buffykaz Member


  • I spend a lot of my day pushing a pram or carrying a baby around and not swinging my arms, so I put mine in my pocket, or hook it through belt loops or even my bra sometimes. It still registers the steps for me.
  • I am exclusively breastfeeding a 3 month old daughter (also have two older children). I was overweight before I got pregnant, so didn't put much on this time around. I lost most of my pregnancy weight after the birth, but have now hit a plateau and am finding it hard to shed the extra weight I have accumulated in between…
  • I went into my Settings and created a separate meal name called "Breastfeeding" and add my BF calories in there so that they are completely separate from all my other meals. That way I can still see how many cals I am having each meal, and the BF calories stay in their own section.
  • I've experienced a lot more nausea this time around that with my last two pregnancies. I find that having smaller meals more often is better than having 3 big meals a day. I also drink peppermint tea to help with the nausea.
  • With my first baby we had the traditional baby shower with gifts and games. Then with the next pregnancy we just went out to lunch with all my girl friends. This seems to be the norm in my circle of friends.
  • I started using cloth nappies (diapers) with my second child and I love them. I purchased the one-size nappies so that I can use them from birth through to toilet training. During the daytime, my fave brand was Bumgenius as they were really easy to use, wash and dry. Because they are pocket nappies, you can adjust the…
  • This for us. 10 weeks along now and have just started telling family and friends after having an ultrasound and seeing the baby's heartbeat last week.
  • I was awake for both or mine (1x emergency c-section and 1 x scheduled c-section). I just had a spinal block for both. Hubby was with me both times, he sat up the end where my head was an held my hand.
  • There is 3 years between my first and second child, and there will be 5 years between my second and this one coming. Big age gap here too :smile:
  • I'm due on August 27th. This will be our third child.
  • I'm currently about 7 weeks along with my third. I am hoping to maintain my weight during my pregnancy, and not gain much as I am already overweight/obese. Here is a handy calculator to see how many calories are needed during pregnancy: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/pregnancy_calorie_calculator.htm
  • Blake Lively. Although I would need to grow about 15cms to be her height.
  • This. I also have another one beside my bed at home that I drink from each morning.
    in Water Comment by buffykaz January 2013
  • I think I'm drooling on my keyboard :laugh:
  • Looks really tasty! I also have a faithful parmesan chicken recipe you might like: Take a 200g skinless chicken breast, sprinkle it with 1 tbsp of of grated parmesan cheese and then wrap the breast with a 20g slice of proscutto. Bake in the oven for about 25 mins and then eat - mega tasty! Calorie count is 296 cals.
  • Potato chips (crisps) - salty crunchy and cheesy potato chips. I still manage to fit them in my diet every now and then, but now I have a tiny snack pack instead of a huge bag. But geez I miss them :-(
  • For me, it is 90% diet and 10% exercise. I worked out at the gym 3-4 times a week for 18 months (without changing my diet) and I didn't lose any weight. Two months ago I modified my diet to keep within my calorie limits and started walking 4-5 times a week instead of gym and I have lost 6kg. Sticking to my calories is a…
  • I know! This does my head in too :laugh: I think I will slowly work my way up from the MFP amount to the % below TDEE amount in the hope that I won't gain back too much.
  • Strawberry Salad: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/15171/strawberry+salad I usually substitue the blue cheese for feta and add a chorizo sausage that has been sliced and grilled. My version feeds six people and has 157 cals per serve. I like Chang's Noodle Salad:…
  • Oh thank goodness there's someone else who hates bananas. I am so with you there... And I hate capsicum (peppers) too - it contaminates everything it touches. Even if I take it off a slice of pizza or something, I can still taste it :sick:
  • Make sure that your main meals you have are healthy and filling, then you will be less likely to be hungy afterwards. Anytime you feel hungy, drink a big glass of water first. Then if you still feel hungry after that, allow yourself to have a healthy snack. If you are snacking due to boredom or habit, rather than hunger,…
  • On my work days. I usually have the same breakfast and lunch, so I pre-log those. I also try and plan my evening meals throughout the week, so if I know that I have e.g beef strips in the fridge for tonight, then I will pre-log e.g. stir fry for tea. It gives me a good idea of how many calories I have left for the day and…
  • I'm a mum of two, looking to lose 31kg (approx. 70 lbs). Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Lettuce (10 cals) with a bit of honey mustard (17 cals). Nom nom nom.
  • Started a month ago and have lost almost 5kg (11lbs) so far.
  • Firstly I drink a big glass of water to see if this will curb my appetite. Then I try to do someting to distract me like going for a walk, reading a book, housework, anything to keep my mind off food. I also paint my nails with nail polish. I can't snack on food with wet nails :wink: If all else fails and I am still…
  • I like to cook pork steaks in a non-stick fry pan. Just before they are done, spread some seeded mustard, spring onions and a small amount of grated cheese on top of each steak and cover the pan for a minute or two. The cheese should melt down over the steak and it tastes great with the mustard and spring onion.
  • Sort of - I save up a few extra calories over 3 or 4 days e.g. 200 per day and then have 1 day a week where I will use them up on top of my normal daily calorie amount e.g. have 2000 calories that day instead of 1400. This is especially handy if you know you are going out for tea on a Saturday night or have a party coming…
  • Is there any way you can hide some vegies in your food? I make bolognaise sauce with grated carrot & zucchini in it, and quiche with grated zucchini too. You can't even taste them in there. Make sure you weigh/measure all your food before eating it. You might guess that a potato only weighs 100 grams, but then be quite…
  • Oh, sorry, I'll try to keel over somewhere else then :ohwell: