Whole milk or skimmed milk?

I've recently upped my calories from the measley 1000 I was stupidly eating to a healthier 20% cut from TDEE at 1900..

I'm having a bit of trouble hitting my calorie number with healthy foods, so one swap I've made is from using skimmed milk in my protein shakes to whole milk...

Question is, is this okay? I understand there's more fat in whole milk, but is it a good healthy fat that I shouldn't worry about?

The rest of my calories are used on things such as protein shakes, oatmeal, berries, almonds, peanut butter, eggs, salmon, chicken & vegetables. Oh and Greek yogurt.


  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Skim milk by far way less fat.
    Though I suppose if you want some fat in your milk then 1% would be a good option too.
    (Better then whole & 2% milk in that regard.)
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you want to cut down skim milk is a great option if you want some good fats but not too much go with 1% milk.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I always drink whole milk. Fats in milk are good for you. That's a very healthy way to increase your calories.
  • Just keep in mind that skim milk has more sugar. Usually when something is removed, like fat. Something else is added, like sugar and carbs. Just depends on what works for you, your body and your eating choices. I drink organic 2% because I do not want a lot of fat or sugar. So 2% for me is a happy medium.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Just keep in mind that skim milk has more sugar. Usually when something is removed, like fat. Something else is added, like sugar and carbs. Just depends on what works for you, your body and your eating choices. I drink organic 2% because I do not want a lot of fat or sugar. So 2% for me is a happy medium.
    skimmed milk doesn't have sugar added (at least not in the UK, can't speak for elsewhere) - it just has a higher proportion of the natural sugar that's present in all milk (lactose), because of the fat that 's been taken away.

    OP - i'd say switching to whole milk is a great way to increase your calories.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Full-fat dairy is good for you. Sugar isn't really added to skim or lower fat milk, it's just when they remove the cream, the percentage of lactose (milk sugar) is higher.
  • Dont drink any animals milk, drink soya, rice or oat milk. I have lost a stone and a half in the last six months by cutting out all dairy and meat products and i look healthier too.
  • Dont drink any animals milk, drink soya, rice or oat milk. I have lost a stone and a half in the last six months by cutting out all dairy and meat products and i look healthier too.

    I'm glad that worked FOR YOU, but don't assume it will work for everyone else. :grumble:

    OP: I like skim milk personally because whole milk makes me gag. However, if you want ways to meet your calorie intake, whole milk may be the better option.
  • rcaruthie
    rcaruthie Posts: 28 Member
    Many nutritionists will recommend using whole milk - it is a good change to make IMO.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Question is, is this okay? I understand there's more fat in whole milk, but is it a good healthy fat that I shouldn't worry about?

    Yes. It is good for you. Particularly if you're upping your calories and need more fat in your diet.

    The only fats I would caution against is trans fats.
  • I am a milk lover...but while trying to lose weight, I switched to UNSWEETENED Almond Milk (SILK), and UNSWEETENED Coconut Milk (SO). They have much less calories, sugar, and sodium. The Almond Milk has extra Calcium. I even dilute these with water when I get thirsty, or want a hot drink. When not doing the weight loss thing...SKIM would be the choice if I go back to COWS MILK. :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Dont drink any animals milk, drink soya, rice or oat milk. I have lost a stone and a half in the last six months by cutting out all dairy and meat products and i look healthier too.

  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    Unsweetened almond milk!!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Have you considered soy milk?

    Whole cow's milk has 146 calories per serving. It's macro ratio is 30/49/21.

    Unsweetened soy milk has 120 calories per serving. It's macro ratio is 15/45/40.

    So if you switched to soy milk, you'd get a comparable amount of calories but twice the protein!

    If you want to split it into good and bad fats, the fat in milk is a high percentage of saturated fat. It's the exact same fat that's in butter (butter is just isolated milk fat). Do you consider butter a healthy fat?

    I actually don't think milk fat is necessarily unhealthy in moderation but I suggest you do some research for yourself because there's a lot of conflicting advice out there. But anyway, if you want a protein boost, try soy milk!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I am a milk lover...but while trying to lose weight, I switched to UNSWEETENED Almond Milk (SILK), and UNSWEETENED Coconut Milk (SO). They have much less calories, sugar, and sodium. The Almond Milk has extra Calcium. I even dilute these with water when I get thirsty, or want a hot drink. When not doing the weight loss thing...SKIM would be the choice if I go back to COWS MILK. :)
    OP is trying to increase calories, not lower them.
  • NWLARealtor57
    NWLARealtor57 Posts: 34 Member
    My favorite milk is Almond Breeze unsweetened original or vanilla , it is great in protein shakes and smoothies! No sugar and only 1 carb per 8 oz. I haven't bought regular milk in almost 2 years now.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Dont drink any animals milk, drink soya, rice or oat milk. I have lost a stone and a half in the last six months by cutting out all dairy and meat products and i look healthier too.

    Promoting veganism as a weight loss diet is misleading at best. Being vegan doesn't stop you from over eating, and it doesn't fill your body with magic happy unicorns that eat your fat away while you sleep.

    You lost weight because during your switch you reduced your caloric intake. This makes sense if you were eating a lot of full-fat animal products before and replaced them with a load of veggies and legumes like a lot of us do in the beginning (and you don't have to be vegan to do that, either).

    This is a health and fitness forum, it makes sense to talk about the cardiovascular benefits of a whole-food plant-based diet (or how it makes staying under your calorie goal easier because it's loaded with filling low calorie foods, fiber and protein and lower in fat) but it does not make sense to come here waving a flag for veganism like it's a magic cure for obesity.

  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    almond milk
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    I don't like the way skim milk tastes.. it's so watery and the slight blue tint to it is weird. lol. I personally like 1% and occasionally 2% if that's all that's in the house. My kids drink whole and on rare occasion I've used that but I look at it like a treat.
  • combatbunny
    combatbunny Posts: 42 Member
    I drink soy silk. It tastes incredible and is full of vitamins and nutrients and is less fatty then animal milk. Cow's milk just smells and tastes sour to me now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Have you considered soy milk?

    Whole cow's milk has 146 calories per serving. It's macro ratio is 30/49/21.

    Unsweetened soy milk has 120 calories per serving. It's macro ratio is 15/45/40.

    So if you switched to soy milk, you'd get a comparable amount of calories but twice the protein!

    If you want to split it into good and bad fats, the fat in milk is a high percentage of saturated fat. It's the exact same fat that's in butter (butter is just isolated milk fat). Do you consider butter a healthy fat?

    I actually don't think milk fat is necessarily unhealthy in moderation but I suggest you do some research for yourself because there's a lot of conflicting advice out there. But anyway, if you want a protein boost, try soy milk!

    The OP is trying to get more calories, not less because she's having difficulty achieving her calorie goal.

    OP...yes, switching to whole milk is a good thing so long as you're keeping your overall saturated fats in check. I personally do 2%, but I don't do a whole lot of dairy...it is a very minimal part of my diet.

    I recommend cooking with some olive oil...olive oil is chalk full of heart healthy monounsaturated fats....sounds like you're already doing the nuts and nut butters. I'd also recommend some avocado...lots of nutrients and health benefits associated with avocado.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I drink 1% milk. Sometimes I crave whole milk and I will drink it then. I would not do skim milk at all. You do need some fat.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    People keep repeating that whole milk is good for you...Since when?
  • ichoose2believe
    ichoose2believe Posts: 108 Member
    I would say switch to something like 1% or 2% first it has the calories and the fat and the taste is a bit closer to what you are use to drinking skim milk. We stick with 2% in our house for the most part everyone likes the taste and I feel its a good balance of healthy fats and nutrients. HTH.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I always drink whole milk. Fats in milk are good for you. That's a very healthy way to increase your calories.

    Agreed. Whole milk tastes lovely (coffee isn't the same without it!) and as long as you count the calories, you will be fine. It's a really good way to boost your calories (as is a spoon of coconut oil in your coffee, cream on your fruit and peanut butter eaten straight from the jar!). This whole obsession that others have with fat-free and/or no dairy has little basis in fact.
  • klhessling
    klhessling Posts: 48 Member
    Do what works best for your macros. I am always over on fat so I drink skim
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Have you considered soy milk?

    Whole cow's milk has 146 calories per serving. It's macro ratio is 30/49/21.

    Unsweetened soy milk has 120 calories per serving. It's macro ratio is 15/45/40.

    So if you switched to soy milk, you'd get a comparable amount of calories but twice the protein!

    If you want to split it into good and bad fats, the fat in milk is a high percentage of saturated fat. It's the exact same fat that's in butter (butter is just isolated milk fat). Do you consider butter a healthy fat?

    I actually don't think milk fat is necessarily unhealthy in moderation but I suggest you do some research for yourself because there's a lot of conflicting advice out there. But anyway, if you want a protein boost, try soy milk!

    It is not possible for me to agree more! I have a vegan relative who weighs 250 lbs. And it aint muscle. We do need some fats even the saturated fats. It is trans fat you need to worry about avoiding.
  • S_Arr_Uh
    S_Arr_Uh Posts: 77 Member
    Has everyone forgotten about semi-skimmed milk? Middle ground!

    (Not that I drink it, but when I do drink milk, which is rare, I drink the blue-top milk that mum buys, so whole. But semi-skimmed isn't too bad to get accustomed to if you don't like skimmed and don't want to drink whole!)
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    I drink whole milk personally. It keeps me fuller longer, so I don't need a lot...and I really just use it in my coffee.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    The OP is trying to get more calories, not less because she's having difficulty achieving her calorie goal.

    OP...yes, switching to whole milk is a good thing so long as you're keeping your overall saturated fats in check. I personally do 2%, but I don't do a whole lot of dairy...it is a very minimal part of my diet.

    I recommend cooking with some olive oil...olive oil is chalk full of heart healthy monounsaturated fats....sounds like you're already doing the nuts and nut butters. I'd also recommend some avocado...lots of nutrients and health benefits associated with avocado.

    I know she's trying to increase her calories. She's concerned about the fat, so I was giving her an alternative that was close in calories that might fit her macros better.

    Seriously, it's only 26 less calories. o_O
  • mtfr810
    mtfr810 Posts: 136 Member
    I've never been much of a milk drinker. It fine for cereal and coffee, but not not just to drink. But if I had to drink it it has to be whole. Skim does nothing for me. Funny thing is I've always been a half & half guy in my coffee. That was one of the things I cut out to help reduce calories. I made the switch totally to unsweetened almond milk. I'm totally used to it now and actually really like it. I'll even drink it!