Anyone taking Adipex (Phentermine)?



  • ccassityii
    ccassityii Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah, I usually take vitamin c at night with my fiber and multi vitamins at night. Maybe that's why I haven't slept good lately lol.. I mean the pills haven't been bad minus the hunger and dry mouth. I just never saw a change in the scale if I ate. I mean I wasn't eating bad or very much. I think it was only because my thyroid levels were not right yet or was not working out. I wanted to do the eating right first, before I started exercising. Now my levels are normal, I am eating right, and working out a lot. Now I see a weight lose, but the first 3 weeks. Nothing. I guess I am someone who has to work out a lot to see any loses. It doesn't matter, I love to go bike riding. Now I just got to start strength training and doing other exercises as well.

    My doctor wants me to take them for 3 months and then stop.
  • Hi all, can someone provide a purchasing link to phenternine

  • I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Phentramine can really help and as long as you keep up with diet and exercise youll be fine. In my case Phentramine helped me get used to eating 1500 calories and when I'm off of it I eat about the really just helps your stomach adjust.
  • its a prescription from your doctor
  • I also only take a half pill.
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    Still having great success with the pills. I have steadily lost since March. I do stop taking them for a few days every now and then, due to the fact that they don't keep suppressing my appetite. On the days that I don't take them I make it a point to really stick to my eating plan, and make sure I don't binge and go back to my old habits. The medicine is meant to assist in your weight loss and not to be used as a permanent fix or solution, there is still a lot of life change that has to happen, and emotional issues if any need to be addressed with regards to eating issues or the relationship with food. Just like with weight loss surgery, you can't just stable your stomach and lose the weight to and never address the issues that caused you to gain it in the first place, otherwise you will go right back to the way you were. I know I have been there, not with the surgery but, I have lost and went back to my old habits, and gained it all back.

    Sometimes this is not something that everyone should be on. Everyone, react differently to medication, and by working with your Dr. there may be others that can be used, I am sure there are a lot out there. I don't think there are any links to buy this on line and I wouldn't recommend doing this, as you never know if it is really the correct mix, or mixed with something else that may have really bad affects to you.

    Best of luck to everyone that is taking this and it is working.
  • My doctor just gently suggested this after venting my frustration about not losing the weight. I am 155, 5'2 but cannot seem to get down into the anything past 147. I work out 4 days every morning with a boot camp that is all strength training, cardio, abs, arms, running etc. It is not a boot camp for the faint of heart. I've done the biggest loser challenge with them three times over the last year and even following the diet to a T, the weight loss is a joke. So I appreciate all the information here. I've got exercising down (I can only do it in the morning with two active kids) but I just want to find something sensible for me with this. I can understand eating better, etc. I DO that. Nothing processed, cut out sugar, etc. So is there a good guideline for effectively losing weight and keeping the weight off successfully. I keep reading story after story of people who gained after taking Phentermine, so that seems silly. Any thoughts are appreciated.
  • Please helpppp !!!! I was never really the person who ate all day or bc things where in front of me. However I know when I did get hungry and eat I made bad choices - fast food, processed , same dinner portion as my husband ( typically ate 2x a day very early and then dinner) I also was drinking 3 cups of coffee a day w 5 sugars and flavored creamer along with a redbull and fruit juice in my day.
    I have been on phen 37.5 since aug 15th its a little over 2 weeks now and I see only 3lb loss and I changed my eating drastically. I habe drank only.1 cup of decaf coffee in tje mornings (around 7am) no redbull or juice at all and im drinking two of the 1 liter bottles of poland spring at work everyday and only water at home maube another 2 or 3 reg size poland spring . I go to the gym 4x a week totaling 5-6 hours a week I push myself as far as I can go on the elliptical and treadmill im burning between 300-400 calories everytime I go. I began eating much healthier no white bread rice . I eat a healthy breakfast egg whites or oatmeal and a protien bar . Lunch is usually a salad or tuna on no bread and dinner I eat strictly the portion size of whatever it is for dinner . I input my calorie intake on my fitness pal and im always under 1000 cals a day. The phen is absolutely making me less hungry. I know 2 people who had amazing success on the phen .. but im not :-( the only side effect I have from the phen is constipation . I had to take a dulcolax yesterday bc I hadnt had any bowel movement in almost 5 days. When I started the phen it was a week before TOM .

    Im just very confused on how this works. ... if im.not hungry should I eat ? And when I do it eat and am eating healthy low carb low sugar and trying to get as much protien in as I can Why is it now working? This is all very depressing .... I dont know if my metabolism is to slow or what.... also is it better to take pben before or after breakfast and what can i do to regulate my bowel movements and avoid retaining fluid from to much water intake weight right now is 249 im 5'7 my goal is 200 -180 someone please helppppp
  • I have been taking Phentermine and feel sick most of the time. it has been only been a week. I have lost 5 lbs. I have been to the gym my usual days, but I can't seem to "step up my game" because my energy level is down since I feel so gross. I am a coffee drinker, but I have increased my water intake a ton, so I hardly even finish my morning cup let alone have anymore throughout the day. Does anyone else feel tired from this pill? Like your muscles are weak? I am just wondering if this is something I should be concerned about or will it pass?
  • carrieanthony
    carrieanthony Posts: 70 Member
    It depends on your dosage. You might need to have it tweaked. I'm taking the pure Phentermine (not Adipex) and it's working wonders for me in every aspect. BUT it's not for everyone. It might not work well with your chemistry or your system or whatever. I would contact your physician (assuming you're under a doctor's care -- I am) and see if he can tweak your dosage.
  • I have been taking Phentermine off & on for about 4 months, prescribed by my doctor. I don't think it has much effect on me, it gives me a terrible taste in my mouth. I feel I do better watching my carb intake & basically eating all fresh fruits, veggies & protein. I fell of the wagon for about a month & have just started back on my program, I need to get motivated to exercise! This is one of the hardest things I have ever done! I am hoping to lose 10 lbs by mid October!
  • SatinDoll85
    SatinDoll85 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Datripper,

    First let me say that i am 5'3 and i started at 284 pounds!!!! It sounds like the strength training is building muscle so the scale is not necessarily a good guide for someone like you. I lost 60 pounds on phentermine and I'm on it again recently. I think the only reason people gain weight is because they do not make a lifestyle change while on it.I am still overweight and need to lose quite a bit more weight.I workout 5-6 days a week, switching between cardio and strength so I know by now that sometimes I'm seeing muscle gain on the scale. honestly I gained SOME NOT ALL of my weight back after I stopped phentermine the first time but it took almost two years to gain it back because I had lost my job and got depressed and could not afford to keep up with healthy food. To me, that's the biggest part of weight loss and I didn't have the funds to do it so I ate what I could afford and , on top of that, I lost both my grandparents in the past two years so stress played a part. It's not meant to be a miracle drug. I meet with the doctor once a month to make sure I'm not experiencing high blood pressure or heart palpitations which I never had an issue with while taking this. I truly believe it depends on the individual. I don't plan on being on it forever so for me, I'm serious about changing my eating habits and working out- maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle. This drug is an anorectic and meant for people like myself who are "obese." I have no history of any type of health issues but I started this program with my doctor in order to feel better about myself and look better. Like I said, many people don't put in the work so yeah they gain the weight back. I started seeing the most weight loss when I stopped trying to lift weights everyday and started jogging. What we don't always realize in our haste to look a certain way or see a certain number on the scale, is that everyone is different. Our body will respond to things differently and that includes exercise. If you haven't checked your body fat you should do that because it just sounds like the strength training is keeping you where you are which isn't bad but cardio will usually move the scale, in my experience. I am no expert whatsoever. I am speaking solely from experience! Good luck on your journey!
  • Hello All,

    I am have taken Phentermine when I first moved to Vegas and it was great. I lost a lot and it made me really energied and Happy lol... With that being said I used to take it because I worked graveyard and it really helped me get through the night. I have taken to lose weight as well and it works it really does... I gained it back because I wasn't eating right nor exercising. I'm sure if your still dieting and exercising really going hard then you should be fine with a few added lbs... I believe its all on the person, I have friends who kept it all off so it all depends.
  • kiesssuzannee
    kiesssuzannee Posts: 2 Member
    Hello out there! I started my Adipex/Phen program today. I wonder if there are others out there that might like to chat during the process. My doctor is prescribing one does per day for one month to see how it goes up to 3 months max. We had a robust discussion together and agreed up on a food and exercise plan. I love food and primarily eat because I feel hunger most of the time. I like food a lot including the "good" stuff such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole foods. I also like to exercise and have a few "go-to" favorites workouts and activities.

    I simply do not lose weight no matter what I do. I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have no memories of ever being a medium sized person. I have always been large. My first memories of being judged and ridiculed for my size were when I went to school in kindergarten. I am hoping the the Adipex/Phen can do something chemically to jump-start my system to allow some weight loss. According the charts, I have about 80-90 pounds to lose. According to my own experience and intuition, my goal is to lose about 60-70 pounds.

    I am feeling a little buzzed and wired after my first does. It's been one hour. I posted my food here and found this board. I just ate breakfast and am heading out for a walk, then afternoon and evening work hours today. I hope I do ok today. Honestly, I am full of hope but am sticking with a cautiously optimistic attitude about the whole thing. I'd love to hear from others and will take some time this week to review the other spots in the MyFitnessPal boards on this subject.

    Suzanne in Michigan
  • freezemarine
    freezemarine Posts: 5 Member
    nbg127 wrote: »
    So I used diethylpropion (milder appetite suppressant) last nov, dec, jan to shed 45lbs (started at 225lbs). I changed my diet and added exercise. I maintained my weight within 8 lbs and over the summer. I now see a bariatric doc who suggested I try phentermine after difficult starts to try to lose the remaining weight. I am now within 16lbs of my goal (bmi of 24.9)- can't wait to be in the normal weight range. I know I can maintain with no problem. These tablets just help turn off the constant hunger and desire for food. I have zero side effects and definitely not addicted- if someone is monitored by a doctor after spending a lifetime of dieting and exercise, then why judge. I am healthier now than I have been my whole life after jumping from one diet to the next and obsessing about weight. I support anyone who can find their own fix to this problem.

    What do you find the difference in the 2 drugs are? did you loose your last bit of weight?
  • Jackie021498
    Jackie021498 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2014
    My doctor will be putting me on that in a few months. I'm 263 and I'm 5 feet 5 inches. That's what I meant to say. Sorry for the cinfusion
  • I am on my first day of phetermine and I don't feel anything, I guess one dose is too soon to judge. I also take effexor for my depression and my doctor said it may make the phentermine stronger, with heart palpitations, racing thoughts etc. I am the 37.5 dose, we shall seeurl=]
  • On my 3rd day and already lost 4 lbs, wooo hoooo!!!! :pblk-weight.png
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    It works. I lost 25% of my body weight in 8 months. But it isn't a miracle drug. Please keep that in mind. I started in February at 162 pounds. I am now 119 pounds. I'm 5'1. I have taken it before and like you guys said, gained the weight back. This time is different.

    Here's the difference. I never before logged my food diligently. Now I am logging it. I never logged my exercise diligently. I am now. I have changed the way I eat. I didn't follow the diet my Bariatric physician suggested. I made up my own diet. Eat the way you feel is right for you. Don't listen to the experts. Every magazine has a diet plan they swear will work. Just do what feels right to you.

    If you just use it for appetite control and don't change the way you eat, as soon as you stop taking it you will gain the weight back. It works the same as any "diet". Everybody knows if you are just dieting and go back to your old ways of eating you will gain the weight back.

    I am down to losing a pound or so a month. That's fine with me.

    Here's another difference from when I took it before. I am seeing a Bariatric physician once a month. I highly suggest it. It's expensive, but my health is worth it. And here is another difference. To keep up the healthy habits I have learned, instead of abruptly stopping, I will gradually wean off of it.

    It's going to be hard, I won't lie to you. I am afraid of stopping. But I know I can do it. For every pound I lost, I gained a little more confidence.
  • RashaePree
    RashaePree Posts: 32 Member
    I know this is an old post but I was going through looking at everything everyone was saying. I see some Adipex/Phentermine lovers and i see some haters. I have just started taking Phentermine today and I hope it will help. Already I am seeing that it is suppressing my appetite and I'm not "bored" eating as much as I used to. I currently weigh 222lbs and i'm hoping I can get down to 175lbs. I also am attempting to stick to a diet of 1200-1500 calories and cutting out ALL sweets which were a weakness of mine. The only side effect I have so far had is the dry mouth which doesn't bother me because I am a water drinker anyway so I can work with that but I can also feel my heart racing at times which I was informed of so I'm not really alarmed about that. In addition to cutting my calories I am working out at least 3-4 times per week which should definately help my weight loss as well. After having four kids and going from 140 and a size 5 to 220 and a size 16 I am unhappy where I am at now. I will update after my 3 months (maybe sooner). I wish any and everyone good luck on their weight loss goals. :D