Anyone taking Adipex (Phentermine)?



  • silvermasked
    silvermasked Posts: 2 Member
    ello! today is my 28th day using the app, my starting weight at the beginning of my life style change was 127.5kg and jumped on this at 121.5kg. after 28days i have dropped again with the help of the app but i was hoping for a better result. today i changed my CAL intake as i am scared that if i don't see a bit more of a resultquicker that i might get moosh. my feet ache from all the walking, any suggestions
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    I've been on phentermine for almost 2 weeks, and have managed to lose half a stone, which is great for me, as I find it almost impossible to lose any weight at all. Phentermine has taken away my extreme hunger, which has allowed me to control my calories without the compulsion to snack in between. I find myself eating for health instead of eating the junk I usually eat! I'm slowly retraining my eating patterns, and now have the energy to exercise which I have been doing!! I have had no bad side effects to note so far, so very happy about that!

    I will update again after my next weigh in with my doctor Thursday. I am very optimistic about the kick start the tablets will give me!:wink:

    Good luck, dannibraz. Sounds like you're off to a great start.
  • BlessedWoman1217
    BlessedWoman1217 Posts: 13 Member
    After much success with weight loss and 1 year 6 months keeping it off I have reached a hard slump that even with increased exercise has been hard to break. I had breast reduction surgery last year due to me not being able to exercise from the severe back pain and shoulder bruising. Even with 12 pounds on my chest I was able to lose 13 more pounds before the surgery. I was 273 when I started my weight loss journey 1 year and 6 months ago and I am now 236 as of today. I hope taking the Apidex will help me to get to my final weight loss goals. I read alot of comments on here that were negative and some a bit truthful but I truly feel that with adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking the pill short term I believe it is possible to keep the weight off after taking the pill. I don't know for everyone but I am under my physician's care and have increased my exercise to 5 days a week and on a 1500 calorie diet because of the amount of exercise I will be doing. I would not advise anyone to take it without being under the care of a physician because the drug has side effects and some may or may not suffer from them. Today is the first day I took it and I only took half in the morning and will take the other half mid afternoon and see how that effects me for the month I am on Apidex. So far I haven't felt anything today and I had more energy to exercise. For those that are making the negative comments please understand that not everyone will use this medication as a crutch. Weight loss is not easy for anyone but some people may choose to get help. Happy Weight loss to everyone.
  • anglynn935
    Should I be depressed that my pants are still so tight?? I have never lost weight before so I guess I don't know what to expect. I've lost 7 pounds so far which isn't much I know but my pants are still so tight!? Am I wrong in thinking they would be a little looser by now?
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    I think it depends on how much you were pouring into your pants in the first place. :wink:

    I was wearing a 14 long after I should have been in a 16. Even though I've lost almost 25 lbs., I'm still in the 14s. They just fit well now. Before, they were uncomfortably tight.
  • anglynn935
    LOL I guess I really WAS pouring myself into them ha ha that's funny
  • anglynn935
    Just weighed myself! Couldn't help myself :) I have lost 3 pounds in 4 days!!! Yeah!! I'm doing this thing!!
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Fantastic! Congrats.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    will it allow me to eat more potatoes?
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    will it allow me to eat more potatoes?

    Too funny! Nope, you still have to eat right, and exercise. That being said, I really like Phentermine. I love how in control I feel of my eating.
  • oldboxerfarms
    I starting taking Phentermine AGAIN...this is my 2nd rodeo with it. The first time I went from 311lb to 142lb in 16 months. I was doing a version of Atkins/South Beach and exercising 5-6 days a weeks on the treadmill. I completely changed my life and my appearance. It was obviously successful, but once I stopped taking it and "fell off the wagon" the weight came surprise. I gained 100lbs back over 15 months, and am very upset with myself for letting that happen. I can make all the excuses in the world but there is no excuse!

    So, it's deja vu all over again. I started back on it March 27, it's been a week today. I have dropped 16lbs in a week. I realize that most of that is water weight, so I'm not getting overly excited about it. I am under a physician's care, I'm sure she would agree that 16lb is too much too fast. My starting weight this time is 239lbs, I am 5'7". My doctor recommended (almost insisted) Fitness Pal, and I am really into it. It has been holding me accountable, and in 6 weeks my doctor want to see me and my daily entries from My Fitness Pal. I'm using the same formula as last time Atkins/South Beach and my treadmill.

    Anyone considering Phentermine, I recommend it to a certain extent. It's way better that lap band of bi-pass surgery for sure. The side effect can be annoying. But, if you can push though until they subside you will be fine. Phentermine is not for everyone, and as I learned it is not a quick fix or cure for being over weight. It just helps jump start a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle change. I think I finally get it this time.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Much luck to you, oldboxerfarms!

    I'm also on it for the second time in my life. The first time was almost 20 years ago, and I lost a little over 60 pounds. I kept it off for 12 years until I had a baby late in life, quit paying attention to what I was eating, and became more sedentary. All but about 10 pounds slowly crept back over about three years.

    This time I lost 10 pounds the first week, but I only ("only," ha!) have 50 to lose this time. I think your loss will slow down a bit from here, although I'm still losing three pounds a week on average, after about 8 weeks on it, and almost halfway to my goal. My doctor isn't concerned with the rate at which I'm losing. I see him every two weeks, and I'm doing low-carb/low fat, for the most part, and exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, at a minimum of 5 days a week. Some of it is with Couch to 5K, some of it with brisk walks with my dog. I'm also doing light weight training about four days a week. He's monitoring my muscle mass and body fat, and I'm starting move those numbers on the right direction pretty well now.

    I look forward to reading more good reports from you. Sounds like you're off to a good start.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I"ve tried Adipex with success lost about 18 lbs. When I quit taking it I went back to my old eating habits. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you don't go back to your old eating habits you shouldn't gain it back.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    I"ve tried Adipex with success lost about 18 lbs. When I quit taking it I went back to my old eating habits. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you don't go back to your old eating habits you shouldn't gain it back.

    Absolutely. That's true of any diet. If you have a weight problem you must be on guard constantly. I've lost substantial weight in the past by just counting calories and working out. I've done this more times than I can count throughout my life, and I think I've gained more cumulative yo-yo weight back under those circumstances than I ever gained back after I used Phen.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Well don't tell that to most of the people on this forum. Many people here like to tell people that taking diet pills is bad because it causes the yo-yo effect. It's not just diet pills that cause ups and downs. It's "dieting" instead of changing the way we eat that causes it.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Well don't tell that to most of the people on this forum. Many people here like to tell people that taking diet pills is bad because it causes the yo-yo effect. It's not just diet pills that cause ups and downs. It's "dieting" instead of changing the way we eat that causes it.

    I know it. I've even had a couple of people (not on this forum) tell me that what I'm doing is dangerous, while I'm under a doctor's care and they have, in the past, self-prescribed unregulated supplements that were ultimately withdrawn from the market because they made people sick. :ohwell:
  • anndy1250

    I want to share my story with all of you and hope you guys can help me. My name is Andy I'm a Pastry Chef and i used to weight 420 Pound and one day I decided to change my life so went to GYM and start eating healthy etc... So I drop 150 pound with no surgery and i was 270 pound and I guess i hit the PLATEAU I could drop 1 pound for Monthhhhhssss I change everything nothing happens. so one day i saw a HCG at my family's house and i say let me try it. and i did with the HCG I drop 100 pounds. I didnt know u had to stop the cycle and do it again like some people that doing it in 4 to 6 rounds. NOWWWWWWWW since i stop the HCG and I start to eat healthy and exercise, I LOVEEEEEEEE exercise I play TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL and GYM I just love to be active. what happens now its like I DONT KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH MY BODY, becuase now I'm 218 "the picture on my profile its me and the 190 was Nov 2013" I try everyyyyyy things. I have been eating 5 to 6 meals a day, I try CLA, and L-Caritine with GYM, Tennis and NOTHINGGGGGG i just saw the scale is going up n up n up. and frustrated for someone that was Obese and lost that much weight. I'm even scary to eat because i dont want to gain. and one of my friend say try to ADIPEX. and I dont know what to do. they even say check a Dr. to see if there is something with my thyroid.
    my basic meals are Preotien Shack, Chick Salad, Atkins Bar, Lunch, Protein Shack

    I just hope you guys can help me ;'( and I'm sorry for my English its not perfect but i try . hope you all have a great day. and i know its not east the journey specially for me as a Pastry Chef, but we all can do it. If I did lost my first 150 with no help we all can do it.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    I'm taking Phen too. I'm on my last month of it. I started in June at 207 and I'm down to 164. My loss was much more gradual than yours, but my intake was about half yours was when I wasn't taking it. I'm also taking in 1200-1400 calories and trying to work out but it's difficult because I have two kids and my hubby travels for work. I usually only end up going 3 times a week.

    Watch out, there are a lot of Phen HATERS out there. Most say they gained it all back when they went off it and I'm determined that isn't going to happen to me. Others say that the stuff is TERRIBLE and its going to make you sick. I think they all just used the pill to help them stop eating, lost all the weight and gained it all back when they stopped taking the pill because they didn't change their habits.

    My thoughts on it are that one just has to be careful and the phen is a HELPER and one has to completely change their lifestyle when they are trying to drop the pounds. I don't plan to go back to my old eating habits once i'm off. I plan to keep my current habits and MAINTAIN my weight. I CAN'T WAIT to post to all the Phen haters in 6 months that I haven't gained any of the weight back. I put the weight on because I was eating whatever I want and not exercising. Now that I'm older, I can't eat whatever I want and I NEED to exercise, I plan to keep it up forever.

    My goal is to hit 150 by Christmas, with a mini goal right now of 160 by Dec. 1.

    Probably the reason people gain the weight back after going off Phen is because they have not changed their eating habits. if you use it as a tool, then it can work. just like people with weight loss ssurgery, if they dont change thier eating they will not lose weight either. A perfson has to control their eating when taking Phen or not taking it. I think you have a good plan.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I'm taking Phen too. I'm on my last month of it. I started in June at 207 and I'm down to 164. My loss was much more gradual than yours, but my intake was about half yours was when I wasn't taking it. I'm also taking in 1200-1400 calories and trying to work out but it's difficult because I have two kids and my hubby travels for work. I usually only end up going 3 times a week.

    Watch out, there are a lot of Phen HATERS out there. Most say they gained it all back when they went off it and I'm determined that isn't going to happen to me. Others say that the stuff is TERRIBLE and its going to make you sick. I think they all just used the pill to help them stop eating, lost all the weight and gained it all back when they stopped taking the pill because they didn't change their habits.

    My thoughts on it are that one just has to be careful and the phen is a HELPER and one has to completely change their lifestyle when they are trying to drop the pounds. I don't plan to go back to my old eating habits once i'm off. I plan to keep my current habits and MAINTAIN my weight. I CAN'T WAIT to post to all the Phen haters in 6 months that I haven't gained any of the weight back. I put the weight on because I was eating whatever I want and not exercising. Now that I'm older, I can't eat whatever I want and I NEED to exercise, I plan to keep it up forever.

    My goal is to hit 150 by Christmas, with a mini goal right now of 160 by Dec. 1.

    Probably the reason people gain the weight back after going off Phen is because they have not changed their eating habits. if you use it as a tool, then it can work. just like people with weight loss ssurgery, if they dont change thier eating they will not lose weight either. A perfson has to control their eating when taking Phen or not taking it. I think you have a good plan.

    Oh so true! I am logging my food and exercise diligently here. I had my monthly doctor visit yesterday. We discussed that this is the first time I have ever kept track of calories. And that I am scared that I will have to do it the rest of my life to keep the weight off.

    Also, I told the doctor I wish I could take Phentermine forever. She surprised me and said there were studies showing that long-term use of Phentermine is not harmful.

    Oh by the way, I had my weigh in yesterday. In the two months I have been on Phen, I lost 18 pounds.
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    Woot! Congrats on the loss. Fantastic!

    My doctor remarked on the same studies during my initial appointment re: weight loss. He said that I would stay on it well into maintenance. I didn't when I was on it 20 years ago. I stopped once I lost the weight, and I didn't really have trouble maintaining for years and years as long as I kept exercising and watching calories. My only concern with continued use is its longterm effectiveness. The benefits definitely diminish after a few months, and I wonder if they would become nonexistent over time without an increase in dosage.