Daily calories and eating healthy?

snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
Here is my dilemma. I am not the strictest eater. You will find junk food in my food diary on quite a few occasions. Personally I think its part of the reason I have slowed weight loss. My question is:

How can you FILL 1700 calories with a good amount of protein in a day without eating when you aren't hungry? Anybody encounter this situation? I would have to start drinking and eating food when I am not hungry at all and it confuses me because I am not hungry but still am about 500 or so calories short. This is a part of the reason I consume random soda here or there or sweet coffee drinks (mostly nonfat... I am going easy most of the time). I can spare all those calories I have left but wasn't hungry to need to eat them! The end of the night rolls around and I still have room for bad stuff in my diary :(

Suggestions or advice on how you may have fixed this?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Here is my dilemma. I am not the strictest eater. You will find junk food in my food diary on quite a few occasions. Personally I think its part of the reason I have slowed weight loss. My question is:

    How can you FILL 1700 calories with a good amount of protein in a day without eating when you aren't hungry? Anybody encounter this situation? I would have to start drinking and eating food when I am not hungry at all and it confuses me because I am not hungry but still am about 500 or so calories short. This is a part of the reason I consume random soda here or there or sweet coffee drinks (mostly nonfat... I am going easy most of the time). I can spare all those calories I have left but wasn't hungry to need to eat them! The end of the night rolls around and I still have room for bad stuff in my diary :(

    Suggestions or advice on how you may have fixed this?

    i am netting about 1700 at the moment, if you wanna friend me you can have a look in my diary - i am not the cleanest of eaters either! I aim for 100g of protein, doesnt always happen, but i havent done so bad recently!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try drinking some of your calories. Make a protein shake or smoothie, or have a glass of milk, these options will give you calories and protein but will not fill you up to much.
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    whole milk sounds like a good option!
  • tjm615
    tjm615 Posts: 11
    peanut butter
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Already some good suggestions :) Thanks so much guys. I have to start being strict again, all these sugary items are slowing my weight loss and I know if I had less calories to spare on them they wouldn't be in my diet because I am really good at sticking to my daily allowance limit.
  • SteelersFan7
    SteelersFan7 Posts: 217 Member
    Try drinking some of your calories. Make a protein shake or smoothie, or have a glass of milk, these options will give you calories and protein but will not fill you up to much.

    I mix protein powder with 2% milk and I love it. Good source of protein and calcium.
  • Jassper
    I know people will argue this, but it's not a matter of what you eat, it's a mater of how much you eat of it. I wouldn't' worry too much about eating junk once in a while. As long as you stay under your goal you should loose.


    If you are starting to flat line, then change up your work out. Add some weights or some other resistance type workout.
  • nothingisred
    peanut butter


    I have been having a similar problem, I've been finding that after dinner I'm pretty full but my net is still low, so I have started having a spoonful or two of peanut butter, usually when I get home from work before I go to the gym to boost my net a bit.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I NEVER waste cals on sugary drinks like coke/juice. I just can't see the point when I can drink water/diet coke.

    I was just in the exact same situation before. 500 cals to go, needed some more protein. Got 200ml of fat free greek yoghurt, 1 scoop whey, serving sf choc fudge pudding mix and topped with low fat ice cream. Hard pressed to find a more delicious protein filled dessert IMO!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Get rid of everything diet or light. Eat real cheese, full fat dairy, butter instead of margarine,... Taht alone should add a few calories to your total without you having to eat more. :)