

  • 36 days for me. Time flies by fast. O_o
  • I chose the U.S Navy for several reasons. 1.) I'm way better at swimming then digging a fox hole. 2.) I like the traveling/exploration aspect of the Navy. (Only 3% of the Ocean has been explored. That leaves 97% still unexplored.) 3.) My entire family line has been traditionally an Army family going all the way back to the…
    in Why Navy?? Comment by dirtyd89 June 2013
  • I've got 42 days left.
  • I learned by looking at myself in the mirror and pretending that it's my recruiter staring me in the face in a yelling angry expression telling me to answer Sentry Orders. Also add in some pain that helps with memorization. Every answer you get wrong you do push ups. Trust me pain helps to remember many things. Then again…
  • I'm an E-1 right now. Working on studying for the START Guide. Getting tested on the whole book by my next DEP Meeting 20130612. Once I pass the test I'll be promoted to E-2. (Guaranteed.) Hopefully I can get some referrals and get promoted to E-3 before basic.
  • Running takes months to improve. Took me 5-6 months to get where I'm at now. Longest Running Distance: 10 miles Average Running Distance: 8 miles Fastest Speed: 6 minutes/mile. Do burpees, leg work outs, practice controlled breathing and keep practicing. You'll get in no time.
  • I simply say f*** the haters and continue working out.
  • What did you do to lose the loose skin if you had any at all?
  • My rewards are achieving my goals, being fit and making it into the Navy. :D
  • Better idea if you don't want to have a baby you can always adopt. There's plenty of orphans (babies/kids) out there that need homes and parents to care for them. That way you still have a child to take care of minus the child birth/gaining of weight. Amazing how no one thinks of me but me. :D
  • I'm also repulsed. One of the many reasons I've chose never to eat that type of food again. I've been fast food free going on 6 years now and don't plan on stopping for the rest of my life.
  • In the past: -Burger King: ex.) Double Bacon Cheese Burger, Large Fries and Large Dr. Pepper. -Taco Bell: ex.) Crunchy Taco (3X), Cinnamon Twists and Large Mountain Dew. -KFC: ex.) Fried Chicken Strips, medium Mashed Potatoes & Gravy and Large A&W Root Beer. Though I've given up soda and fast food going on 6 years strong…
  • $ac Town represent! 916
  • Reese's Cups. Peanut Butter + Chocolate = Best combo ever! :D
  • Water fluctuation. Water can affect your weight by 5-6 lbs daily but once flushed out you'll be back to your normal weight. Take me from me I drink 1 gallon of water per day.
  • I weigh myself every 2 days.
  • @Mama_: Thank you for the advice. I'll take it to heart, Much appreciated.
  • @Samantha: That's really impressive. Keep in mind every test is different. I've taken 8 full practice ASVAB tests before I took the official test at MEPS and got a 55. (Wish I had my highest recorded score of 66.) Keep studying as much as possible. Practice taking the test with a timer it helps to stay calm under pressure…
  • @Raine: Very good sir. My friend (Eddie) is in the process of joining the U.S Air Force with the intention of being an officer. I gave him all of my study books for the ASVAB he'll do well. He's in graduate school right now so once he finishes that schooling he wants to join and has the potential to be a Commissioned…
  • @Tanoka: Actually my recruiters are pretty cool and straight forward about what their doing. I'd say the only lie I heard was by the CNO telling me to pick any job because of the Navy cut backs. Truthfully I don't buy it. Also if they were having cut backs they wouldn't be recruiting more people into the Navy. Yeah I'm…
  • @mrphil86: I'm still looking over all of my options. I had a several ideas of what I'd like to do. Rate: I was told because I scored pretty good on the ASVAB and have some college background I could graduate basic as an E-3 (Seaman). MOS: 1.) V.B.S.S (Vessel. Board. Search. Seizure.) 2.) Aviation 3.) Fire, Emergency &…
  • Best: "Your commitment will lead you to many great opportunities." (That goes for everything in life.) "Looking good. Can you give me advice on how to get started?" (I'm always free to help out others once in a while.) "What are you doing differently? How can I adjust what I'm doing to get your results?" (I tell people…
  • I've got many... -Kids. (I'm not taking care of another man's kids and risk having to constantly deal with that past drama with those kids father. F*** it!) -Smoker. (Drop you on the spot.) -Too many tattoos & piercings. (Some tattoos & piercings are fine but if your a walking painting I find that unattractive.)…
  • Running takes months to improve on. I started out the same as you ran a mile in 15 minutes. Now I'm down to running a mile in 6 minutes. I go from running 1 mile to running at the most 12 miles (highest) and average 8 miles/day. It takes practice and time to improve on but you'll get there.
  • A lot of things. -Limiting my dairy. -Giving up cereal. (I miss you Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.) -Giving up soda. (By far the hardest. I miss you Dr. Pepper.) etc.
  • Skim milk by far way less fat. Though I suppose if you want some fat in your milk then 1% would be a good option too. (Better then whole & 2% milk in that regard.) I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you want to cut down skim milk is a great option if you want some good fats but not too much go with 1% milk.
  • @Lindsay: Trolling: Internet term which describes someone making rude, off topic or nasty comments to get an emotional rise out of someone. My comments section I'm referring to is this topic post I'm making not the entire site in general.
  • Yep. Sacramento, CA ($ac Town) Represent. :D
  • You could shop at a Farmer's Market for your fruit/vegetables way more affordable, quality is better and you've got more variety. (Here in California where I live we have that option.) To cut down on things like protein (meat) and so forth you could buy it straight from the butcher and prepare it yourself. (Yeah it's a…
  • Grilled Chicken, Greek Salad and Water. Oh wait I'm having that tonight. I'm in heaven.