lutzsher Member


  • Its a GREAT start. In truth weight loss is almost ALL about what you do in the kitchen, once you cut your calories (making sure to weigh and measure EVERY morsel that goes into your mouth!!!) you will be motivated by seeing some success and then you will naturally want to gravitate to more healthy food choices. Just make…
  • I found that it took me becoming sober to lose my weight! I have been sober for a year now and it enabled me to conquer my weight as well and to hit my goal of losing over 80 lbs. It was VERY difficult to deal with both the consistency required to maintain a daily calorie deficit and the strength to avoid alcohol as that…
  • Yes, as we age it gets a bit harder because everything "slows down", but in truth weight loss is "made in the kitchen" and even healthy foods will make you gain weight unless you accurately weight and measure every morsel and stay within your calorie goal. I found that I actually didn't eat enough so had to focus on making…
  • A goal is a great way to get motivated but perhaps a more realistic one would be better, something you could achieve as it is a much better on your self esteem and confidence to actually hit your goal, plus you get the added benefit of extra motivation to keep going this way. You set yourself up to fail without a good…
  • Any weight lost FAST is sure to come back unfortunately. I have lost my weight a few times in my life and always gained it back because I viewed it as a "diet", low carb, keto, whatever . . . a diet is a bad word in my books now. You cannot go on a "diet" and then think you can go back to your "real life". If you want to…
  • You need to find some better food options if you are constantly going over your set calories and it makes you feel bad. For instance, I have given up all bread products, don't eat any dairy (allergy so no choice in this), and absolutely NO ground beef or pork as I find that those things make it too difficult to stay within…
  • You cannot "spot" train different ab muscles. They all engage no matter what ab exercise you perform. There is also no sense in spot training as it is not efficient and will not give the desired results. Your best use of your time is to do a more balanced workout and not focus on one body part. That many reps focusing on…
  • Weight that is lost quickly always comes back unfortunately. You cannot have 30 lbs to lose without taking a realistic look at your past choices and making decisions based on better health for LIFE. A diet is not a temporary thing, it is the food that you fuel yourself with on a regular basis for the rest of your life. The…
  • I have never had this issue. I did notice that my fitbit steps have not registered at all in the last few days so perhaps there is a technical issue happening? My husband is having the same issue with his account so I know it isn't just me!
  • I have an online mentor that I contact weekly who his my support, and has been for my 15 month journey. My family has not been in this place before so had no idea how to support me. In truth, your good example will impact your family and eventually they will embrace what you are doing and the support will come. If you are…
  • You defiantly need to change that mindset. I had the same one for a long time, decades, and that is what kept me fat. When you eat too low you ALWAYS will end up bingeing because you just can't sustain that. It is not healthy, and you are correct, will mess with your metabolism. You should NEVER eat less than 1200 calories…
  • Hello ladies! I have been on my health journey (and NOT my first one, but definitely my LAST one!) for the last 15 months and have transitioned from 220 lbs to 138 lbs as of today, so yes a loss of 82 lbs. At a whopping 5'4" Im finally in a very healthy weight. I am 49 years old in a few months and although I have always…
  • I only have something "pre workout" so that I can do my workout to my full strength potential. There is no magic pill or powder that will help pre workout for fat loss. I have coffee and a small snack so I have enough energy to really work to my potential during my workout, thats it. No expensive powders or supplements,…
  • Congratulations on your decision to become a healthier you! I started my own health journey last year, January 15th and have lost 80 lbs in the last 14 months. Let me tell you straight away that this journey requires CONSISTENCY. Every day, every minute, you just keep being consistent toward your better health. Go through…
    in Hello! Comment by lutzsher March 2018
  • Grapes! I always keep some (usually) green grapes in the fridge for times when I just need a little "something". I also rely on almonds, I like roasted unsalted, and eat exactly 15 of them for a quick 100 calorie snack as well. I have also found a recipe that I make every Sunday and keep in the fridge, 1 c quick oats…
  • Hello everyone. Im getting close to the 50's group I guess :( as Im going to be 49 this August, but not there yet so figured I would pop into the group and introduce myself. I've been completely faithful to my health and to logging every morsel on MFP since last January, up to over 420 days now. Im only 5'4" and topped the…
  • I blew my knee out really bad at the beginning of my "journey" into better health. I lost 50 lbs with a daily calorie deficit ONLY, absolutely no exercise at all. I didn't start to be active until my knee was "slightly" better after about 7 months and specialist treatment. I actually found it easier to lose weight with…
  • I have tried this myself but now that I have gotten used to listening to my body I have realized that no day is the same. Im just hungry in the morning sometimes, and sometimes Im not. Mostly depends on how hard my workout was the day prior! Instead of sticking to a schedule I listen to what my body is asking for and go…
  • Totally agree with this. Scales are total crap at this calculation, not accurate at all. Shake up your food choices, be really careful for a few weeks to eat as healthy as possible with lots of white fish for your protein if you can. I do this to give myself a confidence push here and there as it really makes a difference.…
    in Help! Comment by lutzsher March 2018
  • I agree with some of the posts. Rest days are not truly "rest completely". I swim or do an intensive HIIT workout on my rest days as those are for cardio. The only rest Im taking on my "rest day" is a rest from strength training, I still exercise every day in some capacity as I find that it definitely improves my mood and…
  • You are not eating enough so when you do eat a big meal your body is storing it because it doesn't know when you will feed it adequately again. If you bump your calories up to 1200 minimum and use a food scale and measuring cups 100% accurately you will see better results. I had this issue for years and thought by eating…
  • "you know what I would do if I were you" ........well just thank god you are not!!!
  • This is exactly what I do, but perform them on alternate days. My weight training is intense however, over an hour of pretty intensive work. I also don't just swim leisurely, after the first few laps I really give'r for at least 30 minutes. You should give your muscles a day of rest after weight training so I swim laps on…
  • I do a strength training "lifting weights" workout one day, then swim the next. I alternate so I have the day of weight lifting rest every 2nd. I have very bad knees so swimming is an excellent choice if you have a lower body injury. My husband decided to start swimming with me last week and was very surprised at how much…
  • Loud "grunters". I know the last set can get hard but come on, do you really have to "yell" your grunt out and be that disrupting????
  • I have found that this premise works. Partly I think because our body gets used to what we are doing fairly quickly so the more you can "shake it up" the better. I prefer to also shake up the refeed days by alternating what micro group I eat more of . . . one week I will up my carbs on that day, the next week protein, the…
  • I completely get that. I've battled my weight for most of my adult life but never lost it in a healthy way that was lifelong by changing my habits. I've now done that this past year and although Im very happy I still look in the mirror and see the fat I have left to go, and Im only 18 lbs away from my goal! I hold up my…
  • Yes, click on "goals" then click to "edit" your daily nutritional goals. You can change your daily calorie total there.
  • Ugh, but Coke Zero tastes like *kitten* :( ha ha. I was never much of a fan of diet soda anyway though, it was always classified as just "mix" in my former life.