sandmama Member


  • I concentrate on hitting my protein macro and don't go over carbs that way. Maybe a piece of toast or a half sandwich each day, one serving of fruit (rest are lots of veggies) I try to aim for at least 15 grams of protein at each meal/snack. Carbs just seem to fall into place that way.
  • I order off the daily fresh fish menu, make sure it is grilled. I order with a side of extra steamed veggies, no rice. I eat one biscuit and then put the basket at the opposite end of the table! I also love to add baby shrimp to the salad, always get my dressing on the side and dip my fork tines in it before each bite.
  • I have learned what I can and CAN'T have in the house. I hate going out of town because I have so much less control. I hardly buy any snacks for the kids now (they need fruits/veggies too). No more crackers, cookies, candy, cakes etc. ANY of my trigger foods. I don't even bake anymore. I am not a moderate only person and I…
  • I love my food scale, it makes me feel like I am eating a decent amount of food and I have not been hungry while using it. 4 oz of chicken is actually quite a bit! I measured a cup of pasta and it looked tiny in the cup, I always felt deprived (emotionally, even if I wasn't actually hungry). When I see the 8oz measured out…
  • I have some in the garden right now. First time growing it. Getting ready to eat some in a few days, so nice to know you like it!
  • Starvation mode is bunk! A calorie deficit is a calorie deficit. I would look at a couple of things...How much protein are you eating a day and are you weighing your food? Have your eating habits changed and your sodium is way up?
  • I have a little list of things I can grab quick when we are out and I forgot to bring a protein bar or the kids tell me they are starving! I just keep it in my wallet. Usually though I will opt for 2 crunchy taco's at Taco Bell for about 300 calories or a Fruit/Maple Oatmeal at McDonald's. Both will hold me over until the…
  • I Love, Love, Love a 35 calorie Laughing Cow Cheese wedge on my sandwiches as a spread. One wedge is the perfect size.
  • I love Costco's protein shakes. 30 grams. Under $30 for a big pack. Ready to drink. Taste good.
  • That's how I lost 30 pounds along with a diet deficit. It wasn't even super fast. I put both kids on their bikes, the Chihuahua on a leash and we would walk 2 miles around the neighborhood every evening.
  • If you still have room...I'm IN!!!!
  • Thanks! Figured spot reducing wouldn't really work. Been doing lots of cardio, need to figure out a way to get in some weights.
  • What a super neat idea!! Got some fabric sitting around that has been itching to make a quilt. I don't have much time with 4 kids at home so haven't quilted hardly at all the last 2 years. If I only have to do a few blocks at a time I think I can make that work. With how much I have to lose I can make an big one for my…
  • Add me too! SAHM of 4. My oldest is 17 and my youngest is 3 months. I log on every day :-)
  • Please add me! Username: Sandmama Started with 70 pounds to lose, have 55ish left!