

  • I don't have any advice to give but I'll just share my experience.I'm on phentermine for the second time. The first was last summer. The first month I didn't feel a big difference I wasn't as hungry and I would get full faster. The second month I got more energetic, appetite diminished more and I felt like my heart was…
  • Wow I just feel in awe that is amazing!
  • I was looking at my e-mail alerts then I logged on and nothing. I thought I have to answer my friends before I forget what I wanna say :sad: . Now everything is back to normal *big sigh of relief*
  • Sounds to this is just normal fluctuations. If it's stressing you out this bad I would quit weighting everyday. But that makes me a little bit of a hypocrite because I weigh myself everyday I just learned to not let the fluctuations bother me. Also my weird habit is I keep an excel file with all my daily weights and judge…
  • Awesome tattoo choice!!:happy:
  • 1200 is the healthy minimum. I don't think you can ruin your metabolism in 3 or 4 days but this isn't a good long term strategy. Remember you didn't just wake up this weight. It took time to put it on it's gonna take time to get it off. Do you exercise? That will burn calories and increase your metabolism. 1900 is a good…
  • 1200 is the healthy minimum. I don't think you can ruin your metabolism in 3 or 4 days but this isn't a good long term strategy. Remember you didn't just wake up this weight. It took time to put it on it's gonna take time to get it off. Do you exercise? That will burn calories and increase your metabolism. 1900 is a good…
  • Thank you for this post I thought I was the only one. In my head I look slightly above average but in pictures I look like I need to audition for the BL. I always figured that living in Mississippi my sense of average was skewed. The scary thing is I got a mirror in my bedroom that makes me look like in pictures. I got a…
  • I have lost an 1.5 off my waist.
  • I would take the MFP because it does take your weight into consideration but I would only eat back about half the calories to be on the safe side.
  • Everybody is not meant to lose weight at the same rate. You might see better results taking your calories up to one pound a week and instead of two. Also I would start measuring your self you might have lost a lot of inches or at least this would leave you with another way to keep track of progress.
  • I know what you were trying to say. Sexy is a state of mind nobody can tell if you are sexy or not. You just got to feel it. Look at me I am 283 pounds and I feel sexy as hell. Do this for your health not for some knuckle head's notion of sexy!
  • I'm 5'6 and a half I was 250ish in high school. My smallest weight ever 222 I reached on my first diet in the 8th grade( I wasn't my full height then so I was still a size 18. The same size I was at 250 in high school) I am now 285 or lower( my weigh-in is tomorrow). My goal is be to get back to my high school weight this…
  • I have a suggestion its an oldie but a goodie. You ready? Richard Simmons! I know extremely old fashion but he always had a lot of arm movements for people with low mobility. So I would sweat to the oldies until my leg felt I hope you get well soon!
  • You look great. I feel inspired. P.S. I like your natural.
  • As long as you are over 1200 cals for the day don't worry about eating the last 400. I consider it be like bonus points!
  • I like the Ms. fitness competition where the girls are all really defined but body building women like nasty to me. I've only met one lady that was a little to ripped for my taste. She is now a personal trainer.
  • Local restaurant called the cheese cake corner serves 35 different cheese cakes and 13 different quiches all delicious. I would eat there everyday if I could. Has been voted best dessert in Memphis 3 years running.
  • Calm down! Log your godivas just to see how bad it really is. Do some exercise when you get off of work even if you can't burn all the calories (you do still have to eat dinner) that will lessen the impact. Working out this evening will probably make you feel better about this too. Don't wait till tomorrow to get back on…
  • I think I read in a cosmo once that you burn a 100 extra calories during TOM but it's not like cosmo is a great scientific journal.
  • Your electrolytes are probably out of balance. I would say go to the dollar store and get a propel or do half gatorade half water.
  • nice oblique that's even harder to get than the rest of the abs
  • Oh and make sure you keep us posted on how you are doing. You can add me as a friend if you would like.
  • On the topic of your exercise habits I wouldn't say that you don't exercise enough. You just need to incorporate exercise that will build muscle like lifting weights, resistance training (using bands or your own body weight to build muscle). You can research online into different ways to build muscle that still feel…
  • I also have the conair weight watchers scale. I love it! I have the cheaper version so mine only does weight but is accurate up to 0.2 of a pound. I love it so much my husband has to convince me not to take on vacations.
  • Well I have a couple of suggestions. One if you really feel you have an eating disorder you need to find out if your college has an on campus counseling programs. Two if you can't live with the low calories just bump them up for your calories to be so low your probably on the lose two pounds a week program just move to the…
  • I used to spend about a 100 a week. Then I started going to the butcher shop for the fresh and cheap meat. I spend 80 at the butcher shop every 6 weeks and 100 the first week of the month then 50 on produce and veggies every week till the end of the month. There is only two people in my household.
  • How much water are you drinking? Eight glasses a day is the least amount you need but if working out heavily your body will need more. Also being a woman you may have weight changes attributed your cycle. Third idea you may not be eating enough calories do you eat some of your exercise calories there was a great form on…
    in Help! Comment by cddavis04 December 2010
  • I have lost a guinea pig but can't wait for this fashion model to pack up all her stuff and go! She is always eating my food and don't pay rent but she can leave her clothes:)
  • Just what I needed to hear after a long day and I want to make a ton of excuses.