTG in beating your pesonal goal! So motivational... I finished C25k the beginning of Sept and I'm in my first 5 km in Nov. Can't wait.
  • Thanks so much for spending the time writing a review! I've been reading diff posts about HRMs and I would really like to have one! I run and always interested how far I go and cals I'm burning. So the gps would tell me distance? would that be the 7 that some are talking about not the 4 you have - Love the vibrant color…
  • I dont take things like that personally but I'm out going anyway. Good for you to continue on! Is there not a trainer at your gym - that would be the person I would go to for help. In our town, we have several gyms, one is all female because there are lots of ppl who are beginners and feel uncomfortable going to a gym to…
  • Congratulations! I'm always pleased to read another runners post about their first 5k - mine is coming up in a couple of months - And yes you are runner. I run / walk too; I try to do 10 & 1. Sometimes I do better or worse too. Good Luck at your next run!
  • Did it!! I feel the burn in my upper arms! :smile:
  • Great topic! :) Its great to see others' small wins bc we tend to overlook them. I thought about it bc I didn't think I had any But then I realized that tonight at supper I Measured Out Everything! Usually I just eyeball it :)
  • I'm running a 5k for the Terry Fox Run Sept 16. My first "real" run will be in Nov through a winery 2.5 hr away. We all get Tshirts for registering. There are about 14 women from our C25k group going. I'm pumped but no doubt will get nervous days before. I want to finish it in less than 35 min.
  • Thanks, I was a little over my daily so I feel good. :)
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I've got about 25 - 30 lbs to lose
  • Thanks for the input - I've only just realized about the exercise calories and to make sure I eat them back - a bit mind boggling bc I thought the idea was to eat less, but since, I've read lots of post that explain that so thanks. Another question, how do I change the amount of Calories, protiens that I should take in…
  • Unbelievable! Great ideas given here though; ignore it, listen to music, they're only in yur life for 30 sec and someone will always be yelling something. I know I must look a fright - sweaty, shorts riding up my legs, red faced - but inside, I feel great and I bet you do too! Keep it up!
  • Y chromosome
  • Yummy homemade taco salad; (Shredded lettuce, red onion, sourcream salsa, tomato, green pepper and hamburger with taco seasoning) MMMmmmm
  • Did you take msmnts? Maybe no weight loss but loss in inches. Depends too on your cycle. Keep up the work, it will pay off. Feel free to add me as friend. I'm Lisa and I have an open diary :smile:
  • Hi I'm 43, mother of 2 teens. I'm looking for friends with open diaries to help me keep on track and for motivation on this lifelong journey. :)
    in Newbie Comment by lldem August 2012
  • I did C25k too. I found the 2nd week in I liked it and then by 4th week I was loving it... Now I'm addicted! lol I feel out of sorts if I don't get to run now - I'm already worrying what I'll do this winter. I love going outside and I stick to a trail/route for 3 or 4 times then move on to another one always trying to set…
  • The posts here have given me a lot of choices of low cal suppers. Next time "I'm caught short" I'll be looking to here for ideas. Thanks
  • These are great! "**Stop rewarding yourself with food, you are not a dog! " I'm putting this one on my fridge!! My fav on my putr screen is "Know what's better than eating that thing you've wanted for days?.... Losing that Weight You've Wanted to Lose for Years!!!!" :D
  • Me too. I find it keeps me accountable and I like the ideas for food by looking at others.
  • great motivational post! Congrats on yur run! I've started C25k also and my first fun run is in Nov. I'm doing 35 min now and trying to lower that! my goal was to finish also now its to do it in that time. I love running/jogging now - it's addictive!!
    in My first 5K Comment by lldem August 2012
  • What a great post! Very motivational - exactly what I needed today - only 5 days in... You are so right -this isn't a race. It's a life style change! I'm going to print and keep a copy in my purse. I've gotta stay on track and reading this helps - Congrats and much success on you lifestyle change! :smile:
  • Congratulations!! You are doing awesome! You give me great inspiration to drop a size in the same amount of time. I need to start weight training especially after seeing your great results. Good Luck in your journey!
  • Hi there, New to MFP as well. quit since Nov 2011, had a couple of paks since then but still trying to keep clean - it's a battle for sure. Gained 25 lbs total and now on the downward slope hopefully Good luck on your new journey!
  • thanks for the answers. I'll try the settings :)
  • I've enjoyed reading all the posts in this thread. I'm new to MFP and appreciate all the learning from the forums. Some of my comments: My BMs have changed since exercising regularily - usually a bit runny but only once a day regular. My periods are not as bad since exercising. I too have been chafed - only once lol and…
  • Hi there - I'm new to MFP too... but not new to trying to get fit lol I'm excited and have set little goals - 10 lbs - but I'll need to do that a FEW times... Wishing you success!