

  • I know people will argue this, but it's not a matter of what you eat, it's a mater of how much you eat of it. I wouldn't' worry too much about eating junk once in a while. As long as you stay under your goal you should loose. http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html If you are starting to flat…
  • I have to second the Watermellon suggestion!! Really makes you feel full and all you gain is water weight, which you loose after peeing a few times ;) Last night I ate a half of watermelon - felt absolutly stuffed and didn't want to eat anything else the rest of the night. I weighed my self before going to bed and I was…
  • All you need is your desire to succeed, there is no magic pill. And your right - IMO it;s a lot of cash that no one has. As for a nutritionist, there is all kinds of information already out there on the net - you can read everything they are going to tell you.
  • Start small then raise your goals as you progress. For example, cut that subway sandwich to one foot long and a half, cut your breakfast burritos to 3 instead of 4. Then after you get use to that, drop it to 2 and so on. The key here is not to set your self up for failure - far too often dieters set their goals way to high…
  • I think people asking is just a way to let you know that your had work has not gone un-noticed. Loosing the weight is nothing to be ashamed of, I'd tell it to the world!
    in Do you tell? Comment by Jassper May 2011
  • Sounds more like a food allergy to me - Possibly peanut oil?
  • As long as you stay above the 1200 you should be fine. I know I feel starved at times as well. One thing that helps is to eat more proteins, eggs, nuts, meats, are just a few. Sugars help also, maybe some dark chocolate to boost your HDL as well! :)
  • Double check your calorie count. If you truly cut back to 1200 calories plus added exercise, you should have dropped at least 5 lbs by now. Are you sure you are not cheating yourself? What do you typically eat a day now?
  • It's bad for 2 reason. 1. it lowers your metabolism so you burn calories slower. It will take you longer to reach your goal and possible cause issues with other internal organs along the way because they are not getting the calories they need each day. 2. Once all your fatty tissue is gone, it burns lean tissue (muscle) So…
  • It burns about the same amount of calories as walking at a med pace, ~2.0 mph.
    in Mowing! Comment by Jassper April 2011
  • Oranges, have their own wrapper as well, and apples you can eat the wrapper.
    in Bananas Comment by Jassper March 2011
  • He was just at the vet about a month ago. The Vet was pleased with his weight loss. Then he was 16.5 but I will keep an eye on it. I will weigh him tonight and see where he is at now as I am betting he is down to 15 now. EDIT 3lb loss in 3 months Don't seem that alarming is it?
  • Nothing different for him, he eats the same thing he always have. We have 3 cats total and the other 2 seem to be the same although they aren't really over weight to begin with.
  • Peanuts and Cashews are a good source of protein as well beneficial to your heart (unsalted), and if you want to boost your HDL at the same time, Almonds. I useually have a handfull of nuts before working out, then a nice garden salid after, topped with sunflower seeds and/or shaved almonds. Weekends I useually eat more…
  • Roughly? Make sure you know. You must track your calorie intake, check calories on your foods and most importantly the Serving Size. Usually a serving size is way less than what we eat. For instance Club crackers are only 90 calories! BUT, that is a 4 cracker serving. Who eats only 4 crackers? Your Bike lies! All machines…
  • Obviously once the weight is lost you must maintain, thats true with any diet. Anyone who thinks all they need to do is loose 60lbs and then go right back to the way they use to eat and expect to keep it off has an ID-1OT Error. You must eat less than you burn or you will gain it back - even if eating healthy.
  • I think this sums it up, Weight loss is also a mental game, If you don't feel good about how you loos the weight (aka "skinny fat") then your not going to feel good about yourself, there for not keep it off. Moderation is the key factor to any thing. and this, Regardless of how you loose the weight, it is most important to…
  • How about a 10" scar down the center of your chest at age 42? Thats my motivation.
  • Drinking less water make your body retain it. Always drink lots of water. It's the same with Cal, if your body don't get enough it will retain it as much as it can. Also, drinking lots of water keeps your kidneys clean and your bladder in shape. Watch your salt intake as well. High sodium foods also make your body retain…