Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Casper - you crack me up! :laugh: Thanks for the smile this morning! :happy:
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I took yesterday and today both off.... am missing it a bit - but fighting off a mean cold. planning to be back with vigor (and attacking level 3) on Monday!

    I'm so there with you... although my losing streak started Friday. I attempted but I couldn't breathe!!! My chest feels like is going to collapse and my head...oh lets not talk about the head! I'm feeling alot better this morning, so I'm really thinking that I will hit level 3 when I get home tonight after work as normal! Glad to see everyone is still here! :flowerforyou:
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Ugh I totally skipped Sunday, but I did it today! It's starting to get a bit repetitive and I'm getting a tad bored so I may have to go up to level 2 pretty soon. Hope you all doing well!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shredders and Happy Tuesday,
    Missed you guys yesterday but did not miss my w/o!! Today i've already done day 5 on level 2 and I can really tell the difference!! So grateful to be sticking with it and following the directions to the best of my ability!!! It's still still hard - the squat thrusts and the panks are still kicking my @#$ but in a good way!!

    Hope all are smiling this morning and looking forward to the promise of a new day! Will check ya later!

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ok, back in the saddle for a couple days anyway. Got my shred level 2 in last night along with my weights routine. Then got up early this morning and did 30 minutes elliptical (500 calories says the machine, but I ain't buying it) - then went straight into my shred level 2 again. Oh yeah, feeling good.

    Finished that - took puppies out - shower - puppies fed & back out, then Wiifit check in. I'm back to 210 even, which I haven't seen since July. Maybe getting the weight moving again. I'm seeing vascularity in my forearms that I haven't had since high school - :wink:

    Man, the kind of morning makes you hungry. I made a Casper McMuffin, ate that, had a swiss miss fudge bar in the car on the way in, got to work and wolfed down the Kashi bar I had for snack. Wow,,,
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So no Shred for me again yesterday. I really need to shake this cold guys! :sick: I'm determined that no matter how crappy I feel when I get home today I'm going to do it! Yesterday my head was pounding with a cold/sinus headache and everytime I even moved my eyes I thought my brain was going to explode! Aghhh!

    Here's to a new day! :drinker:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    hey shred-heads,

    I am up to day 5, but I have taken 2 days off, and tonite will make 3. I intend on doing Jillian tonite, time permitting.
    I am on the rag,((TMI< sorry)) but have maintained my weight..
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    "On the rag" - such coarse terminology!

    We like to use more genteel terms here. My favorite is: "Ridin' the cotton pony" :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue:

    Sorry, I hadda. :bigsmile:
  • liloneames267
    liloneames267 Posts: 42 Member
    Level 1 day 9 done. I skipped yesterday because of my terrible allergies but got through today. Currently watching level 2 so I know what I'm getting into.
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I'm proud of myself. I drug myself out of bed at 6 this am to shred before going to a class at work that started at 7:30 cause I knew I had laundry to fold and biggest looser to watch tonight... lol.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders,
    Checking in for the day, havn'y shredded yet but day 6 of level 2 is on for after work. I also got Jillian's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism (40 min + 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down cardio circuit workout) in the mail yesterday and I want to give it a shot.
    Not sure if going to accomplish that but DH is working late tonight so I will have some uninterrupted me time to check it out.
    Down another pound, that was an unexpected birthday present!! I'll take it!!

    Will check in later - hope all are having a fantastic day,
  • jenners22
    So BOTH my workout buddies are bailing on me...on a very regular basis. So I have really been focused during level one. I get through the first circuit just fine but when I get to those static lunges with bicep curls, I want to cry because I hurt so bad. Well last night I kept my eyes on the wall just behind my tv. I listened closely to Jillian and....


    I was really kicking butt last night. I burned 545 calories and it felt amazing to have done all of those evil little suckers!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So the last time I posted I thought I'd be feeling better and ready to shred again by Monday this week, but it just didn't happen. I had basically no exercise from Friday last week to yesterday (Tuesday).

    Today the rain finally stopped - I went out for a walk/run, and then attempted level 3 for the first time. Might've been a bit ambitious. I made it only 2/3 through the FIRST circuit... my yoga mat smells all sweaty even though it's been febreezed - that was enough to make me give up. Yoga mat in the washer, and I'll come back tomorrow. Maybe I need to jump back in on level 2 and do a couple of days to build momentum again. Ay ay ay...
  • jenners22
    Hey Everybody,
    Just finished Biggest Loser Yoga for weight loss w/ Bob. Never tried it before but I was looking for a 30 min w/o that would help me w/ flexibility , strength, and would help me unwind. Well is did all 4 and it was filled w/ planks and basically static stretches held for a really long time. I feel very relaxed and ready to chill - veggie delight sandwich and comedy central !


    I love bob's yoga...I sweat and my muscles twitch and it's awesome! I'm glad you liked it. :D
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So the last time I posted I thought I'd be feeling better and ready to shred again by Monday this week, but it just didn't happen. I had basically no exercise from Friday last week to yesterday (Tuesday).

    Today the rain finally stopped - I went out for a walk/run, and then attempted level 3 for the first time. Might've been a bit ambitious. I made it only 2/3 through the FIRST circuit... my yoga mat smells all sweaty even though it's been febreezed - that was enough to make me give up. Yoga mat in the washer, and I'll come back tomorrow. Maybe I need to jump back in on level 2 and do a couple of days to build momentum again. Ay ay ay...

    OMGsh I think you took caption straight out of my journal. I too didn't finally get back on the w/o wagon until yesterday in which I too thought I could start level 3! HA...HA... HA I mean seriously...what was Jillian thinking with those moves?! So today I know I'm definately going to fall back into level 2 for a few more days as well! Good luck buddy!

    JANET- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can you let me know how the new video looks, I was thinking about getting that one too!

    And to everyone else.....let's go shredding buddies!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Did level 2 today, day 7 of the shred. Wow was that a tough workout, hopefully I will be able to follow Natalie soon cause I pretty much did the entire workout with Anita. Still in pain though, but whatever, feeling good! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my Finance class is killing me, and I have been constantly studying in hopes of at least scoring a B in the class which is pretty doubtful right now. This class sucksssss! Hope everyone is well!
    :heart: Maxie
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Buds,
    just finished level 2 day 6 and got throught the 1st circut of BFBM - I could have done more .....i think, LOL, but it's already 830 and havent eaten dinner yet! I really like the format of BFBM - you can tailor it to select the circuts you want to do or you can do the entire thing. You can also turn off Jillians instructions and just have the music. Pretty cool. I will probably try to incorporate it a few circuts at a time to go w/ 30 day, then try that for a while, and back to 30 day. I am really seeing results with this shred - it's amazing. So far this is the very 1st work out dvd i've done where i've actually followed the directions:laugh: !! I haven't lost a ton of weight or anything but I can tell the inches are dropping - Sat is my check in day and i will make myself wait to measure then.

    Smiles - You're scaring me about level 3 :wink: ! I can't believe how arrogant I waas to think "hmmm, maybe I should just start out at level 3 since I've been doing TJ and FIRM...." NOT!!!! Level 2 is finally starting to feel reasonable, at least I'm not draaaaging when I get up from the squat jax...just dripping with sweat:laugh:
    Maix - I'm with you ~ would love to be able to follow Natalie all the way though ~We're working on it!
    Hang in there with your classes ~ you can do it!
    Jenners - great job getting through the raises, doesn't it feel good to see yourself improve!!

    Love to all i missed!!

  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I think today was day 7 of level 1. I feel so much stronger! I've exercised every day for almost 2 weeks except last Sun (working 2 12 hour shifts back to back and I do lots of steps at work). I'm alternating running with shredding. I feel like I'm about ready to move onto level 2. Have finally managed to do almost all of level 1 even with the 5 lb weights. Should I get 3 lb weights for level 2? Or will I be OK?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, I just can't get back on track with the Shred! :ohwell:
    I've started couch25k and I can't seem to handle anything other than some light calistenics or walking or stationary biking in addition to that. So, that being said, I want to really focus on running right now but I know I'll pick up the shred again when the running gets easier (right now it's nearly killing me).

    Good luck everyone! Keep on Shreddin'.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Buds,
    just finished level 2 day 6 and got throught the 1st circut of BFBM - I could have done more .....i think, LOL, but it's already 830 and havent eaten dinner yet! I really like the format of BFBM - you can tailor it to select the circuts you want to do or you can do the entire thing. You can also turn off Jillians instructions and just have the music. Pretty cool. I will probably try to incorporate it a few circuts at a time to go w/ 30 day, then try that for a while, and back to 30 day. I am really seeing results with this shred - it's amazing. So far this is the very 1st work out dvd i've done where i've actually followed the directions:laugh: !! I haven't lost a ton of weight or anything but I can tell the inches are dropping - Sat is my check in day and i will make myself wait to measure then.

    Smiles - You're scaring me about level 3 :wink: ! I can't believe how arrogant I waas to think "hmmm, maybe I should just start out at level 3 since I've been doing TJ and FIRM...." NOT!!!! Level 2 is finally starting to feel reasonable, at least I'm not draaaaging when I get up from the squat jax...just dripping with sweat:laugh:
    Maix - I'm with you ~ would love to be able to follow Natalie all the way though ~We're working on it!
    Hang in there with your classes ~ you can do it!
    Jenners - great job getting through the raises, doesn't it feel good to see yourself improve!!

    Love to all i missed!!


    You're such a ray of sunshine in here... :) Sorry for scaring you about level 3..... honestly, I think you'll be able to tackle it head on, with great success, as long as you keep your momentum going. I'm pretty surprised how much strength I feel like I lost from taking a 5 day break (then again, I was sick,so my body was kinda zapped). I did level 2 again and even THAT seemed hard, and I had to go back down to the 3 lb weights.... but I'm guessing if I force myself to stick with it, I'll be feeling ready to move to level 3 again by next week.

    Amanda - funny that we both had the same experience - glad I'm not alone. What's your target date for moving up to 3 (and doing all 3 circuits? he he he)

    Oh yeah - I also went for a short walk with the pup today and did Jillian's cardio kickboxing (25 mins) before I attempted today's shred... just trying to get back in the flow.