Chocolickkyss Member


  • 1st - 40 min: Resolution 5K race 2nd - 120 min: Open Pole and Sultry Pole 3rd - 30 min: P90X3 fit test w/extra exercise 4th - Rest 5th - 210 min: Open Pole, Level 3 class, Sultry Pole class 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - 13th - 14th - 15th - 16th - 17th - 18th - 19th - 20th - 21st - 22nd - 23rd - 24th - 25th…
  • Just finished the P90X3 fit test and not too shabby. I was able to do 1 wide grip and 2 close grip pull ups (not a part of fit test but wanted to see if I could do it), 15 regular push ups, held my wall squat for 1 min 2 sec, 12 bicep curls holding 15 lb in each hand, 35 in and outs and held my plank for 1 min 30 sec (also…
  • I take pole dance classes so a lot of my workouts will be pole related. All pole classes are an hour in length. 1st - 40 min: Resolution 5K race 2nd - 120 min: Open Pole and Sultry Pole 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - 13th - 14th - 15th - 16th - 17th - 18th - 19th - 20th - 21st - 22nd - 23rd…
  • Happy New Year everyone. 1st - 40 min: Resolution 5K race 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - 13th - 14th - 15th - 16th - 17th - 18th - 19th - 20th - 21st - 22nd - 23rd - 24th - 25th - 26th - 27th - 28th - 29th - 30th - Total: [/quote]
  • Hey ms lady, I am still hanging in there although I have fallen off the wagon as it relates to healthy eating. Hoping P90X3 can get me back in the rt track. There are good and bad days with the arthritis but I try not to let it take me down too long. I have also taken up a new workout that I enjoy.....pole dancing. I have…
  • I would like in on the challenge.
  • I am beginning on January 6th and am excited. I put a pull up bar in the door way and then wrapped the resistance bands around the bar and did that instead of actual pull ups.
  • I take Pole Dance classes so the majority of my exercise came from that but I also incorporated some other workouts in here and there. All Pole Dance classes are a hour long except my level class which is 90 minutes. 24 hours=1440 min 12/01: 3 hours (Open Pole, Sultry Pole and Rock n Body) 12/02: 2 hours 40 min…
  • I have been tracking my activity in two different places so need to pull it all together and post it here.
  • I did not know abt this challenge but have been working out consistently since December 1st so will look back over my exercise log and see where I am. Will this challenge continue in January?
  • I just wanted to stop in to see how my favorite group of ladies are doing. I so miss everyone and hope this post finds everyone in great health and spirits. While my eating has sucked the last few weeks my exercising is going strong. I will have both on point by the new year. Hopefully my schedule will allow me to be…
  • I never thought I would call myself a runner but I began in July 2012 when I found a group called Black Girls Run and this group has been so inspirational and motivating. I went from not having ever ran to using C25K to help me get started. I completed C25K on 08/30/12 and ran the first race (5K) of my life on 09/16/12.…
  • I will have to keep this challenge in mind for next month.
  • Thank you again to all that took the time to respond to this post. Based on what I read it appears having a strong core and upper body strength are essential. I have been slacking over the holidays so I guess I better get my booty in high gear.
  • I will be completing week 2, day 2 tomorrow and the running group that I'm apart of always uses this phrase "your race, your pace" which basically means go at a pace your comfortable with. If you're jogging for 30 seconds at a snails pace, guess what, you're still moving and you're moving faster than anyone who is still at…
  • I completed week 2 day 1 on Saturday and I created a new exercise in my log called C25K, wk 2, day1 and I logged the total amount of time and the calories burned according to my HRM. I agree with the posts about purchasing a HRM (if possible) because it does help alleviate the guessing work.
  • OMGoodness, I love this snack and as a matter of fact will be eating it a little later today.
  • I'm noticing that I dislike most of the odd numbered workouts (chest, tricep etc) mainly because my upper body strength sucks. I begin workouts 7 and 8 on Monday and I previewed them last night. I was not happy with what I saw. Workout 7 looks like it is a true killer. I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one who…
  • ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY AWESOME!!!!! Hard work and dedication paid off and you look great.
  • CONGRATULATIONS, CONGRATULATIONS, CONGRATULATIONS, CONGRATULATIONS......How awesome is it to do that well your first time out the gate, it really goes to show that you can accomplish so much with determination and hard work. Sorry to learn of your hairline fracture, let it heal properly before diving into your next muddy…
  • Looking good momma....I'm considering completing Chalean Extreme after the body revolution program. Your progress has definitely inspired me. Keep killin those workouts.
  • This information has been very helpful. Thank you very much.
  • You said you used Verizon's global feature, is this on your cell phone or with a lap top and the $20.00 you spent was it through Verizon or the cruise ship? Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
  • Today I received the message that I have logged in 890 days in a row. MFP has kept me accountable despite traveling to LA, Chicago, Jamaica, Boston, Philly and a host of other cities. My friends and I are going on a Mediterranean cruise in September and I'm already researching internet capability so I can continue check in…
  • CONGRATULATIONS ON UR WONDERFUL RESULTS.....22 inches is awesome. How do you feel?
  • I need to purchase some 12 lb weights b/c when she says to go heavy I grab my 15 lbs and if they're too heavy I'm forced to go to 10 lbs. I'm generally lifting 10 or 15 lbs for my heavy sets.
  • Had an awesome first week on the Body Revolution program. I weighed in last week at 134 lbs (didn't think that was my true weight but logged it since it was on the scale) and weighed in this morning at 126 lbs. I cooked all my meals last week and did a better job of keeping my carbs low and protein high. Verde, where did…
  • Hello ladies, I know I've been MIA but hopefully back for good now. I'm back in a review and am the wedding planner for a friends wedding so I've been extremely busy. I recently purchased Jillian Michaels Body Revolution program and began it on Monday. I really like and appreciate the fact that Jillian eases you into these…