

  • When I did insanity last year, I lost 40+lbs. Because of my body type I did not really 'tone up', but my husband did. It is an AMAZING workout. After just a week you can feel an increase in your strength and endurance. Definitely worth every drop of sweat ;D
    in Insanity Comment by kimmay April 2012
  • My favorite low cal drink is absolut mandarin, tonic water and a squeeze of lime. Just checked the nutritional info for absolut mandarin and it is 69 calories per 1 oz. and 10 cals for tonic water.
  • jillian michaels is amazing....
  • MIne is public. Feel free to take a look :] Dont mind the numbers for the past few weeks...I've been playing around with my cal and carb intake.
  • Earlier, I had joined this challenge. And now, I have completely fell of the wagon. Take a look at my food diary. It is horrible! For the past two weeks I have been eating pizza, cupcakes, halloween candy, carbs carbs carbs. AND...I haven't excercised in 2 weeks!!! I am completely disgusted with myself. And I just cannot…
  • im down to 146. Soooo happy with myself. :happy:
  • Just finished day 4. Maybe I have a little extra energy today but I found it to be much simpler. So, I decided to move onto level 2. Completed level 2 (which seems easier than level 1 for some reason). I feel great! I can definitely see the difference. Although the scale has only moved down 1lb since I started, I…
  • So I skipped out on the challenge yesterday. I didn't exercise at all. My legs were incredibly sore and it's almost that time of month and I feel incredibly exhausted. I know I know...excuses. But, I am ready for it tonight. woot woot! :wink:
  • I eat mahi mahi at least once or twice a week. Love it. I like it kind of plain too. I rub it with olive oil, lime juice, sea salt, garlic powder and red pepper and pan cook it. And then of course I sprinkle some cholula hot sauce on it haha.
    in Fish?? Comment by kimmay October 2009
  • did day two last night. my legs were killing me all day but I decided to suck it up and go for it. the 20 mins went by much faster last night. I really wanted to go for a run after the video last night to burn some more calories (I was bad yesterday and ate some junk food) but I was way too tired to run. Hoping I have the…
  • So when I log this ...I put it under circuit training 20 mins. It says this 20 minute workout burns 181 calories? Is this correct? I just started this last night. After 20 mins I did about another 15 mins of pilates. I would like to be burning more calories in my workout than what I am supposedly burning with this video.…
  • oh I urinate often haha. kind of a pain...but keeps me moving all day...the walk to the bathroom is downstairs and it gives me a break from the computer. thanks for the opinion :smile:
  • The texture is what gets me too... I recently bough Jillian Michaels Whey Protein in the vanilla flavor and I LOVE IT!!! I mix it with a glass of vanilla soy milk and it tastes pretty yummy. Make sure to shake it up really well. I have also mixed a little into my coffee and that was pretty yummy too.
  • oh man. It has been a few days since I have had a diet coke as well. I am such an addict! Not that it is any better...but twice a week I allow myself a Hansens All Natural Soda. Ginger Ale and Pomegranate are my faves. I count this as a 'snack'. This helps curb my craving for diet coke (I used to drink 2-3 a…
  • Definitely feeling it in my legs this morning (I've been really focusing on my upper body lately and kind of negelected my legs). But what a great workout! I can't wait to do it again tonight.
  • How do we track this workout in our exercise diary?
  • I'm in! My goal was to reach my happy weight by christmas anywaysa. I am going home back east and I want to impress my family and friends. And be able to wear a super cute cocktail dress for New Years Eve. hehe. So how does this work? Do we have weigh ins?
  • So funny because I just bought this on amazon and it arrived in the mail on saturday. My night tonight is going to be dedicated to this workout. I am sooo excited to get my butt kicked :happy:
  • Thank you for the welcome. Some great ideas BrenNew :]
    in hello :] Comment by kimmay October 2009
  • just started mine but you are more than welcome to take a look :]
  • I have recently fallen in love with running. And I will is more of jog/walk. But, 2 or so weeks has passed since I have taken my jogging routine seriously and I find my endurance building and I am super excited about it. I prefer to run outside. The fresh air feels great and I the scenery keeps me from getting…
  • Great ideas! Thanks for the input. Reduced fat string cheese is a great idea....and super delicious. I know I should stay away from the crackers. My biggest weakness is carbs. Ugh. And I will also try a protein shake. Not big on the texture but maybe I can find one that tastes good. Also, I stay away from slim fast because…
    in Newbie Comment by kimmay October 2009