liscar Member


  • sometimes the spouse sabotages because of their own insecurities.....if you get all hot, fit, and sexy.....maybe you want them anymore Try getting him to join with you, to work out together, have fitness goals or challenges. Try taking the "we need to eat healthy" instead of "I'm on a diet". Maybe challenge each other to…
  • protein shake after your workouts - that's at least about 300 calories and it's a nice cool refreshing drink
  • weigh only once a day and take measurements....I've found that when the scale wont move, the tape measure does :) Also set some new goals.....walk 3 miles, etc. has a free site where you can set all kinds of goals --- distances, challenges, exercises etc.
  • This is the key right here! You NEED to eat your exercise calories --- type "eating exercise calories" in the search box under the community tab.
  • I lost a bunch of weight three years ago without exercising.....I wish I could show you pictures of then and would have all the motivation you need to go to gym lol. Seriously though, I lost weight -- fat and muscle will go if you aren't working out - I got wrinkly and saggy and old looking. I looked older then…
  • can't see the pictures - if your family is concerned, maybe go get a physical and see what a doctor says. If the doctor gives you a clean bill of health and says you are at a healthy weight then show your family whatever he gives you. If the doctor says you are too thin, you need to listen to that too :)
  • listen to her - she's awesome inspiration :)
  • no -- since you are limited in your exercise area, I would try to maintain the weight you are at for just a little bit longer, to kind of re-set your weight point. The problem stems from the difference between the calorie level you need to lose and the calorie level you need to maintain. As we get closer to our goal weight…
  • you are doing great - keep up the great work! People just try to help + when they see a high sodium level they assume it came out of a box. I wouldn't take it negatively - you are making WAY healthier choices than I bet you were back before you started, right? it's steps - and everyone is here to help and in the same boat.…
  • I would say go do some light cardio after everything has settled. Lots of water and eat light tomorrow. Try to keep binge foods out of the house as well. It's tough - I know. Try to balance it out with a positive action like going for a walk. Kudos for owning it on here :) good job!
  • If you don't lose it slow you look flabby when you lose it - so take your time max 2 pounds per week to look your best :) mix up your exercise choices to keep your body trying to adjust and keep your metabolism kicking :) also, try to increase your running mileage as well 10% per week will keep your metabolism on it's…
  • do you have Sprouts Markets in SoCal? if so, they make a sandwich that is healthy AND you tell them exactly what you want on it by filling out a form, only 3.49
  • I do ladders for increasing distance --- swim 100, rest 30 sec, swim 200, rest 30 sec, swim 300, rest 30 sec., swim 400, rest 30 sec, then go back down starting with 300 On there are a bunch of articles on drills. My favorite is kick 25, swim 25, pull buoy 25 and I do this like 12 times. Also,…
    in Swimming Comment by liscar April 2011
  • you know what I've found is that stuff like this normally turns out SO much better than you could have figured ---- look at the whole situation like a door is opening that you would never had opened because you were comfortable in your current job. While you are job hunting, look at that like an opportunity to work out…
  • go see a doctor to rule out bone spurs and the like........
  • I think you would find that if those "extra" calories were clean/healthy calories, this wouldn't happen AND you did not put on that much weight -- when we eat good, clean, healthy calories, and then throw in some ice cream....or my weakness chocolate covered raisins, those toxins (sugar, preservatives etc) cause our body…
  • invest in a heart rate monitoryou may have to start out so slow it feels like you are actually walking, but you have to train your heart to beat a little slower so you can breathe easier. BEST thing I ever did for exercising was getting a heart rate monitor. Couch to 5k program is fabulous, but if you are having problems…
  • you set a weekly goal of increasing your distance no more than 10%. One of your runs a week should be short but have sprint intervals in it. jog for 1min. sprint for 30 seconds and repeat several times. Try adding some walking into your long run so that you get the distance but not run the whole thing at first, trick your…
  • make a plan ---- I didn't gain once I quit, but I focused on eating good/clean foods and ramped up my exercise program. Set a goal like a 10k or something that will be more motivation to not smoke ---
    in I QUIT!!! Comment by liscar April 2011
  • Google Chi Running and watch those videos ---- spend several weeks cutting your mileage but focusing on form, form, form --- and forget how fast you run for a couple weeks, go slow and work on that Chi Running form....I have a torn disc and following their instruction, I can run. If you don't have one yet, go to running…
  • break through when I stopped losing, on top of the adding the interval/sprints to my run once a week, I make sure that my three main meals have some good carbs in them, and I have a healthy protein snack inbetween....planned out, there is at least 5 hours between all my meals that contain carbs (good only) I…
    in Stuck Comment by liscar March 2011
  • .Another thing to try would be to mix up your workout routine. If you are already running or cycling, add in some interval training/sprint workouts. If you aren't running or cycling, try adding that in - try a Zumba class or a spin class. Our body adjusts to our routines so we need to keep it on it's toes :) Make sure you…
    in Stuck Comment by liscar March 2011
  • you need multiple ways to measure your successes ....scale ...measuring tape are you're clothes fitting ....take another progress pic and compare My scale hasn't budged in a inches have for sure, and I'm down another size even though the scale hasn't moved.
    in Stuck Comment by liscar March 2011
  • well....there you go! right on!
  • I flip back and forth between music and podcasts........I love a great long run listening to several podcasts about nutrition, weight loss and triathlon training. my favorite lately is Two Gomers Run a Marathon those guys crack me up!
  • I flip back and forth between music and podcasts........I love a great long run listening to several podcasts about nutrition, weight loss and triathlon training. my favorite lately is Two Gomers Run a Marathon those guys crack me up!
  • I really only try to watch my sodium, sugars and try to keep my carbs in check. On things like Fiber, Potassium, Iron etc....I work to meet the minimum --- if I go over that's fine, these are good things and if my body can't use the extra, it will flush them in urine :)
    in AWW CRAP! Comment by liscar March 2011
  • you need to eat your exercise calories....if you start your day with 1200 allowed calories and you just went on a long run and burned 1200 calories, today you should be eating 2400 healthy calories....hope this helps