Myth or not a myth?



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited May 2018
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    I think I understand your point of view, but from my perspective fries, chocolate, pizza = junk food
    Separating the items from "junk" in your post seems less than ideal to me.
    Eating what she WANTS is probably a big part of what got her here in the first place.

    Encouraging the behavior of "eat whatever she wants" may just reinforce making bad food choices.

    Learning to eat junk in moderation, say once a week, is a key to success.
    Learning to appreciate more healthy choices that you are not accustomed to -like salads- is also key.

    She needs to learn that food is fuel; not an emotional crutch or treat or anything like that.
    Choosing food because it "tastes good" instead of being a good choice needs to stop. For many people.

    Just my thoughts.

    I appreciate the fact that you state that it is from your perspective and not absolute fact.

    I would say though we don't know where "here" is for her. She may need to lose a lot or a few vanity pounds. I don't see a need to assume the worst about her food choices simply because she listed 3 examples of things she wants to continue eating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    catzzm9768 wrote: »
    Hello!:), im starting my weight loss journey, just need help and guidance really, soo ive been googling soo much lately on what i can eat, and i came across you can eat whatever you like but dont go over your daily calorie, my calorie daily to loose weight is 1,200 so can i still eat fries, chocolate , pizza as long as i dont go over 1,200? Will i still loose weight? im not very active i will walk sometimes, plus i dont like healthy foods such as salads i hate them so id find it very hard.
    I will track my food on here before eating them.

    Thank you!

    ps - what exactly do you hate about salads? There are many different types of greens. I don't care for iceberg, but like most other lettuces, and this time of year am enjoying putting baby Swiss chard and kale from my garden in my salads (not to be confused with the mature leaves, which I prefer steamed or in smoothies). I can't stand raw tomatoes, and will wash my cutting board if it gets contaminated with raw tomato. But I like peppers (red bell over green), carrots (shaved or shredded, not chunks), cucumber, to list just ordinary salad veggies. And there are countless ways to have dressing.

    Some people have a reaction to raw fruits and veggies, but can eat them cooked. Tons of ways to cook veggies.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    cqbkaju wrote: »
    Is someone legit wooing every post out of spite or is it another doesnt know woo is bad thing...
    People are using it to mean they don't "agree" with a post. Have been for months now.
    They don't care what it is supposed to be used for. I was told so directly in a post.

    Woo had two opposite meanings when it was launched. Now it means "that you think an idea or approach is too good to be true". However, since many think it means "Woo Hoo!" I just ignore it.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Before I have read some explanations of what " woo" means on here, I wouldnt have known it was a negative thing. My first thought was woo is good like an exclamation of excitement.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    One slice of Papa John's pepperoni pizza on thin crust is 255 calories. That would fit into lunch or dinner for just about any calorie goal. Now that may not be the pizza you prefer and it may not be the quantity that you want, but I guarantee you that if OP wanted it, eating pizza daily would be something she could do and still have three meals a day. Would she possibly need to experiment to ensure she felt full and satisfied? Yes -- but then most of us have had to do that, it's part of being successful and counting calories. Would she eventually decide to have pizza less often because it required compromises she didn't feel like making all the time? Possibly. Again, that's something that has happened to some of us.

    I think the disconnect is between people saying "Yes, you can have foods like pizza regularly and still lose weight" and others hearing "Yes, you can eat as much pizza as you want and still lose weight." Nobody is saying that you can eat as much of any food you want and still lose weight.

    Right. Everything always falls under the umbrella of staying within the calorie deficit.

    I think a sustainable diet starts with the easiest approach even if it takes some time, education, and compromise to be successful. How many threads are created each week with demotivated OPs because they are trying live off of "diet" food? Some of them are already so far gone they are only here to complain before quitting. If the OP needs more help at least she has not been trying to force down salad for a week or two.