

  • Haha! I am on a late-nite schedule, so it's earlier in the night for me than for some (I'll be up 3 more hours at least). But I'm on a 2000 cal plan and now have over 600 to burn. You make a good point that just because I have them doesn't mean I need to waste them all--eat something that my body needs anyway. This is such…
  • First DON'T beat yourself up over 100 calories. If you're on the 2 lbs. a week plan that 2 pounds means you are cutting 7000 calories from what your body uses in a day. 100 calories is not something to stress over. Water and tea help, and believe it or not, sometimes you can get through by remembering how proud you'll be…
  • I ended up with extra meat tonight (long story) and prepared it over low heat with some EVOO, garlic, onion, and fresh herbs. Lemon juice always gives it a kick too. Kevin
  • Give yourself lettuce for free--you couldn't eat enough to amount to a lot anyway and it's mostly water and fiber.
  • My high goal would be around a stone a month as well. However, I work so hard on being positive and not getting down on myself that I don't kick my own *kitten* as much as I probably should. My downfall really isn't the junk food, it's the booze. Then when I come home from boozing I stuff my face. I think what you and I…
  • Hello, I think you will enjoy the ability to plan meals and take back control; if we use it properly it absolutely works. Cheers, Kevin
  • For me it's not as much about cutting out meats and dairy altogether as it is eating things as natural as possible. Fresh fruit rather than canned in sugar, for example. I still eat meat, but opt for the leanest I can find. Dairy is a big downfall of mine, but somehow I feel that real, natural cheeses are better than…
  • Honestly, I'm starting to think that the natural is better for us than chemical substitutes. With natural you just have to watch how much and the source~
  • You're fine!!
  • I truly don't believe that one day can undo a whole week. Just jump back on the wagon RIGHT NOW! Kevin
  • I agree--don't freak out! Actually, I find that sometimes alcohol (which dehydrates you) will actually show a better loss the next day. This washes out, of course, when the calories catch back up and you rehydrate. Speaking of, WATER is your best ally in general and especially with alcohol. I think it helps to clean things…
  • I say try it for a week or so at -500 or -750 and see how it goes. I think your body will tell you if you need to eat more/less. For instance I'm a big guy, so they also have me scheduled at -1000 (overall) per day. I don't believe that going over or under by a few hundred calories on a given day is going to do harm--just…
  • Remember too that when you drink a lot you pee a lot--you can flush things through your system and be better off for it. I think it pushes salts through as well, which will actually help you lose in the end. Please drink your water!
  • I have cheat days, and they don't destroy the weight loss in my experience. Usually mine involve alcohol, but that's another story. I don't know if the logic about shocking your system works out or not, but I do know that you CAN continue to lose if you take a day off now and then. Just don't be rediculous about it--like a…
  • Everything I've ever read or heard is that fiber makes you full and keeps things...achem...flowing properly. I think it's okay to go over here--it's the carbs and fats you need to be concerned with.
  • Thanks all!! I am back on the horse today and planning a healthy dinner as we speak. THANKS!! Kevin
  • YES. When I was in weight watchers it seemed like the weeks I ate right took time to show up. Like a week later I would see a sudden loss one morning. It WILL HAPPEN. Have you noticed a diff. in your clothing? It seems (for me) that sometimes the loss is in my clothes and sometimes on the scale. We'll take both!
  • I saw it but didn't read it; I want to be one of the skinny ones! :-)
  • I would encourage you to remember that, if you're at an appropriate weight now, you LOOK so much better! I'm not to your point of success yet, but I would take an increase on the scale to look sexier in my clothes! LOL--Stick with it; sounds like you're doing a great job!
  • I think Spring Break is a great motivator--something to really work towards! I am working towards starting school in CA in September and using that as a goal. Good for you and you CAN do this!!
  • I've been on MFP for a month and can tell you that you WILL look and feel better! We can do this thing!
  • Thanks all, I will try and start weighing just once a week. (After tomorrow!!) LOL!
  • I agree with CrystalT--use your anger and frustration from this confrontation in a positive way and let it drive you to walk even more! We can do this!!
    in Venting Comment by ks2001 January 2010
  • I think we can learn from our past, like from generations that have made coffee and tea a ritual and/or a social experience. Make it special and that should help detract us from the fact that we really want frozen pizza! :tongue:
  • I agee that the foods listed can be great for us, but wouldn't go overboard with the negative calorie idea. I have a really TOUGH time saying this, but I think moderation is still the key. Wish that weren't the case though!! :drinker:
  • Hi Susan, I made it my first day last month, and am down nearly 12 lbs. even over the holidays! It CAN be done--just keep moving forward in a positive way...Sometimes I just stop and ask myself "Do I need this? What will potato chips do to make me who I want to be?" If nothing, than forget it...Stick with it and we'll all…
    in First Day Comment by ks2001 January 2010
  • I am coming at this with the same idea as you! I started last month figuring that I'd have a gain over the holidays if I didn't, and I'm actually still under my start weight! This really is a good site, and planning meals ahead is fun. I like to try and think of how many favorites (or modified favorites) I can sneak…
  • I use Alli but they are really just a small part of the process. My first thing is eating right, then incorporating exercise, and if there is some fat in my food, I pop an Alli in the hopes that it helps at least a little. Definitely not a bad product, but I think of it just as a little bonus to my overall change of habits.
  • I HAD 100 to lose, but now it's 90 thanks to MFP!!
  • You are completely allowed a cookie now and then! I would count them into my normal calories just as I would a regular meal. I think of it as a budget--I have 1800 calories to use in a day, and if I want to use some on Christmas desserts then I just know there is less "money" to use the rest of the day. Best of luck!!