
I just signed up for this sight and I am obsessed already! haha. Two years ago I was 5'0 190 lbs. After going organic, eliminating yucky toxins and obtaing a job where I was on my feet all day, I dropped down to 165. I've been dieting/exercising for the past month and a half and have dropped another 10 lbs. My comfortable goal weight is 135. My "super happy I cannot believe I did it!" weight is 125.

I now work in an office and I am on my butt all day. I work until 6pm. I get home, eat dinner and then start my exercise routine. I walk/jog for 30 mins outside. Then I get home and do another 15 mins of cardio and 20 mins of pilates. Once a week I will jog in the morning and do my cardio and pilates at night after work. the main question is. After I do my routine, shower and settle down and relax it is after 9pm. And I find myself starving. And I know a big diet no no is eating before bed. But, sometimes I just cannot stand the hunger pains so I will try to eat something small i.e. carrot sticks, whole wheat crackers, cottage cheese, grapes...

Anyone else experience this? And...what would you suggest snacking on?


  • Makai
    Makai Posts: 43
    I have heard that it's not good to eat carbs before bedtime, so maybe try to eat some protein like turkey or chicken, nuts and reduced fat string cheese are good too. The protein will leave you fuller than crackers or other carbs. Good for you with the discipline and losing the weight, sounds like you put a lot of hard work in to get those results!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    You should also try to stay away from sugar late at night before bedtime... including fruits that are high in sugar. Maybe you could try to get some of your calcium in.. I agree reduced fat cheese or yogurt.... a protein shake with milk? (like slim fast or something similar?)
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    Great ideas! Thanks for the input.

    Reduced fat string cheese is a great idea....and super delicious.

    I know I should stay away from the crackers. My biggest weakness is carbs. Ugh.

    And I will also try a protein shake. Not big on the texture but maybe I can find one that tastes good. Also, I stay away from slim fast because they use a bunch of junk in their products (high fructose corn syrup for example).