Less calories, more exercise and still no weight loss! :(



  • gdbrindley
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Since you have so little to lose you need to stop trying to lose 2 pounds per week. Go back to 1/2 or 1 pound a week and you will find the goal calories are higher, but it will help you lose weight better for those pounds.

    The thing is a person with lots of fat to lose can handle a large calorie deficit. The less you have to lose, the smaller the deficit your body can handle. The concern is that at such a large deficit with only 13 pounds to lose (unless I did my math wrong) you will not lose fat but muscle, and losing will be very hard.

    Finally, what sort of exercise are you using? I would suggest against aerobics and instead do either interval training or resistance training or some combination of the two. You don't need a gym to do that either. Resistance training can include doing body weight exercises that will strengthen your muscles. Don't worry about "bulking" up. It is unlikely you will do that because you are female. Even for men it is really difficult to put on lots of muscle quickly without certain chemical assistance, for women doubly so.

    For more information in interval training check out intervaltraining.net and on bodyweight exercises bodyweightculture.com
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.
  • elizabeth9474
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.

    Im not sure if its setup for EVERY body type, 1200 cal a day to me, sounds like aLOT
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    Confused on the 1200 cal intake. My doctor has informed me that someone as tiny as me, with as much weight as I need to lose should aim for 1,000 cal day? You think this will put me in starvation mode?

    That sounds extreme - how tall are you? Remember - not all doctors are weight loss experts.
  • birdy27
    birdy27 Posts: 2
    Thank you so much everyone for all your replies!

    As stupid as it sounds I just thought that as long as i stayed below 1,200 calories I would lose weight. What you have all said makes perfect sense and I'm definitely going to change my ways.

    You are all so helpful. Thank you so so much!!

    Jackie x
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.

    Im not sure if its setup for EVERY body type, 1200 cal a day to me, sounds like aLOT

    You didn't give us any stats to go by. Age, weight, height. If you do eat 1000 as per doc, you should eat the 1000 plus calories you burn from exercise. And if you only eat 1000 cals it has to be very clean, every calories should be nutritious, as you will not be able to meet your needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc, unless you make every single calorie count.
  • elizabeth9474
    Confused on the 1200 cal intake. My doctor has informed me that someone as tiny as me, with as much weight as I need to lose should aim for 1,000 cal day? You think this will put me in starvation mode?

    That sounds extreme - how tall are you? Remember - not all doctors are weight loss experts.

    I'm 5'1" and he has his OWN weight loss program that includes phentremine supplements, but I will STAY wired if I take them, so I've been trying to do it w/o taking them and just taking B12 supplements.
  • doutri2
    doutri2 Posts: 186 Member

    I saw the above excerpt on GMA this morning from Dr. Oz. I think it is worth checking out.

    I have heard this advice about exercising before eating breakfast and I actually used to do this with running, but I got away from it. I think I need to revisit this practice.

    I also need to go to bed earlier.
  • elizabeth9474
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.

    Im not sure if its setup for EVERY body type, 1200 cal a day to me, sounds like aLOT

    You didn't give us any stats to go by. Age, weight, height. If you do eat 1000 as per doc, you should eat the 1000 plus calories you burn from exercise. And if you only eat 1000 cals it has to be very clean, every calories should be nutritious, as you will not be able to meet your needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc, unless you make every single calorie count.

    So eat 1200 cal + burn 200 calories walking = a Net 1000 calories?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.

    Im not sure if its setup for EVERY body type, 1200 cal a day to me, sounds like aLOT

    You didn't give us any stats to go by. Age, weight, height. If you do eat 1000 as per doc, you should eat the 1000 plus calories you burn from exercise. And if you only eat 1000 cals it has to be very clean, every calories should be nutritious, as you will not be able to meet your needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc, unless you make every single calorie count.

    So eat 1200 cal + burn 200 calories walking = a Net 1000 calories?

  • Jassper
    Jassper Posts: 25
    I have roughly been eating this amount daily and everyday I've been using an exercise bike which says that I've burnt 500 calories! So I should be well below by daily intake as this nets off to about 700 calories. Often we eat more than we "think" we do.

    Roughly? Make sure you know.
    You must track your calorie intake, check calories on your foods and most importantly the Serving Size. Usually a serving size is way less than what we eat. For instance Club crackers are only 90 calories! BUT, that is a 4 cracker serving. Who eats only 4 crackers?

    Your Bike lies! All machines use an "average" calorie scale but the actual amount varies on current body weight. Your 500 calories it says you burnt might only be 300. The less you weight the less you burn but the bike will go by the average programed which is probably less/more than what you actually do. I try to burn 1200 cal on my elip but I am probably actually burning about 800 cal. If your not loosing something, then decrease your intake, or increase your workout - or a little of both.

    Next - watch your salt intake and drink lots of water. Water flushes out the salt which makes you retain water. Sounds funny I know but salt is an absorbent, it soaks up water like a sponge (thats how it melts the ice). the more sodium you have in your system, the more water you will retain. I can gain a pound over night by eating a salty bag of popcorn.

    Last persistence. When I started I went 3 weeks also an not a thing. Then suddenly I dropped 2.5 lbs! Then 1 Pound there after. until recently when I hit another 3 week streak of 155.8 every day. I finally broke that and am now currently at 154.0
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Confused on the 1200 cal intake. My doctor has informed me that someone as tiny as me, with as much weight as I need to lose should aim for 1,000 cal day? You think this will put me in starvation mode?

    That sounds extreme - how tall are you? Remember - not all doctors are weight loss experts.

    I'm 5'1" and he has his OWN weight loss program that includes phentremine supplements, but I will STAY wired if I take them, so I've been trying to do it w/o taking them and just taking B12 supplements.

    Your doctor is wrong. 1200 calories is the minimum to keep your body about starvation mode (i.e. holding onto everything its got because it doesn't know when/if it'll get enough food) and still perform basic function, etc.

    I took phentermine once several years ago at the suggestion of a doctor (this was before they outlawed stuff like phen phen etc)---and felt like I was high on meth. (I would know how that feels as I tried it a handful of times in college). My heart raced, I had the jitters, my hands were clammy, etc. That stuff is not healthy.

    MFP already builds in a calorie deficit when you put in your goals. If you're netting only 700-1000 calories, that's not healthy and also why your body isn't letting go of excess weight.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    The last time I was really fit and trim I had started running and training for a local 7 mile race. I was losing weight before I started and was looking to lose just a few more pounds. I never did lose any weight after I started running but I looked amazing! I even had a bit of a six pack visable!!

    I wasn't tracking calories then but I would guess I was eating about 1200 although I probably should've been eating more. I was starting to experience odd things like while running in 90 degree weather I would get chills and goosebumps. Not good things when I googled it later.

    I'm slowly getting back down but I know it was extremely hard to maintain at that size so my goal is more to look similar to what I was but eating better and taking better care of my body. I only have a *goal weight* as a rough estimate of what I previously looked like and felt like at that weight.
  • gdbrindley
    Sorry.....48 years old....about 5"6....150 lbs......
  • gdbrindley
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.

    Im not sure if its setup for EVERY body type, 1200 cal a day to me, sounds like aLOT

    You didn't give us any stats to go by. Age, weight, height. If you do eat 1000 as per doc, you should eat the 1000 plus calories you burn from exercise. And if you only eat 1000 cals it has to be very clean, every calories should be nutritious, as you will not be able to meet your needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc, unless you make every single calorie count.

    So eat 1200 cal + burn 200 calories walking = a Net 1000 calories?


    Sorry.....48 years old.....5"6.....150 lbs.......because of cardio workouts I'm always under my 1200 calories.....I'm thinking either my body is in starvation mode or because of the lifting weights I'm gaining more muscle, hence no loss in weight....probably just best to throw the scale out!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I totally understand your frustration. I'm in the same boat as you. I under my 1200 calories everyday, working out 6 days a week (6 days of cardio, and 3 days of lifting weights and have not dropped a single pound in 3 weeks!

    Eat more, The program on MFP is set up the way it is for a reason, it works.

    Im not sure if its setup for EVERY body type, 1200 cal a day to me, sounds like aLOT

    You didn't give us any stats to go by. Age, weight, height. If you do eat 1000 as per doc, you should eat the 1000 plus calories you burn from exercise. And if you only eat 1000 cals it has to be very clean, every calories should be nutritious, as you will not be able to meet your needs for vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc, unless you make every single calorie count.

    So eat 1200 cal + burn 200 calories walking = a Net 1000 calories?


    Sorry.....48 years old.....5"6.....150 lbs.......because of cardio workouts I'm always under my 1200 calories.....I'm thinking either my body is in starvation mode or because of the lifting weights I'm gaining more muscle, hence no loss in weight....probably just best to throw the scale out!
    You would not be gaining muscle on a caloric deficit diet, so count that out. Try upping your caloires slowly by 100/day stay there for a few weeks then add another 100, keep doing this until things start moving for you again.