jms1739 Member


  • As for DHEA, you really should have the blood test to see if you're low or not as too much can have some nasty side effects. It's weird because it's OTC so you can get it without a prescription, but you really shouldn't take it unless you actually need it. [/quote] @Lindsey1979. Yes, I have had a test stating that I was…
  • @kkauz42, Chris Powell has a great carb cycling program. He does have a site but you have to pay for it. But he has written several books on how to do it. I tried it and it does work, you eat a lot of food, but it is all whole foods nothing packaged. I lots at first and then stopped. Last year I had a full blood panel and…
  • Like everyone else has said. Keep pressing on till you find a Dr. that will diagnose you. When it comes to your health, sometimes we have to be very pushy. Hang in there. You will find the correct diagnosis.
  • That is good to know. Thanks for the info. I'll stick to my hour before, this works better with my schedule. I take it when I get up and within 30 min leave for work, then after my morning things are complete, I usually eat. That is about an hour maybe a bit more. Glad I found this group.
  • I have Renauds, and I get cold all the time. I have a finger that turns completely white, and my toes and bottoms of my feet will turn blue and go numb. I just had a blood test done today, and waiting on the results. Past few years, my levels have been fine. But now that I am down 60+, I am wondering if this could have…
  • I usually take mine about an hour before I eat everyday. But I am reading that everyone takes theirs 2hours before a meal. And I am wondering if the no dairy rich foods affects L-thyroxine as well? I have not heard about that one. But I might try the 2 hour window and see what happens.
  • A 4 year survivor here. Had papillary carcinoma, on one side, which was thankfully removed completely with surgery. With no further nodules forming. I also wait an hour after I take my medicine before I eat. Not sure if this really works, happened to ready somewhere that this gave the medicine time to absorb, so I have…
  • I am on a low carb as well. I don't eat more than 100G a day and no more than 25g in a 4 hour period, It takes some planning but I have lost almost 50lbs since March. Anyone can friend me. I am always looking for people to motivate or to motivate me. Sometimes I need it.
  • I still have more to go and can always use additional support. Feel free to add me as well. Along with anyone else.
  • I use protein shakes only as a supplement to my daily foods. There are times in the evenings where I will make a smoothie with Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, a scoop of protein powder, and Walden farms calorie free Chocolate syrup, this make a delicious snack, and I am getting additional protein, I do this when I can't…
  • i'm all 'bout the Bass no treble Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two But I can shake it, shake it Like I'm supposed to do 'Cause I got that Boom Boom that all the boys chase And all the right junk in all the right places Here is what I say to guy who want the skinny girls You know I won't be no stick figure…
  • I know how you feel. I had thyroid cancer and had it successfully removed, and congrats on beating it. It could be due to this. Have you had your vitamin D levels checked? Mine were super low, that is just a thought. Or are you working out on a regular basis, this helps a lot with the energy level. I would say though if…
  • Thanks for the info. This is what I kind of figured, but wanted to see what others have say. I don't like them so knowing that I just need to be patient and at some point they will go away, will have to be what it is.
  • Still having great success with the pills. I have steadily lost since March. I do stop taking them for a few days every now and then, due to the fact that they don't keep suppressing my appetite. On the days that I don't take them I make it a point to really stick to my eating plan, and make sure I don't binge and go back…
  • Anyone feel free to add me. Always looking for more motivation and support as well as to give. If you don't mind having a friend that is in their mid 40's please feel free. I may be 46 but I don't act it. :flowerforyou:
  • Hit my goal of 28 miles this month on Thursday the 21st. Weather is crazy hot right now for the next week or so. Still walking but not with the intensity I was earlier. Great job everyone on keeping up the workouts!!!!
  • Anyone feel free to add me. I log daily and work out on a regular basis. The more the merrier I always say.
  • Congrats on the removal of the toxic element in your life. Sorry to hear about the other losses. Keep your head up, we make the path we walk. You sound like you have a positive out look right now. Feel free to add me, as well, as anyone else who is looking for someone for motivation and support. I got rid of my toxic…
  • I pretty much eat what I want everyday, but really monitor the portions. However there is that one cheat meal on Saturday or Sunday, that I don't even count that I do allow myself. It is all a personal decision. If you are within your nutritional guides, and still getting the results you are looking for. Then be happy with…
  • I am on the lo carb as well, but I limit it to no more then 25g in a 4 hour period. So I am getting more then just a certain amount a day. When I first started, I dropped fast, but have slowed with the weight loss. I find it very easy to keep track of what I am eating and I make sure I get my calorie goal. Do some research…
  • I wish I could tell you, there is a special place to go, but there isn't. You will find that special person, one piece of advice : Never settle. But I am sure you already know that. Sometimes the best things happen when we aren't really looking for them.
  • I have run into peer pressure on occasion. I did have my ex husband, complain that I was going to leave him if I got to thin so he always tried to do something to sabotage me. Ultimately that isn't what I left him for. Thankfully the new Hubby is very excited about my changes and so he actually helps me out. I have people…
  • @ Theresac13- Best of luck on starting the medicine. I really hope it works for you. I understand the thyroid issue, I had half of mine removed so mine is basically hypo now. And the weight stalled for me as well as slowly crept on. Not to mention the complete lack of energy I was feeling, adding to that the fact that I…
  • I use Runkeeper or Map my Run apps, and it takes your age, gender, Height and weight, and thru GPS it tracks your walk and gives you a calorie burn. I have compared it to my heart rate monitor and it is pretty close. But eating back 50% sounds like a good suggestion as well.
  • Hitting the road tonight for 3 miles. The past two times I have cut 2 minuets off of my time, and increased my pace substantially. Also the 1/2 mile hill I walk up in the beginning is so much easier.
  • I am half way to my mileage goal of 28 this month as of 8/10. I will be walking 3 miles tonight. Great work everyone. Keep it up.
  • I try to drink at least a gallon a day. It helps me to feel full, helps with body function and keeps my skin hydrated. Plus when I work out I sweat a lot and if I don't drink more water, I get cramps and headaches due to my body needing more fluids. But I feel that it is a person preference, and every one should do what…
  • I set a goal of 28 miles for August. I have walked. 8.8 miles so far days walked 8/2, 8/4, and 8/6 I will be walking 3 miles tonight.
  • You look really strong