Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    Everyone has motivated me to go purchase the DVD - maybe it will be on sale..Black Friday and then I plan on starting..Hope to feel the burn with you all soon.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Everyone has motivated me to go purchase the DVD - maybe it will be on sale..Black Friday and then I plan on starting..Hope to feel the burn with you all soon.
    It was done in 2008, so it's not exactly a "New Release",,, regular price at the box stores is $10. One of the best investments I've ever made. :-)
  • InnerCutie
    arrrrggggg. So you know how I did level 1 day 1 yesterday and finally made it all the way through well......today I wished I hadn't! I am pretty sure every muscle in my body is aching. especially calfs, thighs, arms chest, shoulders, back. even muscles I didn't know I had are screaming at me. like my arm pits really hurt.

    Anyway I am not sure I could make it through it today. But tecnicailly I did the video at midnight, so that counts as today right??
  • conniec13
    I went through the same thing when I first did it. I couldn't walk for 3 days my knees and thighs were killing me. I started doing it again this week, but for this week I'm doing it every other day so until my body says ok, we can do this.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    arrrrggggg. So you know how I did level 1 day 1 yesterday and finally made it all the way through well......today I wished I hadn't! I am pretty sure every muscle in my body is aching. especially calfs, thighs, arms chest, shoulders, back. even muscles I didn't know I had are screaming at me. like my arm pits really hurt.

    Anyway I am not sure I could make it through it today. But tecnicailly I did the video at midnight, so that counts as today right??

    Hi inner C, yep, we were there too. And we all vented it on this board... :) Stick with it and you'll be amazed at how quickly you develop strength and stamina. Follow Anita (the lady on the right) - there's no shame in doing the moves with modifications... as you build your strength up.

    Heather- i started doing that too - crankign up the tunes to energize it a bit. I didn't shred yesterday (Thanksgiving) not not today either - but tomorrow I'm back at it - still at level 2. Good ol' level 2 and I - we're buds!

    Casper - you're crazy! A fun kinda crazy, but crazy all the same. How were the pies?

    Janet - How'd it go?

    And Amanda - are you in or out today?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey Smiles...I'm here today! HA! I was out both Thanksgiving and Black Friday! I'm pretty impressed with myself as far as food goes! I did go over my alloted 1200 calories....but stayed under 1800!!!! And me and Level 2 ...we are bus too! As I sit here right this second I am contemplating getting off of here and going to kick some butt! I'll check back in with ya'll later!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Too funny - I'm apparently doing the same thing you were doing. I know it's time to get back to it, so I came here knowing if anything can motivate me, the thread can. :) It actually works! So, it's about 10:35 am, I need to attack the shred, then run some errands and later in the day, if the legs will move, go for a run. I'll report back to verify that I did it.

    And, I almost forgot - good job staying within a reasonable calorie amount both days! You have my admiration! I didn't even count, I figured, it's a special day. (The amazing thing was, I felt sort of icky after stuffing my face, so that's a lesson learned). Yesterday was somewhat snacky, and today feels like back in the groove, and I'm actually happy about it. :)

    Can't wait to hear how you and Jillian got along today! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Too funny - I'm apparently doing the same thing you were doing. I know it's time to get back to it, so I came here knowing if anything can motivate me, the thread can. :) It actually works! So, it's about 10:35 am, I need to attack the shred, then run some errands and later in the day, if the legs will move, go for a run. I'll report back to verify that I did it.

    And, I almost forgot - good job staying within a reasonable calorie amount both days! You have my admiration! I didn't even count, I figured, it's a special day. (The amazing thing was, I felt sort of icky after stuffing my face, so that's a lesson learned). Yesterday was somewhat snacky, and today feels like back in the groove, and I'm actually happy about it. :)

    Can't wait to hear how you and Jillian got along today! :)
  • InnerCutie
    I am thinking about giving the Jillian a second chance, its been a few days and I can finally walk with out hurting. Although squating still hurts. Hopefully she won't kill me this time.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Go for it cutie! Just go easy on the squats. :)

    Okay - I clawed my way thru level 2. Why is it that even after only 2 days off, it feels so much harder? What does this mean for after I complete level 3? (I'm thinking it means i'll have to pick up something new to keep the strength training up.... ) Wait - what am I worrying about that for? It seems light years away! :laugh:

    I STILL am getting my butt kicked by those v raises at the end of circuit 3. It has to be a mental block. Trying to stop thinking "I can't".

    Okay, gotta go to the drugstore and post office - then will see if I can motivate myself to go for a run. At the very least, a walk. Easing back in after holiday fun. :ohwell:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shred Family,
    missed you all over the holidays but I took you all with me to New Orleans in spirit! I had a wonderful time with family and friends and was pretty reasonable with the food although I absolutely ate more than I normally do and of different kinds of food. I don't think I stuffed myself but what I noticed was after eating "regular food" much less of it was required to feel full. I tried to drink my water and exercise, which was challenging because we were staying in someone elses home and space was really limited. I didn't shred but I brought my Turbo Jam with me. This year I did something different. I asked my sister in law to TJ with me and guess what.... she did!! We didn't w/o on Thanksgiving day but we did Friday and Saturday!! and we did a bunch of walking in the French Quarter, sans alcohol!! :drinker: WOO HOO!! I at 2 pralines:wink: but I'm sure if I hadn't worked out it would have been much, much worse Not only did working out keep my health goals in front of me but it was a great bonding time for my sister in law and me. Pretty cool.
    Back home now and just finished level 3 (starting on back on day one of that b/c I want to get 10 days straight with it) and I did 20min TJ. BL yoga on for later tonight.
    The only leftovers in the house are homemade gumbo courtesy of my Mother in law( just deee-lish) and some Lemon pudding cake w/ this lemon lime glaze - haven't had a slice of that yet - I made DH take half of it to his best friend. Get it out of the house:laugh:
    Glad to be back home and back to the routine ~ and glad we made it through the 1st of the Big 3 Holidays.

    Check you all later,

    PS: I'm really trying not to think about Christmas Shopping yet......:noway:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Awesome job Janet! :) Glad to hear you're home and that while you're gone, you didn't veer far off track. I just weighed in and found i'm up 2.2 lbs. Woops. I drank an entire bottle of wine on my own on Turkey day. Note to self... skip the bevvies, and I'll have better chances of staying in line. :)

    I did the shred level 2 yesterday and today, decided to go for level 3. I did it. Had to follow Anita during much of it -and found it was more demanding on my thighs than I expected. I gave it about 75% effort today.... which is okay, there's always room for improvement, right?

    After that, went for a walk and then a run. Finding now that I have competing devotion to running and the shred. When I started the shred, my heart was entirely with running. Interesting how it's grown on me!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shredders,
    Happy Monday and we're back after it - approx 2 weeks til the xmas holidays are upon us so I'm focused on making the most of my time now. Over the past holiday I learned that when family , food , goodtimes and friends are around it's incredibly easy to make other stuff a priority over fitness goals. I am really going to concentrate my energies on reinforcing all of the good stuff yuo all are helping me learn so that the Xmas holidays won't shake me so much. All of the experiences (the praline's too!) are something I can learn from.
    Shred and yoga on for tonight !!

    Smiles- so glad you're hanging in there! Don't fret about the scale; you would have had to have eaten 3500 calories over your normal caloric alotment. I seriously doubt you ate 7000 calories + your normal food :). Keep on Shredding - it will be worth it.
    Isn't it already???

    Will check in later
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I'm having a really tough time...I am gaining weight...I have absolutely no energy what so ever, not motavated to do much of anything...I'm on new meds for endometriosis, as well as an antidepressnt...I have an appetite like a grown man....ok see what I'm doing...I'm make excuses for why I'm getting fatter...What do all of you do to stay motivated? I'm losing it quickly, and I don't mean my weight...my MIND!! I think I need an accountibility partner...maybe that would help. IDK, I just needed to vent....
  • can i join yalls group????
    i saw this thread yesterday and went and got the 30 day shred. ha.
    i usually walk a few miles everyday, but
    today i did day 2 of level one and my goodness..i didnt expect this dvd to be such a work out!!
    i really feel like im actually doing something rather than other dvds i have done.
  • also how do you go about logging this into exercise?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    also how do you go about logging this into exercise?

    Welcome to the group...YOU MOST DEFINATELY CAN JOIN. As for logging, I think some of us do it one way and others do it another. As for me, I log under Calisthenics. Not the home variety either. I only log 20 minutes. From start of Jillian to end of level is 28 minutes, but she talks for the first minute and a half and then the warm up and cool down. So I give 20 minutes, which gives me 267 calories burned! Others use circuit training, which when I tried that it gave me the same numbers as calisthenics!

    Once again Welcome to the group!
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    i just started the 30 day shred today after falling off the exercise wagon for a few weeks. it was good, the only thing is i live in an apt complex and i live upstairs so i cant really be jumping around so i tried to do modfied versions of the jumping jacks, etc. jillian mentions in the dvd that punches are a good way to get in cardio if you can't use your lower body so i was thinking of substituting her cardio selections for some taebo moves...any input???
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I did level 2 yesterday for the first time. It was amazing to see how the different muscles came into play. I did get 3 lb weights and I think that is helping me ease into this level! I'm certainly feeling shredded!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    I started the 30 day shred on Saturday. I LOVE IT! It is very intense but I really feel good after a workout. I will say that the workout makes me sweat a lot and I think that shows me that im putting forth the effort. I was very sore the second day but made myself do the video again. Today is my third day and I am absolutely convinced that this will make a difference if I keep it up. I can feel it in all my muscles today! (legs, arms, back, and abs.) I still cant do all of the push ups but im going to keep trying. I decided that I would do each level 10 days each so I could finish the complete program in 30 days but since I need to lose more than 20 lbs im just going to stick with the first level until I can complete it with ease then move up to level 2. I would highly recommend this DVD to anyone who wants a quick workout that really kicks your butt!