2012 52 5/7 Challenge



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Actually Heather, the 4:30 is becoming pretty easy!!! I hope your foot is just getting back to norm with the little pain twinges!!

    Hope the house cleaning went well Debra!!!

    4/7 with 10 miles on bike, JMBR # 9, 20 min's yoga , planks, situps & dips!!!
  • Missou
    Missou Posts: 96 Member
    I love my new cardiologist!!! He beleives that exercice is far better than some medicine, especially the ones that were causing me so much pain. Sooooo,.. He made me stop those medecine and he wants me to start training as soon as possible. He also increased the dosage of the beta blockers and the medicine to control my blood pressureI in order to eliminate the chest pains.

    I AM BACK!!!!!!! I'll start my daily training today!!!!!!

    Of course, I won't overdo it but I'll soon be back on my IT doing the trail I was doing last year!!!

    It feels so good to be able to plan my training program again!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    That is AWESOME news Dominique!!! Get your weekly plan made and do what ya can!!! ANYTHING is better than NOTHING!!!

    My 5/7 was JMBR #10 at 4:45 this morning (that is frickin hard when you are barely awake) and rode bike 9 miles this evening at the hotel! I might take tomorrow off since I have my dr appointment & shopping to do & we plan to get out of the overly busy city as soon as we can and head back home. Plus my little furries will be missing us!!! Have a great Friday!!!!
  • Missou
    Missou Posts: 96 Member
    Hey girls, let's celebrate, the world has not ended :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, I do not tolerate one of the meds the cardio gave me. Will I ever find one that is good for me????? Anyway, I am back to the same old routine of not being able to do much because of the chest pains. :grumble: :explode: :angry: :grumble: :explode: :angry:

    I will do something everyday but it won't be nuch. I am so tired of this situation :sad:

    Have a very merry Christmas with your friends and family and a very lovely holiday!! :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Verda, you are the queen of early mornings!! Hope you ladies are all doing well. I ended the week at 2/7 with a 3 mile treadmill run yesterday. I'm 1/7 with a 3.5 mile treadmill run today. Was planning on doing more, but I started getting some pain in the foot so I was smart and cut it short.

    Hope you guys have a great day!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wishing you a great week! I only went 1/7.... Omg!!!!!
    Blessings to you !!!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Heather, you did good! Glad you used your smarts & quit when you did!!!

    Debra, 1/7?? I am SURE you torched some cals with ALL the other activities you did!!! Let's rock this week even if it Christmas!!!

    Dominique, wishing you well wishes! Do what you can!!!

    My 1/7 was 99 minutes of JMBR and a biking= 1347 calorie burn along with 5/65second planks, 75 situps and 225 upper body reps!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I just wanted to stop in to see how my favorite group of ladies are doing. I so miss everyone and hope this post finds everyone in great health and spirits. While my eating has sucked the last few weeks my exercising is going strong. I will have both on point by the new year. Hopefully my schedule will allow me to be slightly more active on the boards this yr.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi Choco!!!!!!
    So great to hear from you!!!! You look like you have been rockin in the fitness from the pic's!! AWESOME job!!! I believe you will pull the food and fitness together, because you know what healthy feels like!!! I wish you a Merry Christmas with a HEALTHY new year to follow!!! Come join us when you find the time!!!
  • Missou
    Missou Posts: 96 Member
    Hey Choco, nice to hear from you!!!

    Have a very merry Christmas every one and I wish you all Joy, happiness, health and love!!! XXXXXX
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I hope your day was great too Dominique!!!!

    Yesterday 2/7 was cardio from JMBR, biked 4.56 miles, 75 situps, 5/ 65 second planks and 150 reps!
    Today 3/7 was sorta the same . JMBR Cardio, JMBR workout #10, 8 miles on my bike, 250 Reps, 75 situps, and 5/ 65 sec planks!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a great holiday! We had so much fun--Olivia is at the prefect age for Christmas festivities!

    I'm happy to report that I'm 2/7 with 45 minutes on the elliptical today. Unfortunately after my run the other day I've had some mild discomfort in my foot, so I decided to take it easy on it. Fortunately the elliptical didn't bother it at all. I think I have accepted the fact that I am just not going to be able to do the half marathon in January. But I'm not going t give up and hopefully I'll get to run one this spring!!!

    Better get off the computer and get bag to hanging with the family. Have a great day everyone!! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Heather, I agree with the little ones at Christmas, they make it soooo fun! Dang it on the foot!!! Just do what you're doing and it is bound to heal!!!! EVENTUALLY!!

    My 4/7 was a great cal burn again. 2 JMBR workouts, 7 miles on the bike, sit-ups and 150 reps BESIDES shampooing the rugs upstairs!!!
    Our Christmas is tomorrow night. That is when our son/SO will arrive from Denver.
    We were hoping our oldest son's SO would have had their 2nd child by now (she is due around the 1st but went early with my grandson) so maybe since we are having a dinner party with gift opening she will go into labor. I was with her in delivery their first time around!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Bummer with your foot Heather!!!!

    busy weekend of basketball and family... just wanted to say Hello!!
    I have been busy scheduling my January workouts... I am planning on starting Sunday.

    Just do It!!! :drinker:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Way to go Debra!!! Scheduling and planning are the keys to success! I believe in you!!

    I ended the week 5/7 with the last day being a 3 mile walk with the fur babies!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    1/7 was 9.3 on my bike, JMBR CARDIO 3 and JMBR #11!!! It was some serious calorie crunching!:drinker: :drinker:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Brisk walk SMS also helped hubby shovel driveway!
    Woo hoo!!!! 1/7
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey ladies! Hope you guys are doing well. I agree with Verda, Debra--planning is key! I'm going to give running a rest until my foot heals completely so am going to look at other cardio and strength training options. Once I figure out my plan I am going to put each workout on a spreadsheet that I can check off when it is done!

    Verda--any news of the grandbaby yet? I know you were hoping it would be soon! Way to keep up the fabulous workouts!

    I hate to say it but I haven't gotten any workouts in since my last post. My parents were in town until last Thursday, and then a friend came in town Friday, I flew to Louisville Saturday and flew back to NC Sunday after my goddaughters baptism, and back to work today!! Our house guest leaves this weekend, so my plan is to tread water until then, hopefully get a workout in here and there, but then really hit it hard starting next Sunday. Hopefully the spreadsheet and the sheer joy of crossing off a completed workout will help me carry through because I have been less than motivated lately!!

    Hope you guys have a great day, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yes Heather another grandson arrived this morning at 4: 40 (something). He weighed 6# 13oz., 21.5 " tall. His name is Liam John. She was in labor for a total of 30 minutes. My son almost missed it by taking their other son to the other grandparents house, heck the dr. almost missed it! He is adorable and I will love him even though grandma wanted a girl!!:wink:

    I am closing out the year with 320 days of moving my butt!!!! I am also not going to post to the group anymore like I have been for the last 2 years. I am calling it quits except to pop in for a hi now and then. My resolution is to spend LESS time on the computer..
    I will miss you ladies and I wish you ALL great health and happiness in 2013...
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Yes Heather another grandson arrived this morning at 4: 40 (something). He weighed 6# 13oz., 21.5 " tall. His name is Liam John. She was in labor for a total of 30 minutes. My son almost missed it by taking their other son to the other grandparents house, heck the dr. almost missed it! He is adorable and I will love him even though grandma wanted a girl!!:wink:

    I am closing out the year with 320 days of moving my butt!!!! I am also not going to post to the group anymore like I have been for the last 2 years. I am calling it quits except to pop in for a hi now and then. My resolution is to spend LESS time on the computer..
    I will miss you ladies and I wish you ALL great health and happiness in 2013...

    Congratulations on the grandson and congratulations on 320 days of working out!!!! I totally understand your decision to spend less time on the computer--that is resolution that I would like to take on in the New Year, but I'm at the computer for work several hours each day so it is easy to jump on this board every now and then.

    Debra, are you planning to stick it out, or are you planning to say goodbye as well? If you want to keep going we can create another thread for 2013 or we can just all pop in on each other's pages every now and then.

    I have not been good with my eating and workouts for the past week or two so I am coming up with my workout and meal plan to get me restarted. We have our friend staying with us currently, and I love him dearly but it is impossible to control at least one meal each day because he insists on cooking, and he is a fabulous cook. He's leaving on Saturday, so my plan is to go grocery shopping Saturday and get good food prepped for the next week and get back to my early morning workouts.

    Hope you guys are having a great start to the New Year!!!! :smile: