Just lost my job and can't stop eating crackers.....

I just found out my job has been dissolved and now I am crying and can't stop eating damn saltine crackers. I have sunk into a deep depression and i only started this a week ago and already lost 2 pounds. Sorry for dumping on everyone......any idea on how to get out of the dump and back on track?? Thanks for all the success stories, they are what motivated me in the first place.

Newbie on the block :)


  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    im sorry about your job.. :( You'll find another one though!! Just keep your head up..and atleast your not eating the BAD stuff. Saltines arent horrible.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    Hang in there !
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    okay - quite a shock...Now take a deep breath.

    It is all overwhelming to be sure. Just know that work situation will resolve it self with a new one soon.

    Crackers are fast carbs, which the body likes to feel an instant "goog". So, since you've had that, now go get some protein. All is not lost here with your food plan, just a plot point.

    Know that my best thoughts are with you, new job will be found and weight loss will continue. Be well, chin up!

  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Maybe you can redirect your frustration from eating to exercise?? Easier said then done, I know! I'm a stress eater for sure!
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    you know what I've found is that stuff like this normally turns out SO much better than you could have figured ---- look at the whole situation like a door is opening that you would never had opened because you were comfortable in your current job. While you are job hunting, look at that like an opportunity to work out more :) you can use going for a walk as a way to process your thoughts and think up creative stuff for your resume. Everytime something horrible like this has happened to me, I always look back and think "I hated that this happened to me at the time, but I'm SO glad it did or I wouldn't be where I am right now!"
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    keep reminding yourself WHY you are on MFP..i know losing a job blows, and hopefully you won't have too much trouble getting a new one..hang in there..best of luck
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    sorry about your job :flowerforyou:

    i lost mine in december and i know how you are feeling. it is really, really hard in the beginning (it was for me) because i had no structure and all i wanted to do was sleep. i found myself literally turning in circles around my house because i didn't know what to do.

    to stop that, i started writing things down as i would do if i were working - like to do lists for today and people to call, etc. then i started thinking of projects i had been putting off and decided to make some of them get completed. after a while, i was sort of back in a schedule and it helped a lot.

    you will find another job, but if it is possible take some time for YOU to decompress so you can go out there with a renewed spirit.

    i start my new job on monday. looking back i wish i would have worked out like the biggest loser every day since i was let go but that did not happen - LOL!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Deal with your emotion. Feel upset. Cry. Stop eating because is eating those saltines going to make the situation better? No. They are only going to make you feel worse. Why don't you go for a walk instead of eating to feel better. How about drinking some water and do some deep breathing. Do anything but eat. Emotional eating won't make things better no what you eat.

    After you have dusted yourself off, start looking for a new job. Get up and out there as soon as possible. Figure out your options. Move forward and you never know, you could find an even better job in the end.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    So Sorry about your job! Depression sucks I battle with it too... just remember that exercise releases endorphines which help to boost your mood. Eat the crackers for a little bit then put them away and go for a walk. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER! I have thought so hard about what I would do if I lost my job and I decided I think I would try to get a job at a gym because then I would have access to it with no excuses not to work out plus it would save me the money I spend in gym fees each month. I know that idea isn't or everybody but it's just my idea. Hope everything works out well for you on the job front but keep at it and keep exercising so you feel better.
  • ContinuousEffort
    We should be friends because I'm waiting to see if I will be laid off this Friday. I've been upset all morning. All of these suggestions are helping me too!!
    I think this is an opportunity to focus on yourself and health and exercise, plus you can think of what you want to do next! Change sometimes in the end turns out to be wonderful.
    Saltines aren't the worst thing to eat. Try to find other ways to soothe yourself right now that don't involve food. A hot bath? Call a friend over? Journal though this time to see how your emotions change?
    You are going through a big loss, but it will get better with time, and maybe even turn into something great in the future.
  • JeanK56
    JeanK56 Posts: 76
    Sorry for you loss. I can only agree with the others on how to keep motivated. Again, sorry.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Ahhhh I know how you feel..this happened to me April 2009 and I was a mess for awhile. Still at times I cry and cry but hey what can you do??? YOu can pick yourself up..dust yourself off and try try try!! Ad me as a friend and we can talk if you like
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Thanks everyone for some great tips!!!! You don't know just how many of us you are helping - I love this site!!