OK I think I just hit rock bottom...I am at the office, alonish (Just me and 3 other people here) I just downed an entire box of GOdivas which I got from a client for xmas!! AT work!! AM so horrified and ashamed. I was so good past couple of days. Just been extremely stressed because of my work and financials, so I am sure that was the reason. BUT I have to get on the wagon! I don;t even have health insurance right now, so I have to be beyond healthy! I could use some real help if anyone has the time.


  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Don't worry about it! We all have setbacks. Yesterday, I ate all of my allowed calories just in my lunch!(Darn Chinese food!) I didn't let it get me down, I just realized that "accidents happen" and tomorrow is another day.

    My advice to you, for the rest of the day, make healthy choices. You'll feel better soon.:happy:
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    This happens to ALL of us hun. What you need to do is not dwell on guilt and what has happened, but how you're going to learn from it and look forward. You ate them, big deal. At least use the sugar high you have now to have a productive afternoon at work. Now work them off tonight with a relaxing walk or an intense workout if that's more what you're looking for. These Godivas have not ruined your day and your days ahead no matter how many you've eaten. You CAN do this!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Breathe, breathe out. It's going to be OK!

    Rock bottom occurs when you are being bad all the time followed by even worse. You said yourself that you were really good for a couple of days before this happened, and it was just one time with one thing. Not to worry about!!!

    You only fall off the wagon if the behavior continues, and because you are here asking for help, rest assured that it will NOT continue!!! Just log those calories and keep going.

    We ALL have times and days when we have something that we regret or we don't get that workout in when we know we should. It's nothing to worry about at all. Just remember to move and do what you know is good and healthy for your body. One slip up is not the end of the world.

    Exercise when you get home and eat healthy tomorrow. That's all you need to do. :flowerforyou:
  • ziggythecat
    ziggythecat Posts: 62 Member
    At least you had good chocolates to eat :D
  • cddavis04
    Calm down! Log your godivas just to see how bad it really is. Do some exercise when you get off of work even if you can't burn all the calories (you do still have to eat dinner) that will lessen the impact. Working out this evening will probably make you feel better about this too. Don't wait till tomorrow to get back on the wagon try to get back on now and make sure you have a healthy dinner.
  • Meganne1982
    One of the worst things for me is when people give me unsolicitated treats- like your godive chocolate.
    Some one offers me cookies, I say no thank you, and they just insist and insist until I give in.
    It upsets me- would someone insist an alcoholic have a drink?!
    My trick is to keep on giving.
    I was given lots of candy for christmas, and I've been sharing it away.
    If I give it to someone else- I won't be eating it!
    And I try to be nice, and I do not pass it on to people who I know are trying to lose weight.
    It's a struggle- but don't get down on yourself.
  • frubjious
    Don't beat yourself up, it only makes it harder to pick yourself up and get back to the good stuff again. Everyone has moments like that and no one is able to be perfect all the time, its just not possible. Sounds like you need a plan to cope with what's stressing you out really.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    At least you had good chocolates to eat :D

    Oh hell yeah! If you gotta cheat, Godiva's the thing to do it with! :laugh: Would it make you feel any better if I told you that after a little while eating really clean that doing that would make you incredibly nauseous and way less inclined to do it again? :bigsmile:
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Take out your agressions by ripping the box into pieces, then throw it away. Everyone makes mistakes, especially this time of year. You realized your mistake, don't dwell on it. Move on.
  • sweetestthing
    you guys are the best, honestly was about to start crying in middle of office!! I am definately going to plan on being very productive the rest of the day even if I have to walk around by myself. Tonight I will do a big workout. Just so upsetting to let myself down!! Thank you guys, nice to know I have support here. If you all need anything let me know!!
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    It is okay, we all fall off the wagon every now and then. Last night I stopped at the local gas station and bought nachos and cheese and ate half the can of cheese by myself!! But, today is a new day!! I am being extra good today because of last night.

    Cheer up, you will do better!!

    Linda in IA
  • kimdoes
    It's ok! We all do it! I left the site about 2 months ago... was doing beautifully!! And for some reason, stopped checking in. I've almost put all of my weight back on! Now I am starting over. Ugghhh. I've had almost 2 months of "Godiva" binges. It sucks, but just know we're all here not just for you, but with you. It'll be fine. Log what you've done and put it past you. Now, this is me verbally popping your hand... "No No No" Don't do it again! hahaha!! :wink:
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I think we have all had our moments!! Don't let it derail you. Whats done is done, and you know what you have to do to make yourself feel better. Don;t let it get ya down, and get back on the wagon and you will be fine!!
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I'll echo everyone else. Please don't cry! You goofed and ate too many sweets. You can either log and see the damage, or just log without and continue to be good. We aren't perfect and are going to have days we are tempted. Looks like you've been doing great, so consider this a hiccup and move on :flowerforyou: