what is the hardest thing you find to give up



  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    A lot of things.
    -Limiting my dairy.
    -Giving up cereal.
    (I miss you Peanut Butter Captain Crunch.)
    -Giving up soda.
    (By far the hardest. I miss you Dr. Pepper.)
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Once I saw the results, NOTHING, not a GOT DAYUM THANG. I used to think I liked Stella Artois and Peroni, Coca Cola, Fries, Orange Juice, real pork sausage, hardcore brown sugar oatmeal, big macs, hot cheetos and takis,double stuff oreos, etc. etc. etc. I am still not quite where I want to be with my fatness, but anywhere I go I am the fittest person there (usually). Looking at myself in the mirror (for hours and hours and hours) and seeing my killer v-taper, my cobra lats, the baby pecs and baby triceps that are growing by leaps and bounds...much, much, much more satisfaction than eating a gallon of Dreyer's.
  • Sminat09
    Sminat09 Posts: 12
    Diet coke!! I know it is acceptable calorie wise but I want to drink it so much I sometimes miss out on enough water so have had to really limit it. Kinda sucks though!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I haven't had anything (lemon pound cake and mocha lattes) from Starbucks since I started, no cornbread biscuits from Cracker Barrel, no Coldstone, and no pecan rolls form Panera........well, I did have a pecan roll but I cut it in half. No soda, but then I wasn't a soda drinker when I started.......except when I'm sick and then it's ginger ale........which I still would have.

    I could fit these in, so it wasn't a conscious decision, but I think I realize that I could have so much MORE of other food for the cost of those calories that I just don't. And with eating out less, I can afford better fruit and produce; fallen in love with Whole Foods (otherwise known as Whole Paycheck).
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Bread & Splenda
  • Mistapholeezkat
    Mistapholeezkat Posts: 80 Member
    I haven't given up anything ..... except for quitting....I am no longer a quitter like I used to be. If I put a pound on I keep tracking, exercising, etc. I used to just quit if a pound came on and then totally go off my diet. Now I realize that if I keep it up usually the following week another pound comes off anyway. I eat everything I love but stick to my tracking and calorie count. If I have a piece of cake for 500 calories, that means the rest of the day I can only have 700, unless I earn some back.
  • sarahmcp3
    sarahmcp3 Posts: 31 Member
    Laziness for working out. And sometimes sweets.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I havent given up any particular food. I have given up eating for 3 people.
  • Agreed!!! Some days I just want to lock myself in my room with a bag of candy, some chips, and a two liter of Dr. Pepper, and eat until I don't even realize I'm putting things in my mouth.....=/