

  • Great job!! Yes, slow and steady always wins, don't rush. You ladies are looking good!! :) Amanda, the last month I've been going back and forth between 5 pounds. LW: 154.4 CW: 150.4 I lost 4 pounds this week and I'm more than certain it's water weight. So I can't say I'm ''thrilled'' hehehe. And next weekend I'm running…
  • That's awesome!
  • Agree with you. I buy all my fruits and veggies from the farmer's market or small local grocery stores.
  • Standing underneath a tree snowing cherry blossoms on a sunny day with the wind in your face. I love spring :)
  • Great job ladies! LW: 155.2 CW: 154.4 Hoping to get out of the 150's by June! Good luck everyone.
  • Try planning out your meals for the week so you have an idea of what you'll be eating. It's a lot more work but totally worth it in the long run. You're eating a lot of processed foods too, so maybe try cutting that back to one meal a day. Think small changes first. There's a wealth of information on the web and this site…
  • I think as long as you maintain being active, eat right and keep that balance, you should have no problem. Remember what got you to your undesired weight in the first place. Keep up the good habits and you'll be fine.
  • Me too! But I didn't lose anything.
  • I've been working out with a trainer (we're training for a 10k in May!) since September, and I hate, hate, hate doing pushups!! But my body has gotten a lot stronger and like I mentioned, I would not have been able to complete a first set but now, not a problem, although it's not easy either. :)
  • Plan, plan, plan! Really sit down and plan your meals. I used to eat junk all the time and I still do on occasion, but have cut back tremendously. In fact, I still have have some days where I just binge but that's another story :-). I make sure my eating is 80% clean, and healthy and the 20% when I do indulge, I don't feel…
  • Too many pushups!! :tongue: I think for a beginner it might be too much?? 6 months ago when I first started working out I could not have finished it. Now I can definitely sustain it but I think it might be too long and someone doing it on their own may give up after the first set...just my thought! But it definitely gets…
  • I think it depends on the person. I work out most days after work and on Saturdays I do a morning workout, and I always eat before as it gives me that energy boost. Then I have my protein snack afterwards, and then within the next hour or two a good lunch.
  • Not too sure about that but for me personally I use a smaller plate and I find it helps greatly with portion control. And I love houseware stuff, sooo I tend to buy cute little plates and it makes eating much more enjoyable.
  • I stopped watching it 3 weeks ago. Got too annoyed with all the game playing and drama and too many whiners on the show this season! I'll watch the finale though. Love seeing the transformation.
  • The Dairy industry may say you need your calcium, but they aren't shoving milk down your throat. Dairy is not the problem. It's people. Consumers need to think for themselves.
  • The funny thing about research and 'science' is that next month, a new 'research' may refute a claim. Next thing you know, dairy will be all the rage again, etc, etc. etc. I agree, think for yourself and what works for you. Don't buy into all this hype. What's the current fad now? The 'raw' diet?? Was browsing through a…
  • Great idea sjmay!
  • I ate a large bag of those damn mini eggs, not in one sitting, but nonetheless, finished a bag within a few hours. I felt so sick afterward and didn't even have dinner. Today I'm on track again and I can tell you, I don't want to go near anything that is sweet. So I guess that's a good thing! Just start fresh the next day…
  • Indeed an inspiration! Thanks for sharing :)
  • Argh, I seem to be hitting a plateau. Can't get these 5 pounds off. LW: 152.4 CW: 155 jlbay, Amanda, I know what you guys mean! I've increased my workout intensity, been eating good (well, this easter long weekend is going to be a write off!) But seems these 5 pounds won't move :(
  • Great challenge! Thanks! I always have trouble with getting my water in. Porterbaby, you look awesome!! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing your photos, very inspiring :)
  • Ouch! I know the feeling. Happened to me a couple of weeks ago from doing some tricep workouts with a bit heavier weights than usual. Make sure not to work out until your arms are well rested. I waited a week. Also,I found stretching helped too. Also, make sure you tell your trainer!!
  • Agreed. Also, once you're done your venting, let it go and move on. Focus on what you have done right and what you are going to continue to do to stay on track and reach your goals. Don't focus on the number on the scale because it is not tied to your overall happiness. :) Good luck!
  • LW: 154.2 CW: 152.4 Great job ladies!
  • Agreed! OP, you're eating a lot of processed foods and sugars! I try and limit processed foods (i.e. Lean cuisine) to once or twice a week for times when I'm super busy and behind schedule and need a quick meal. That said, I throw in extra veggies and stuff with the lean cuisines. I think they're great and one of the…
  • I went to buy some new clothes this weekend because I reached the 20lbs mark,and the lady at the shop was like, "How did you do it?!" and I just told her, exercise and eating right. She looked at me and said she "couldn't" excercise, and that she's now on some diet restricting blah blah blah....I just nodded and smiled. I…
  • Beans are wonderful for lazy dinners, When I'm pressed for time or just too lazy to cook, I throw in some black beans in a large salad and some vinaigrette dressing. Add a whole grain pita, and it's a very filling, high protein dinner.
  • Thanks sjmay for posting the results, very much appreciated. Since spring is approaching, I think it would be nice to 1) look at your current wardrobe and get rid of anything that is too big for you and that is no longer "you". 2) Go out and do some shopping and buy yourself a nice top or some new jeans, etc. Or at the…
  • Welcome Steph! This is an awesome group of ladies here:)
  • Good morning ladies! Hope you all had a good week. This week's challenge really helped, so thanks again porterbaby! LW: 158.6 CW: 154.2 Phew! Must have held onto a lot of water the last two weeks due to a lot of stress, but hopefully the scale doesn't go up again. Good luck everyone!
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