Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • Angel1029
    Hello everyone!! I did the workout yesterday and I felt great. I'm not going to be able to do it today because I got a tooth pulled and my face is throbbing and the pain meds make me feel woozy. But hopefully I will be able to start back up tomorrow. I think I'm going to start back spinning in the mornings and doing Tae Bo as well because my HRM said I only burned 43 calories. I was bummed when I seen that. A little discouraging!

    I think your HRM isn't working properly! Or you were really "phoning" it in as Jillian would say. No way possible that if you put in 100% would you have only burned 43 calories! Not possible!

    My mom uses it with no problem. I don't know what the deal was. I'm going to use it again when I get on the spin bike tomorrow and see what it says.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hello everyone!! I did the workout yesterday and I felt great. I'm not going to be able to do it today because I got a tooth pulled and my face is throbbing and the pain meds make me feel woozy. But hopefully I will be able to start back up tomorrow. I think I'm going to start back spinning in the mornings and doing Tae Bo as well because my HRM said I only burned 43 calories. I was bummed when I seen that. A little discouraging!

    I think your HRM isn't working properly! Or you were really "phoning" it in as Jillian would say. No way possible that if you put in 100% would you have only burned 43 calories! Not possible!
    How did you guys make it through it? I made it about 7 mins and couldnt go anymore. Then the next day I could barely move my legs.

    First ...follow Anita!!! Second... take breaks! Third... Don't squat down as far or go as far into the lunges. Your body isn't used to it yet.

    Smiles4miles and I experienced the same thing! And I say that because we actually had this same discussion! But I promise if you stick with it.... you will improve. I know I have...and it seems from whatever one else says...they have too!

    Great job everyone!!!

    It's true! I started level 1 on Oct 18 and couldn't return to it until Oct 23 - my mistake was thinking I was a badass and following Natalie deep into all the squats and lunges. I was in so much pain that I hobbled for days! (LOL - Amanda - you totally know!) So, when I came back to it, I followed Anita and it has been MUCH better. Now I can do a lot of the moves without the modifications and without pain! Amanda encouraged me not to give up - hopefully we can encourage you too! Even if it takes you till the end of the week before you're ready to try it again - don't give up! It will get better!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Got up yesterday morn and did my 30 min's elliptical, planning to do shred in the evening along with my weights routine.

    Tuesdays my wife works late, doesn't get home 'til 9:oo. It's getting cold, and it seems the sun goes down right after lunch... Went home and cared for dogs, was hungry, munched some stuff I shouldn't have, felt a little bad about that. Just didn't feel right - sniffly, no energy. Little down. Stretched out on couch with my puppies and rested for a while.

    Pushed up around 7:30, forced myself to go upstairs and get the gear on. Mixed my protein shake and set it in the fridge. Did a little stretching and mirror posing and started to pump up a little. Finally picked up my 45lb dumbbells and just force started a set of arm curls and it all kicked in. Perked up, adrenaline rushed, head started pounding and just started knocking it out.

    Started the DVD and finished my first weights set while Jillian told me how dedicated she is. Went straight from my last weights exercise into Shred level 2. Had a very good workout (hate hate the evil plank-jacks :laugh: ). Got it done. Then did second set of weights routine - including 12 full "down to the armpits" dips! A personal best. Then I chugged my protein shake, went in the kitchen and started supper.

    I think I may have dripped a little sweat on the big sweet potato I was peeling - but I washed it off. Dinner was served at 9:15. Not a bad day - just a bumpy start.
  • anneplus4
    Thanks for the support. When I can walk again I will try the easier moves.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Thanks for the support. When I can walk again I will try the easier moves.
    You'll get there Anne. Try this,,,

    Follow the girl on the right. And when you can't do what she's doing anymore, ease up to movement some more, or stand there and catch breath while they finish the exercise and then start in with them on the next one. If they're doing jumpy-jax, and you're standing still but swinging your arms up and down - well that's about a jillion times better exercise than the sitting down you'll be doing if you quit :happy:

    Circuit routines build strength and endurance. So work on the endurance a little - try really hard not to quit. If you have to say to heck with it 1/2way thru each exercise, but you get thru the whole workout that way - well that's still your 20 minutes of training.

    Pretty soon you'll be able to do 3/4, then the whole thing - and then you'll be following tall girl,,, and then you'll be moving up to #2... You'll get there, you can do it, and it'll feel fantastic when you do!

    You can do it. :bigsmile:
  • jenners22
    Thanks for the support. When I can walk again I will try the easier moves.

    One thing I learned is to push through the first four days and by the fifth day, you won't hurt anymore :smile: Another thing I learned...don't take two days off in a row because then it is just like starting all over.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    checking innnn: I totally didn't wanna do it yesterday, but I forced myself, because giving up isn't gonna help me get fit! and I felt AWESOME after the workout, which is typical...
    So tonite is day 4 for me on level 1... Lets keep it going people!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Thanks for the support. When I can walk again I will try the easier moves.
    You'll get there Anne. Try this,,,

    Follow the girl on the right. And when you can't do what she's doing anymore, ease up to movement some more, or stand there and catch breath while they finish the exercise and then start in with them on the next one. If they're doing jumpy-jax, and you're standing still but swinging your arms up and down - well that's about a jillion times better exercise than the sitting down you'll be doing if you quit :happy:

    Circuit routines build strength and endurance. So work on the endurance a little - try really hard not to quit. If you have to say to heck with it 1/2way thru each exercise, but you get thru the whole workout that way - well that's still your 20 minutes of training.

    Pretty soon you'll be able to do 3/4, then the whole thing - and then you'll be following tall girl,,, and then you'll be moving up to #2... You'll get there, you can do it, and it'll feel fantastic when you do!

    You can do it. :bigsmile:

    Thank you for saying this.. I have to 'break' for a few seconds during the cicuit, but I stay moving! Moving is better than sitting
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I feel like a total SLUG! So I completely threw the towel in yesterday. I just didn't feel too well so I ended up not working out... nor sensibly eating! I totally scarfed down 3 Chocolate Decadence Biscotti and 3 cups of chocolate milk. Not at once but throughout the day. OMG that totally adds up! The biscotti's are only 100/cals each...but still! So I got up this morning did the warm up then shut Jillian off. I don't know what is going on with me but I'm just so unmotivated yesterday and today. After I get off of here I'm going to try and push myself through it though. I NEED TO! Ugh! Thanks everyone!

    Way to stick in there ya'll!
  • shamrock3am
    I don't know if this will help, but after starting and stopping this diet/exercise thing so many times, it finally occurred to me that every time I gave up working out or gave in to tempting foods, I was voiding out all the times I chose wisely and stuck to the plan. You know how mad that makes me to think I did weeks worth of agonizing lunges at 5:30AM for nothing? Or that I skipped the fried foods and happy hours to workout at eat Quinoa instead and it was for nothing since stopping gets me right back to square one.

    It's a head game, totally mind over matter. Next time your biscotti is calling out your name, make a list of how many times in the last couple days you chose wisely. Now, for every biscotti, cross off one of those wise choices. For every minute of exercise you skip, deduct that from the time you put in in the last few days sweating and swearing at Jillian. :) Hopefully you'll see that it's not worth it at this stage to undo your progress, you can do this!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    My Shred Family,
    Happy Wednasday All. Day 9 of level 1 is in the bag for the day - Yea!! Skipped my 20 min of "extra" last night and took some much needed chill time - but after work tonight I'm on for kickboxing! Tracking my food and trying to stay focused. I've got some emotional stuff:brokenheart: going on right now and this is usually where I sabatoge myself and give up on working out, eating right and all of the positive self talk. I get stuck in self pity and stay side tracked.:cry: .
    I am not going to make that choice this time. No matter what's going on in my personal life I am going to keep my promise to myself to stay on point with this journey. I am not going to give upon me:heart: .
    So today I am telling myself "I'm worth it" and I'm putting some action behind it by doing my w/o, eating right, logging in here for support because I can't do this without you - and letting you guys know what's going on with me.
    For anyone else out there that's having a tough time of it right now - give yourself a big ((HUG)) from from me, tell yourself you're worth it and let's do this thing!!

    Have a great day,
  • Angel1029
    Hello everybody! I skipped out on Jillian today but I'll do it tomorrow. I got on the Spin Bike and did 45 min and jumped rope for about 10. I burn a lot more calories this way. I burned 500 calories doing this so the HRM is working thankfully. I'll only do the Shred about 3 times a week and alternate the Elliptical and Spin on other days. My legs and thighs are still tingling and burning so I know it's working, it's just not getting my heart rate up high enough.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So as soon as I got off the computer earlier I knocked out the Shred level 2. I think since I skipped 2 days that I am going to kick out another 2 days on level 2 then move on to Level 3. Can you believe it will have been 30days on the 19th. Thats just a week away! Holy Moly!
  • liloneames267
    liloneames267 Posts: 42 Member
    Just checking in. Day 6 level 1 done.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    My Shred Family,
    Happy Wednasday All. Day 9 of level 1 is in the bag for the day - Yea!! Skipped my 20 min of "extra" last night and took some much needed chill time - but after work tonight I'm on for kickboxing! Tracking my food and trying to stay focused. I've got some emotional stuff:brokenheart: going on right now and this is usually where I sabatoge myself and give up on working out, eating right and all of the positive self talk. I get stuck in self pity and stay side tracked.:cry: .
    I am not going to make that choice this time. No matter what's going on in my personal life I am going to keep my promise to myself to stay on point with this journey. I am not going to give upon me:heart: .
    So today I am telling myself "I'm worth it" and I'm putting some action behind it by doing my w/o, eating right, logging in here for support because I can't do this without you - and letting you guys know what's going on with me.
    For anyone else out there that's having a tough time of it right now - give yourself a big ((HUG)) from from me, tell yourself you're worth it and let's do this thing!!

    Have a great day,

    Great attitude - you can do it - and you are worth it! Glad you're willing to share - let us know how we can support you.

    Amanda - good for you - back in the groove!

    I did Level 2 today and upped the weights from 3 to 5lbs for all but the dreaded military press/v raises. I noticed my pushups are getting better. :happy:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Last night I gave in half way thru, but my stomach felt real funny.. so I just shut Jillian off, promised to do it beofre work, but then this am I decided to do it after work, just like the rest of the days...hey atleast I did SOME!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    so, day 4 was done last night... basically:noway:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm glad to see this thread is still here and y'all are still shredding!! :happy:

    I took advantage of the kids being off from school and did Level 2 yesterday morning and this morning. It was awesome! I love having a good workout done so early in the day. Level 2 is actually becoming do-able, not easy yet, but do-able. I'm hoping to get some 3 and 5 lb. weights today, so I can move up from 2 lb. The 2's are just too light to feel anything during the strength circuit.

    Great job, everyone!! :drinker:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Level 2 this morning, after 30 minutes elliptical. Worked in my weights routine too. Makes the whole day go great.

    Wife is feeling a little better, may get her to join me again soon, when she feels ready.

    I'm gonna try level 3 next time it's just me. :smile:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    What's up??
    Got in Level one Day 10 and starting on Level 2 in the am - Might give it a sneak preview tonight after I get home - otherwise planning on doing some Tai Chi - I've never officially tried it but in the TJ dvds they use it as a cool down and I always wanted to give it a try. Snagged one at HEB last nite - so we'll see.

    Hope everyone is doing great and I'll check in later.