HELP! Broken leg

Hi, I'm pretty new to the site. I started using the site 3 months ago and I love it. I've always struggled with motivation and self discipline. This site has helped so much. I've lost almost 20 pounds (I had lost 3 pounds before I started using this site). I was getting into the exersice routine and even bought myself a heart rate monitor for Christmas. But now I have a huge problem. I broke my leg in two places three days ago. So now what do I do? I've been stuck in bed ever since because I can't put any weight on it. They have not been able to put a cast on it yet because of swelling. I find out tomorrow if i'll need surgery. I'm relying on neighbors and my kids to make my meals. I'm hoping that won't last much longer, but what do I do for exersice. I'm so worried about losing all of that motivation and the routine I'd worked so hard to get. I'm worried that by the time I'm back to normal, I'll have gained back all the weight I lost and have to start everything all over again. Any suggestions?


  • cddavis04
    I have a suggestion its an oldie but a goodie. You ready? Richard Simmons! I know extremely old fashion but he always had a lot of arm movements for people with low mobility. So I would sweat to the oldies until my leg felt I hope you get well soon!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    You can start now with just some punching drills. Don't even have to get out of bed, just punch the air. You can probably do some crunches there too. And if you can get someone to bring you the weights, bench press, butterflies, skullcrushers, etc. will all work while laying in bed. If you can sit up in bed you can also do bicep curls, shoulder presses, overhead tricep extensions, etc. Once they decide on surgery and can get you in a cast that will help with your mobility and you'll be surprised at how many calories walking on crutches burns. Get well soon!