Bingo Wings

So here is a general question.

How do I get rid of these flappy wings on the back of my arms? Maybe I just need to be patient, I walk 3-3.5 miles 3-4 times a week and I am still about 60-70lbs away from my final goal. I need to add weight training back in, I have done this in the past and my arms didn't really get much smaller and I was less than I weigh now. And I do not have loose hanging skin like someone who has lost weight very quickly or that was very heavy before, so I don't think I need to have them removed.

So I don't know if I am just doomed to have the wings, or if it is just time and exercise, along with a healthy eating plan that will eventually make them be clipped.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I am sure there will be quite a few.


  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    I don't have any answers (so unhelpful!), but am interested in what others say. Replying to read later.
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    I know its not the answer you were hoping for the only way to get rid of that it time and exercise like you said. Although adding the weight training back in will definitely give you more definition as an end result and im sure youll like the added weight loss results as well. Keep doing great and going strong
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for the info. This is what I kind of figured, but wanted to see what others have say. I don't like them so knowing that I just need to be patient and at some point they will go away, will have to be what it is.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Patience...i probably have like 15 to lose and there they still be..quite alot smaller but there nonetheless! :)