Darn those delicious margaritas....

Tonight I let my love of Mexican food take over. I went over by about 500 calories! I probably would have been fine if I skipped the margarita... But I didn't and I feel sooooo guilty! My question to everyone and anyone who might know is, If I go to the gym about 6 am and burn about 500 calories will it provide a bit of damage control? Or did I just ruin it for myself? I want to do whatever will work best to fix it. I've come to far to let myself gain weight again!


  • mlove1307
    Yes working out will help.. As long as you burn more calories than you are eating.. You are my frieeeend :smile: so I see that you weigh in a lot, so maybe the next time you weigh in won't be as stellar as your previous weigh-ins, but....you aren't going to gain ALL the weight back from one 500 calorie excess. Ideally, you want to balance your weight loss over a week or month and not focus on short term goals as much.

    We are not all contestants on the biggest loser and although I know first hand how to lose a pound a day, it is not good for your body. You don't want to be way over the line and you don't want to be way under the line of calories per day. Again, one day will probably average out over the next few days as you might exercise a little extra (such as a 6am workout) or eat a few smaller meals. All in all, the 500 calories you went over was probably covered in your deficit (that MFP already figures out for you so that you reach your goal of losing __ pounds a week). I know I went over quite a bit this past week, and I have not lost AS MUCH as I would have had I stayed on plan, but I did not gain.

    Also, don't be afraid of gaining so much to the point that 500 calories makes you freak out. It is okay to have occasional indulgences so that BIG binges and losing control from feeling deprived do not happen. I know you are steadily losing, and that is awesome, but I would hate for you to set yourself up for failure in case you hit a plateau. Ups and downs are normal during weight loss as you learn what really, honestly works for your body. I have lost 100 lbs and I didn't always go down, down down.. There was the occasional up day/week thrown in there. Tomorrow you may be retaining water, so don't be too cruel to yourself. Work out, stay under your calories and you'll be just fine. :]
  • ks2001
    ks2001 Posts: 40
    I agree--don't freak out! Actually, I find that sometimes alcohol (which dehydrates you) will actually show a better loss the next day. This washes out, of course, when the calories catch back up and you rehydrate. Speaking of, WATER is your best ally in general and especially with alcohol. I think it helps to clean things out and get your body back to where it needs to be.

    Drink some water and don't sweat 500 calories. I'm over 300 today! :-p

  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    a pound is 3500 calories. one day with 500 extra will not put all the weight back on again.

    however, as already stated your loss may not be as great this week, unless you add a little more exercise and a couple of smaller meals.

    by the way, adding a bit more water is a great idea. not only to work against the alcohol, but food eaten out often has higher sodium contents, so a bit more water will be good for helping flush the extra sodium.

    remember, it was just one choice. make the next choice a good one. that's how we will win, one choice at a time.
  • saram21
    I feel a lot better now! You are all right! I know I wont gain all of the weight back. I guess I just felt like I failed myself. When I thought about it, I have lost 12lbs and before today I have never gone over my calorie goal. I'm not going to let this get me down, I'm just going to learn from it and move on! Thanks everyone!