Jillian's 30 Day Shred

meana717 Posts: 261 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm starting the 30 Day Shred program today... Level 1 for the next 10 days then on up to Level 2. If you are interested in starting today then jump on the train! I attempted to get out of bed that extra hour early to do the workout but I failed....and miserably may I add. However, as soon as I get home today its into the workout clothes, tv on, weight waiting....and play on the DVD player! I know alot of people think you are supposed to let your muscles relax a day in between...however as Jillian puts it and from going to Basic training 10 years ago. The quickest most efficient way to get your body in shape is to challenge your body...each and every day. Keep your muscles working constantly so they continue to burn more fat! Alright everyone...lets do this!


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  • moonport
    moonport Posts: 97 Member
    I bought my copy today and am going to try and start tonight. If not, first thing in the morning!
  • i'd like to jump on board too! i'll do it tonight as well.
  • I am new to myfitnesspal as of today and have the 30 day shred at home so I will start tonight too. I have done this video several times before (my first time I lasted 10 days and I was already getting very much in shape) I must warn you, its pretty grueling, but just stick with it ,and by day 5 you will be so impressed with yourself! Also a word of encouragement - I think Level 2 is easier than Level 1 so you have that to look forward to once you conquer Level 1 :-)
  • dbrink
    dbrink Posts: 6 Member
    30 Day Shred is amazing. I just started it today and was really impressed with the workout and Jillians coaching style. It cracked me up though because it's like she knew when I was thinking about taking a break! ha ha

    :bigsmile: 288730.png
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  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm in! I started yesterday.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I've done Level 1 about 5 or 6 times. I was so committed for the first 2 days of the month, got sick for 3 days ( I attempted 15 minutes of the 20 minutes) but couldn't do it and haven't started up again. However, I'm buckling down, sticking to my guns, and going to do this! Glad to have you all here with me! YAY!:flowerforyou:
  • I have this DVD and planned on doing it tonight when I get home from work, but don't know how the heck I can find the time to workout everyday for 30 days. I work FT, go to school FT and have a 4 month old at home. But I'm going to try to do it at least 4 days a week (I know I know, but hey, it's better than nothing). How much weight are you supposed to lose in 30 days if you do it everyday? My overall goal is 30-35 lbs, but I know it will take me months to do that.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Oooo! I just ordered the DVD today - I want to try it! Maybe I can do another circuit training DVD (like the Firm) until I get my Shred DVD and still participate with y'all.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I have this DVD and planned on doing it tonight when I get home from work, but don't know how the heck I can find the time to workout everyday for 30 days. I work FT, go to school FT and have a 4 month old at home. But I'm going to try to do it at least 4 days a week (I know I know, but hey, it's better than nothing). How much weight are you supposed to lose in 30 days if you do it everyday? My overall goal is 30-35 lbs, but I know it will take me months to do that.

    In the video she tells you 20lbs in 30 days! I understand your time crunch. I work full time, my husband is deployed and I have 2 kids at home. Totally there with ya! Maybe try and get up an extra 30 minutes in the morning to do the work out. Or if your baby is waking up at an early morning hour like 6 to be fed, feed the baby then work out. It completely kick starts your day. Now if I could take my own advice and pull myself outta bed! :happy:
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm so glad I found this!! I just now finished day 1 of level 1.. and I had to modify some of the modified moves just to keep moving!! OMFG!! It totally kicked my *kitten*.. and I can usually push myself through a workout but I couldn't even move after a few minutes.. I was cussing at the tv screen!! lol
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    So funny because I just bought this on amazon and it arrived in the mail on saturday. My night tonight is going to be dedicated to this workout. I am sooo excited to get my butt kicked :happy:
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    How do we track this workout in our exercise diary?
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    Track it under circuit training. 20 mins.
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Wife and I did it tonight, first time I've ever done a video workout. Did circuit one, not bad, kind'a fun. Time sure went fast. I plan to do this one in the morning instead of me elliptical and see what shakes loose.

    I normally do dumbbell exercises like the flies and rows with 45 pounds in each hand, but only 10 or 12 reps. Tonight in the shred I used 8 pounders for the full minutes of the routine and I was dying! :laugh:

    One thing interesting. I wore my HRM for this and came up with about 210 calories. MFP says 20 minutes of circuit training is 256. Not bad,,, pretty close. HRM said I was around 135-140 beats per minute. Nice.
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    thats so funny, i just purchased and started the dvd today! =) the time seems to go by pretty fast too, i need to go down in the weights though, i had my regular 5lb weights that i use in other workout dvds but i couldnt complete some of the reps, hopefully ill be able to use them by level 2!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So I came home and did as I promised. Changed and worked out. I feel so great! I too attempted to use my 5 lb weights the first time and there was no way- so I use the 3lbs for now. Hoping too that I can do 5 lbs come Level 2...10 days. I also logged it as Calisthenics. Hmmm.....
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    So, who is feeling it today?! I sure am!! I'm not really sore.. but I can feel it throughout my entire body and my abs!!! that is amazing!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Little bit of soreness in my quadriceps.

    I also did my usual 30 minutes elliptical this morning. And this is Tuesday, so I have weight training this eve while wife works late. Then I'll do the shred again tonight with her if she's up to it (and I pray that she is).

    Gonna be a long day. The good news is - I have 1600 calories left for dinner (no,,, I will not eat that, not sure I could).
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    Definitely feeling it in my legs this morning (I've been really focusing on my upper body lately and kind of negelected my legs). But what a great workout! I can't wait to do it again tonight.
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