I'm trying very hard to...

kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm trying very hard to not have a diet coke. I'm on day 5 of no soda. I am a diet code addict, and am trying to give it up. Today has been the hardest. I don't want to give in, I am not going to give in.


  • sumer_13
    sumer_13 Posts: 81 Member
    :smile: Hang in there you can do it!! I have been 5months diet drink free!! I do not even miss them....i drank 4-5 day.....was so addicted!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Hang in there!! It does get easier I promise.

    I don't know how long its been but I don't even want pop anymore. And, if I do happen to grab a can of Coke at some point, I get all bloated from the carbonation that its not even pleasant.

    I drink a lot of iced tea and ice cold water. If its really cold, I'd much rather have that than a pop.

    Hope you can hold out.
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    oh man. It has been a few days since I have had a diet coke as well. I am such an addict!

    Not that it is any better...but twice a week I allow myself a Hansens All Natural Soda. Ginger Ale and Pomegranate are my faves. I count this as a 'snack'. This helps curb my craving for diet coke (I used to drink 2-3 a day...sometimes even as a meal replacement ...eeek).
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    you can do it ! :smile:
    ive been going 10 months without any soda and it gets to the point where u wont even want it.

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  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I recently went cold turkey on pop as well, so I feel your pain. I also gave up milk. I know it's hard, but fill up your favorite mug with some ice water! It's not only better for you, but will help meet your daily intake for the day :)

    If you REALLY need that hit of fizz, there are water products out there that have fizz in it. I think Western Family carries some. Check it out in your grocery soda aisle. They are flavored, even :)
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