Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    WOWW!! :noway:
    I am so happy that this thread is on here!!!! I just completed my third day of jillian-level one. Boy, do I feel sore, but I feel awesome too!!! I'll keep this thread updated each day, cause lord knows you guys'll all keep me on track!! Keep shredding everyone! Now its time to go enjoy some wine with the girls-pray I don't overdo it on the calories!!!!:blushing:

    Good luck/good night shredders!!!!:drinker:
  • liloneames267
    liloneames267 Posts: 42 Member
    Day 7 level one done and did a very brisk 10 minute walk around the lake.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Y'all,
    Off to give level 2 a shot before tomorrow AM. So excited - I want to try to get the routine down so 4am tomorrow AM I'm not hurting myself, LOL! I am also going to do some Tai Chi for a cool down afterwards.
    I love to read your posts and excited about everybody's progress!!
    Keep up the great work!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    It's a mixed bag today folks... I did level 2 again (Day 9) and was so sick of it - I wanted to cuss at Jillian. It's not her fault - maybe I should've moved on already? I suffer from a short attention span and once I get bored, i get *****y! Suffice it to say - it's a good thing that tomorrow is the last day of level 2 - and then I'll advance to level 3.

    I have a couple of questions - is anyone in my age/weight range doing this with a HRM? I'm really curious how many calories I'm burning... I'm about 5'5 and 148.... I push it pretty good to get maximum benefits, but still, I wonder how this alone is enough cardio... (any thoughts?) To keep it moving, I've also been walking/running on alternate days, while doing shred daily.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Did my 30 minutes elliptical this morning, then shred level 2 again. It's still kicking my butt. Some exercises I'm doing better, some I'm doing worse.

    Some mornings I eat a banana before I exercise, and then I get a better workout. Some mornings I just hit it on an empty stomach. Some research shows some physiological fat-burning benefits to exercising while in a fasting state. Not really sure what to do.

    It's all good. Maybe there's some adjustment I could make to make better progress, but I'm making good progress either way. :smile:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning My Shredders,
    Ok - level 2 day 1 ... done. I did get thru the entire w/o last night ( + 15 min of Tai Chi)- for some I watched Anita and for some I pushed to keep up w/ Natalie and this one is very challenging in parts for me .. Can we talk about the planks in the cardio parts - OMG!! Planks are not my strong suit, at all. And this is pushing me in ways I hadn't been pushed before. I know in time I'll get better at them.
    I can do a "real" push up for a set now - maybe I can't get down into the move as deeply as Natalie - but I can do it in my modified way. I couldn't do that before. Progress!!
    On a happy note : I tried on a paid of jeans that had a little muffin top thing going on last year . Well - bye bye muffin top - hello belt and inches of room:drinker: ( and these jeans have no stretch to them!!)

    Guess I'll keep letting Jillian and the rest of them kick my A@#!! Seems to be working:laugh:

    Have a fantastic day everybody,

  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    Great job Janet. I've lost my muffin top too :) It feels great :) I did day 4 I think yesterday of level 1. Considering doing day 5 today (I had been alternating it with heavy cardio days). Hit the gym and ran :) Got 4 miles in (not all running-did some intervalls). Hoping to get 4.25 miles starting next week. Then I ate lunch and now I feel blech. Overate I guess.
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Good Evening Shredders!!!! :love:

    Day 4 down-level one. Man I feel like I'm gunna puke today and I'm shaking like mad (too much caffine-im in college afterall), but holy geez that is an awesome workout! I feel great! Hope all of you are having a successful workout/logging day!!! Now is time to go be a college kid :wink: :wink: :wink:

    Happy "Write Love on Your Arm" Day!

    :heart: Maxie :heart:
  • justmegan
    SO... I did level 1 for a couple days off and on, then level 2 a couple-- threw in some level 3s. The problem with me is I get bored so easily. And if I get bored, I stop exercising. However, reading through this thread, I think I'm motivated to actually shred DAILY-- beginning with 10 days of level 1. I will do my best to not let boredom get the best of me. My concern is, I guess, that, as with most exercises I will start to "build up a tolerance" so to speak. This scares me because Jillian's 20-minute workouts are so short and sweet and doable and affective all at once that I can't imagine doing anything else. And if the time comes that my weight loss halts, I'll cry. Um... anyway... I'm kinda just thinking aloud here, guys. Sorry. Anyway, my point is, you guys have motivated me (once again!) and I'm gonna stick to Jillian. She's evil and mean and she's kicked my *kitten* repeatedly!
    FOR THOSE OF YOU JUST STARTING OUT OR CONSIDERING STARTING THE 30-DAY SHRED: The workout IS awesome... and I can tell you from personal experience, very effective. I've dropped all kinds of weigh since starting it-- and that's without doing it everyday!
    Thanks again, everyone, for motivating and inspiring me! :blushing: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Just finished Biggest Loser Yoga for weight loss w/ Bob. Never tried it before but I was looking for a 30 min w/o that would help me w/ flexibility , strength, and would help me unwind. Well is did all 4 and it was filled w/ planks and basically static stretches held for a really long time. I feel very relaxed and ready to chill - veggie delight sandwich and comedy central !
    Meg - keep up the great work~ 4.25 mi .. .very nice!!

    Maxi- really proud of your for taking care of yourself now, Making fitness a part of your life now will help you make the most of your life after college!! Study hard and keep up the good work, BTW , have some fun too:wink:

    Megan - welcome to the thread - logging here keeps me motivated. We've got a really good bunch!

    Have a great nite everyone,
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm back!!!!

    I had to put the Shred on hiatus for a little over a week - been having some major back pain. But 3 rounds at the Chiropractor (round 4 is scheduled for Monday) and I'm feeling MUCH better. I woke up this morning and got right back into Level 2 and it was far easier now without (as much) back pain. I'm feeling SO good and SO happy that I dragged myself out of bed to get it done this morning. Glad to be back in the game :wink:

    Happy Weekend everyone!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shredders,
    just finished day 2 level 2 and ABJam (20min TJ). I feel good and glad that my w/o is in for the day ... any extra that I get in will be a cherry on top! I really am enjoying the tai chi / yoga in the evenings it's a really nice way to wind down after a long day and 3 hours of driving!
    The plank/ squat thrust (I think that's what she calls it) were brutal on the 2nd go round this am but the plank/ jax were less difficult .. still hard but I made it through.

    Keep pushing everyone and have a terrific Saturday,
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    Did day 5 of level 1 today-with the kids, lol. (3.5 and 1.5). OMG so funny. DS (3.5) and I did it together Thursday so he had some of the ideas (I had him "lifting" matchbox cars instead of weights and jumping around during the cardio and then he wiggles on the floor during abs). Well today he asked me what I was doing. I had made it through the first set of pushups/squats and push ups and actually didn't have to skip ANY and was back to pushups so I told him I was dying. He said "can I die too". It was funny and not funny all at once. DD (1.5) kept trying to sit on me during abs or get me to pick her up. DH kept having to intervene. BUT I got through it and did better than I have. And when I get the pics pulled off I have a couple funny ones! If nothing else I want to be a good example of staying in shape for my kids!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Haven't shredded yet (I know its late and I should have)
    I had a little too much fun last night :blushing: and I've just been so sick all day. I just feel like I'm going to throw up everytime I stand up. I'm still gunna try to shred today cause I fear the consequences of not, but ugh. I guess I'll probably just do it and if I puke, i'll stop. Better to try, I suppose. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone else is having a better day than me. :bigsmile:
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    I pushed it and I completely day 5 and I am sure glad I did! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    cya all tmr!!!
    :heart: Maxie
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Maxie - you go girl! :) I could learn a lesson from you....!!!
    I took yesterday and today both off.... am missing it a bit - but fighting off a mean cold. planning to be back with vigor (and attacking level 3) on Monday!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning Shredders,
    Day 3 of level 2 is in the bag plus I did 20min of Pilates/yoga right after. I feel very strong this morning, although I don't feel like I am ever going to get to theplace where the plank thrusts don't kick my @#$%!!:laugh: I am such a pear shape! The 2nd go round of those are insane for me but I made it through again today!! Just going to keep pushing and hope for good results. Only down .8 lb this week but my body feels leaner and stronger ~ and I'll be happy with that.
    Maxi - good for you for pushing through your workout despite the previous nites "festivities":wink: . I'm sure you were really glad you did and I'm proud of you!
    Smiles hope you are feeling better and stronger today. I am sure you'll be back to 100% in no time at all. Your positive attitude makes all the difference:happy:

    Have a great Sunday everybody,
  • liloneames267
    liloneames267 Posts: 42 Member
    Day 8 Level 1 done. I might watch level 2 later today so I know what I'm getting my self into by the end of the week.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Level 2 this afternoon (I've lost count how many times I've done it). But today, I used my new 3 lb. weights - and survived! Actually, they felt pretty good. Planks are still kicking my @$$, but I'm keeping up with few or no rests.

    So glad to have this thread to check-in with - keep up the great work everyone! :drinker:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yucky bad non-shredding weekend. I took saturday off - worked half-day and then a 200 mile errand to run. I did keep my calories under control and didn't go over (much :blushing: ).

    Sunday - wierd day. Woke up at 5am, just raring to go. Waited 'til the sun came up then headed out on the bicycle and rode 23 miles in about 90 minutes. Came home, did the church thing, got busy with other stuff and didn't get shredded. Good to break the exercise up though, do different things.

    Did my 30 min's elliptical this morning, and planning to shred and weight train tonight. Will put some sort of chicken based substance on to simmer when I get home and then go exercise. This gang won't die if we eat dinner at 7:30 instead on 7 one night.

    Thus concludes Caspers litany of excuses. We now continue with your regularly scheduled thread. :bigsmile: