Myth or not a myth?



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    erjones11 wrote: »
    Thanks M23 I have been thinking of adding a carbs back a little, before I hit goal. I am not worried about water weight and know that an overnight change in weight up or down is not real, it's just my body. I have gone up two one week and dropped three the next. I know if I am on program or not and am very disciplined, therefore I am 100% on my program.

    I don't agree fear is not healthy NovusD, I keeps me in check. Fear of overeating or bad food choices can help motivate you to not overeat or choose the right foods. Fear can be a great personal motivator as long as you are not inflicting fear on others. That would be bad!

    Oh yes I meant to say to M23, when I hit goal I am not going off my diet and am just increasing the calories I allow myself to eat. I will never go off my diet because to me diet is how I control my eating and my way of eating right.

    That's one thing you may want to work on. If you've been riding on motivation, then it's usually a short ride. Habit building and consistency will take you much farther. Fear of overeating and bad choices did not prevent you from regaining weight, so was it really a good enough motivator?

    For me, personally, fear of food choices doesn't exist. It's too stressful and unpleasant to live in constant fear. When I think of my diet, I think of the rest of my life and if I would enjoy living that way. I certainly wouldn't if I lived in fear. My food choices are based on what I feel is best for the situation. Choices made out of self-care, not fear. My personal choice of diet is as far from low carb as it gets, so if carbs were scary I wouldn't have lost 100 pounds. So you basically do want more carbs in your life but you're afraid of them? Could it be that irrational fear is what's leading you to overeat? We tend to overdo things when we feel like we're doing wrong. It's called "the *kitten* it effect".
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Op there was a professor who experimented with just eating junk food (twinkies) calories under what he was burning and he lost weight. So, the answer to your question is yes.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    erjones11 wrote: »
    Hi Amused-

    Funny I know exactly what happened. Our house got hit by a tornado and we move to a hotel. I had no problem keeping to low carbs but I stopped measuring and counting. I never and I mean never feel full. Full to me is satisfied. I can eat and still feel hungry. Some will want to argue that point but it is true for me. So if I don't log measure and count I will overeat.

    Your right a tornado and living in a hotel is a poor excuse but that's really what happened and why I stopped measuring. The good news is in two years I only gained 16 pounds and not all forty back. I attribute that to sticking with the low carbs.

    Then you know what to do, keep reminding yourself every day that you need to keep measuring and counting. That was an unlikely event, and hopefully, you won't have to go through that again. I don't think it's a poor excuse, but it is a good reminder of what you're capable of surviving.
  • kbarakat94
    kbarakat94 Posts: 3 Member
    CICO is the math behind losing weight. Most people (unless they have a hormonal/medical issue) will lose weight just by making sure they have a calorie deficit everyday. Now, when it comes to "healthy" versus "unhealthy food," really as long as you stay under your calorie goal, it doesn't matter. However, as a girl from NY, a piece of pizza from a large pie is nearly 600cal, so unless I plan on having 2 slices of pizza per day, it's better for me to just avoid those "unhealthy" foods altogether. The truth of the matter is that healthy foods like fruits, veggies, and lean meats (with some exceptions of course) are just generally lower calorie and it's easier to maintain a 1200cal diet eating those foods. My best advice is for you to experiment with these foods, find ones you like and incorporate those into your diet. Not to be condescending, but it'll be better for your health in the long run anyway, especially if your diet consists of pizza, fries and chocolate now lol :) But to each their own, if a couple slices of pizza a day suits ya fancy, just make sure you take a multivitamin or something lmao for my own concern for your health.
  • Magicalmike1
    Magicalmike1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Cattzm I would have chunky chips oven baked instead of fries. Chocolate is OK have a large bar of what you like . Pizza go for traditional crispy base and watch your toppings. Make sure you log everything also walking is great. It gives me extra calories to burn (Basic model fit bit linked to my fitness pal account) Excess refined Carbs are bad I try to keep it to one or two meals a day e.g. 100g Pasta or bread for a sandwich. Try to eat Wholemeal bread and Pasta if possible it tastes better and has more nutrients. Step by step you will get there 0.5 -1kg a week (1-2 lbs).
  • piskieoscar1
    piskieoscar1 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost weight eating a piece of fruit and protein bar (chocolate) for breakfast, and Lean Cuisine meals (pizza) for lunch and dinner. Calories each day around 1100. I'm in my late fifties. When I went for a check-up, all numbers were good, including b12 and vitamin d. My triglycerides dropped 70 points. I lost about 12 pounds, which is all I needed, and have kept it off for a year. I pretty much stuck to that and eating what I want on weekends until recently
    when I decided to try low carb eating for the supposed health benefits. I hate it.
  • jmvsopen
    jmvsopen Posts: 4 Member
    Track here how much protein you're consuming, daily. When I dropped down to 1200 calories or less, I started feeling weak and sluggish until I added protein bars as a snack. They taste better than a salad, and the Costco Kirkland bars are only 190 calories each.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Is someone legit wooing every post out of spite or is it another doesnt know woo is bad thing...
    Predominantly a USAian forum, so I understand "woo" to most is a bad thing, but in much of the rest of the English speaking world, it could be considered a positive thing. MFP were told this way back when they introduced it, but chose to ignore it, and people's feelings.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    People who advocate "good" foods and "bad" foods are engaging in black or white thinking. They do not recognize the endless shades of gray that truly color our reality.

    They also don't realize their lessons will likely not hold for their children. I grew up with the good and bad food mentality. I was shielded from the evils of things like yellow dye no 5 and nitrates. Carob is much healthier than chocolate and ice cream is out because you can have froyo instead. Processed foods were not evil yet so we still ate plenty of canned and frozen items.

    The result of this was creating a house full of children that would each go through a "junk food" junkie stage. This is a stage of life I wish I had skipped but I had to learn moderation on my own.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Its a GREAT start. In truth weight loss is almost ALL about what you do in the kitchen, once you cut your calories (making sure to weigh and measure EVERY morsel that goes into your mouth!!!) you will be motivated by seeing some success and then you will naturally want to gravitate to more healthy food choices. Just make sure to be consistent as one day of overeating will blow your entire week of effort. I have been doing this for 16 months and am in maintenance now having lost over 80lbs...just by being completely consistent to weight and measure and stay within my calorie limits every day!!!