Too much water?

Is there such a thing of too much water? I often feel like I cannot get enough. My fiance tells me I am addicted haha...I always have to have a water bottle with me. But, it makes me feel 'clean' and keeps my skin glowing. Not to mention it helps fight the hunger pains.

But I often wonder if I drink too much or if that is even possible...

Most days I refill my Aquafina 1 liter bottle about 4-5 times. This equates to about 16-20 glasses. And maybe even more if my days are longer, if I exercise and if it is hot outside.


  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    There is a such thing, but if your kidneys are functioning properly you're fine. Those people that have "water poisoning" drank a huge amount (gallons) in a very short period of time. As long as you are drinking your water all throughout the day and you are urinating often, you're :glasses:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member

    If what you are drinking is working for you and you go by your body, then it is probably okay. Drinking a ton of water (like 2 gallons) in a short period of time, well, that is not okay (as said in the article above). Just listen to your body and don't drink it all at once.

    I am no expert though.
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    oh I urinate often haha.
    kind of a pain...but keeps me moving all day...the walk to the bathroom is downstairs and it gives me a break from the computer.

    thanks for the opinion :smile:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I did read a few articles about runners who have died because they've had a lot of water to drink before/during/after races and their sodium levels drop too low. If you're doing a lot of physical activity you might consider replacing one or two of your bottles of water with sports drinks that replace some of the electrolytes that you sweat-out (including sodium). There are some lower-calories drinks out now so you could probably work it into your calorie plan for the day really easily. I've also read that you can eat some salty snacks before intense/extended exercise if you just want to drink water, and that will help keep your salt levels from dropping too low.

    This may not apply to you - but thought I'd throw it out there!