Hello everybody I'm from El Paso ,TX
Good morning all! Heather keep up the great job! I stood at 277 I may need to change my exercise routine but as long as my clothes still feels lose and not tight it's all good! Have a great weekend and keep all the good work! Charlie
TGIF hello everybody, Today's weigh in weight is 277 last Friday 279.
I use Naturade total soy meal replacement in the morning before my workout and in the evening I also add a banana and a tbsp of peanut butter and blend it well. It really tastes great and fills you up
Thanks for all the great advice !
Hello everybody, Hope you all are having a great Wednesday ! Can anyone recommend something to drink other than water I get my 64 oz a day and i need a little more flavor! I got rid of soda and switched to diet drinks and I know they are bad for you but I'm slowly weening off them! Any suggestions would really be helpful.…
Here is the website sorry!
Sorry folks my bad!
I'm at 279!
Don't give up you can do it !
I do 30 minutes on a treadmill at a rate of 3.5 Then the stationary bicycle for 10 minutes and nautilus for 20 minutes alternating workouts.
Hey Heather Can guys join too??If so i would love to join!! I'm 283
Hi Mary
Hi I keep plenty of fresh fruit and carrot sticks handy when i get a craving for something sweet and i try to drink water all day when i can.
welcome and good luck!
Hello and welcome Best wishes
Hello and welcome I joined a few days ago and started my journey to better health.Some days are better than others but don't give up YOU can do it! Best wishes Charles
Welcome this website rocks.Good luck with all your goals!
I add a blended table spoon of peanut butter which makes it go down much better