How often do you let yourself eat what you really want?



  • SportyLadyPhotographer
    when im out with friends and its been a while or specail occasions brithday/christmas ect or if i really want something and ive worked for it
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I have no problem with treating myself. My cravings are usually sweet - chocolate, rarely ice-cream and deserts. Most of my deserts now consist of yoghurt and fruit, which is delicious, but I will indulge in a piece of desert if I'm at a family gathering, someone in my family (including myself) has baked something special, it's a special occasion or I just feel like it. I try to avoid having excess in the house so I'm not going back to it, but if it's especially good I have no qualms in having seconds the next day. It's not everyday, for sure, but it's not something I'm going to feel guilty about.

    With savoury dishes, I find that it's much easier to doctor them up to be a bit healthier. There is nothing wrong with a homemade burger made with lean mince and herbs/spices, onion if you want served with salad and a small amount of condiments of my choice and a grainy bread roll (personal preference over white). I'd probably serve it with extra vege on the side, but to me that is a perfectly healthy meal.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    We have drastically cut the amount we go out. However if we are going somewhere like Five Guys, you can bet I'm getting a little cheeseburger... which isn't that little ! :p I don't think we should deprive ourselves either.

    However, I have almost completely cut out french fries because I find them addicting.
  • alanabeehave
    Everyday! I trust my body's signals. Luckly 90% of the time its whole foods. Unless it's two days before my TOM, in which case, I can live off sweets.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I eat what I want everyday. Always eat back my exercise calories.......
  • ChcolateLady11
    I fit it into my cals for the day...
    My main weakness is Chocolate, that is the hard one to say no to. most everything else I can...
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    I use the same analogy I like that way of looking at calories.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    I pretty much eat what I want everyday, but really monitor the portions. However there is that one cheat meal on Saturday or Sunday, that I don't even count that I do allow myself. It is all a personal decision. If you are within your nutritional guides, and still getting the results you are looking for. Then be happy with what you are doing.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Assuming that you mean real chips and ice cream, i never let myself eat what i want.

    Only healthy foods!

    I really miss poutine :(

    I don't understand this.

    I eat what I want all the time- because life is to short to eat *kitten* I don't like.

    I have some form of ice cream/chocolate/candy/snack every day.

    The only time I eat what I really want- is volume- the AMOUNT. I always want to eat WAY more than I need. So once ever two weeks or so- I get some high calorie days- but its' rare. General trend line rules... I should do more cardio so I can eat more damni*.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Assuming that you mean real chips and ice cream, i never let myself eat what i want.

    Only healthy foods!

    I really miss poutine :(

    I don't understand this.

    I eat what I want all the time- because life is to short to eat *kitten* I don't like.

    I have some form of ice cream/chocolate/candy/snack every day.

    The only time I eat what I really want- is volume- the AMOUNT. I always want to eat WAY more than I need. So once ever two weeks or so- I get some high calorie days- but its' rare. General trend line rules... I should do more cardio so I can eat more damni*.


    I eat what I really want all the time, but I eat less of it than I used to. I've figured out that it's the key to conquering binge eating disorder. It's also the key to sick muscle gains. I've increased my LBM by 5 lbs since March. :drinker:

    ETA: I am eating a surplus right now, but I ate what I wanted when I was in a deficit too.
  • MsSashaFire
    I always eat what I want, just in moderation, and making sure it fits into my nutrition allowances for the day. Of course we can't help going over sometimes we're only human, and I refuse to deprive myself this shouldn't be a punishment. Of course if you had a bacon cheeseburger yesterday, you know you probably shouldn't be eating another one today. LOL
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    If it is a special day, I let myself go within reason. I am a big believer that you sometimes need a higher calorie day anyway to keep your metabolism guessing.

    For the most part, I stick to my limits and then have a day here and there where I don't track, and just let myself enjoy it
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    I eat *WHAT* I want daily.... for me the thing I'm restricting isn't *WHAT* I eat... it's * HOW MUCH* of what I eat.
    Of course I fancy a large dominos pepperoni passion with chicken stripper combo and cookies for tea.... on top of a dozen packet of crisps and chocolates for dinner... and pain au chocolates for breakfast.... but that is how I got fat. Not *WHAT* I ate, but *HOW MUCH* of it I ate. I do better with eating everything in moderation, than restricting the 'what' and then (for me) binging on them.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I eat what I really want all the time, but I eat less of it than I used to. I've figured out that it's the key to conquering binge eating disorder. It's also the key to sick muscle gains. I've increased my LBM by 5 lbs since March. drinker

    ETA: I am eating a surplus right now, but I ate what I wanted when I was in a deficit too.

    yep yep yep- bulking is the best.

    SO MUCH FOOD. I love it.

    Well- except the crazy fat pants days I had- otherwise it was great. I'm such a fat kid- I could eat thousands all the time... I have no idea how I managed to escape obesity- I LOVE food- I do not like eating intuitively at this point- I just ate... WAY to much.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Most of the time.

    But I don't eat ALL of the things. If I go out to a restaurant I'm probably not going to eat a salad. To me that's pretty sad because I eat salads a lot for lunch and they cost practically nothing - why waste $10+ on an entrée salad? haha. I'll have enchiladas, fish, or a burger, or whatever I please...but I kinda "even it out" by getting a veggie side instead of mashed potatoes (unless I REALLY want mashed potatoes)...or when I get a burger, I usually pass on the fries. I just make whatever I want fit into the rest of my day. Often my dining out days are Saturdays, and I have tons of extra calories burned via exercise on Saturdays anyway.

    If you're asking how often do I totally throw caution to the wind and go over by 200-500 or more calories? Maybe once every 2 or 3 months. I did that on Friday. I ate a light lunch and dinner in preparation, then went out for pad Thai and then had a huge Diet Dew and Milky Way dark and 3/4 bottle of Korean plum wine and a glass of champagne. NONE of that is typical for me, but it was somewhat planned. I was over by approx. 580 calories for the day. I did that back in April or May, once. It's not frequent and therefore not a big deal to me. I'd be concerned if it was a weekly temptation or if I really felt out of control during that decision making process.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Most every day. but with that said I like chicken a lot. makes it easy. cheeseburger burger is my Saturday thing. pizza once a week probably. yep I eat what I want.
  • TXGirl78028
    I work into my daily calorie count most things I want to eat - I've had an ice cream cone and not gone over for the day. Sometimes I'm a little over and it's ok or I try to do enough exercise to offset. I'm going to allow myself to go over (within reason) on special meals - For example, birthday dinner, Thanksgiving, anniversary, etc or for something that you won't be able to have at a different time (like something wonderfully Italian while on trip to Italy) - but not celebrating someone else's birthday or just because it Friday/weekend etc.
  • Adaniel65
    Adaniel65 Posts: 105 Member
    Quite often, as long as it fits into my calorie goals. It's about controlling yourself, not denying yourself.
    I'm not much of a sweets person so I don't have to deal with candy cravings. :P
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I naturally eat pretty healthy, but I also usually eat whatever I want. My general rule, though, is to always go to bed a little bit hungry. And since I like to run, if for some reason I feel like a had a crappy day of eating, I just throw on few punishment miles to my next run...